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Everything posted by desertbred

  1. dont you want to enter mate heard there are some cracking snow coursers over the water
  2. cant use night vision cos its proper daytime only but up to four dogs can be slipped at once any more wouldnt be fair on the slipper.Binoculars can be used to try to ascertain it is a milky doe your slipping on them bucks might be just that little bit to quick in a foot of snow,
  3. Right lads not for the faint hearted need to get in quick incase the snow diappears. Cant really run on the seed and daffodils. Rules none other than must have feathered ears that is owners doesnt matter about the dogs. If your dog kills your out winner will be the one who gets straightlined the most. Nothing younger then 5 months and no more than 7 season veteran. any one found giving law is out anyone slipping in turn is out use of catapults and ball bearings is allowed. Get your names in quick before the weather changes
  4. Do you think if you feed them before you course them it will be ok?If they are fit hows a dog supposed to catch them? think the catty and pug thier back leg is the way forward but where can you get a laser guided catty that isnt affected by the snow?
  5. they dont like it when the breeze rustles the grass better when its deadly quiet only the crunch of the snow drifts andthey arent as fast and easy to spot unless they are them whiteys and Oldham lad its only illegal if you are not a paid up member of the Daffodil coursing club or if you get caught
  6. especially anything to do with the kitchen lol
  7. Salukis and saluki x are highly strung individuals and dont take kindly to wrong handling especially harsh behaviour. You need to understand thier capabilities and short comings so the getting on thier wave length enables you to bring them to apoint where they are biddable but they will never be subservient as with a lot of other x.s
  8. Spot on Boyo thank f**k I have a lot more patience with my salukis than I do with people LOL
  9. Salukis work for themselves that is the basis of the deal the owner has with them , The lad who said the saluki brought a mouse to his wife the reason is that usually a saluki will attach itself to one persdon and considers that as its master unfortunately for you it looks like yours prefers your Mrs as for stock breaking thats a prefered taste dont stock break mine just extra careful where I run them.
  10. They had permission 50 miles away thats near enough in my book think the police have taken liberties and as you are so concerned about your estate give us the post code so will know which landmarks to look for happy hunting
  11. Keep the English where they arewhy would that be then to good
  12. at least you can run there legal try running one in England lol
  13. garlic is toxic to dogs my dog pinches the garlic of the shelf in the kitchen, I always find either a Clove in her bed or out in the garden! How toxic is it to dogs? :s Its a toxin. While it will take a lot to kill a good size dog but it can cause damage at much lower doses. Dogs simply shouldnt be given garlic or onions at all. we have fed garlic mixed in food for generations and it will not cause aneamia it helps to purify the blood and it doesnot destroy red blood cells.Also as said once in the dogs ciculatory system it helps to prevent flea and lice infestations,
  14. no saluki this should be interesting
  15. Will take some organising then Whats age group?Any age why restrict it if the dogs good enough its good enough irespective of age
  16. what is the slip rule if you see it you slip otherwise everyone looking for kickups
  17. it will be if they let a few from England in to run this time.
  18. probably them 7 months old pups that hatched out of the eggs
  19. that young lad must have been right brindles must be faster
  20. solid colour with brindle feathered ears and white socks usually fastest and born around the North east preferably working around 7/8 months old so had 3/4 months hard graft.
  21. has it been lying in a draughty place could be rheumatism in its neck or a trapped nerve , greyhounds are skitty but an ex track dog will be used to being handled regularly so touching its collar and yelping shows some neck or spinal problem it could also be someting around the throat preventing it eating properly get it to some one clued up about dogs or to one of them money grabbing vets the dog is in pain.
  22. dont worry about that KC lost interest when he found girls last year then his Mrs caught him and now hes back with the dogs LOL
  23. get Prince Philip on the shot gun he wouldnt give a f**k
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