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Everything posted by desertbred

  1. Some of the best working dogs ive seen and the longest healthiest lived were fed on everything lots feeding themselves at every opportunity from every food source lol
  2. what a load of Tosh. In Islam it is encumbant on Muslims that follow the Faith to Eaarn there own living. Yhe benefit system in Islam iscalled Bayt ul Mal the sick, the orphans and the Widows are the only ones who are supported by the state.. Islamic society is actively encouraged to have an extended family system where the old the sick those without income are supported within the family group. Well this is not islamic society is it, so I guess the rules change. Have you ever heard of muslims having different rules for infidels?I should add my own mother and a few other people I know very wel
  3. what a load of Tosh. In Islam it is encumbant on Muslims that follow the Faith to Eaarn there own living. Yhe benefit system in Islam iscalled Bayt ul Mal the sick, the orphans and the Widows are the only ones who are supported by the state.. Islamic society is actively encouraged to have an extended family system where the old the sick those without income are supported within the family group. Well this is not islamic society is it, so I guess the rules change. Have you ever heard of muslims having different rules for infidels?I should add my own mother and a few other people I know very wel
  4. what a load of Tosh. In Islam it is encumbant on Muslims that follow the Faith to Eaarn there own living. Yhe benefit system in Islam iscalled Bayt ul Mal the sick, the orphans and the Widows are the only ones who are supported by the state.. Islamic society is actively encouraged to have an extended family system where the old the sick those without income are supported within the family group. Well this is not islamic society is it, so I guess the rules change. Have you ever heard of muslims having different rules for infidels? They are probably on the same narow wave band as you with vis
  5. what a load of Tosh. In Islam it is encumbant on Muslims that follow the Faith to Earn there own living. The benefit system in Islam is called Bayt ul Mal or Zakat, the sick, the orphans and the Widows are the only ones who are supported by the state.. Islamic society is actively encouraged to have an extended family system where the old the sick those without income are supported within the family group. Those that pretend to be practicing Muslims and sponge and exploit welfare and benefit systems do not put into practice the islamic faith. In Middle Eastern lower and Middle class Society if
  6. America is a massive country and it was built on immigration, The ghettoisation of certain areas is directly attributable to Government and segragation Policies of a number of Democratic Governments . the racial tensions are not new they go back to the American Civil war. European laws Colonial Government are mainly responsible for African and Middle and Far East instability the African states at one time or another until quite recently were ruled governed and plundered by the European cultures being held up as examples of good Governance, One of the Main culprits for mass immigration was the
  7. Demographic changes aren't only a problem for one group of people, as you say it affects all groups. There was a government plan to exterminate the Natives though, disease brought from Europe killed most of them. Anyway we're going to see what the future holds for Europe by looking at the US and it's increasing racial tensions, if you replace the population there is no guarantee that everything that was American will still hold true with people with different values. The history of Europe is a lot longer than the history of America and immigration in Europe has gone on for a thousand
  8. A bit of a problem didnt the original Americans who were non white become a minority in there own Country? wasnt that due to Government intervention?
  9. i agree about the integration but the world has become totally accessible to all so no way will it ever be cultures remaining in their own back yards. Globalisation has been going on for generations and like perpetual motion it will not stop. Yes immigration laws need to be tougher and enforced all around the world but the basic differences are known to everyone except the Politicians ordinary folk have to find solutions for themselves .Waiting for the same people to solve the problems whose policies caused the mayhem is not one of the smartest moves that Societies make. The talk of Democracie
  10. Whenever ive been in the company of Muslims and the subject comes up.......this is about the standard reply i get......and in all fairness its hard to argue with or say any different.....im the first to admit i have a lot to learn about this culture its just giving it the credence to be a legitimate outlook on an entire race of people i have no desire to make welcome in my country that i struggle with....but maybe thats my problem. Have to admit its basic sound common sense reasoning though. I dont see any justification for guests in a Foreign country to act illegally or commit any Ac
  11. I cannot find the response I received from representative of the AWL regarding the representation but the gist of it was that the AWL had no seat or representation on the Council of Hunting Associations. The understanding I had was that the C/A had other priorities in Country activities way up the list above lurchers and running dogs.and basically we were without a voice and that in my opinion would result in the branch of country sports activities we are involved in would be once again a sacrificial lamb in any future negotiations much the same asbefore. I fully understannd the AWL is reor
  12. I asked the same question from the AWL who wanted to be the voice of the working lurchers and sighthounds on the Council of Hunting. Even another group LACS was shelved to give them the opportunity but nothing has happened as per usual .the question is do the lurchers/running dogs have representation from the AWL in the Countryside alliance or not.?
  13. Yeh but, Che Guevara looks cool on a T-shirt, Isis never will! Haha.... Not on BGD,s he doesnt he looks like Corbyn
  14. They called Mandella a terrorist then you know the rest. They called Che Guavara a terrorist, They called Castro a terrorist. They were fighting for what they beleived was right. Martin Mcguiness realised his early years were the wrong way to Unite Ireland so became a politician and worked for peace. Terrorists are the people like the guy on the bridge The murderers of Lee Rigby. the 7/7 bombers/ terrorisiing and killing injuring "innocent" People. They all claimed to be Muslims so do Taliban , Al Quaeda , Daesh, Boko Haram they slaughter innocent women children sick, elderly and ordinary Fol
  15. Sudetenland annexation was justified? possibly but no different than Palestine lands being handed over to create the state of Isreal then dividing the remainder of Palestine into West Bank and Gaza with a newly created state called Isreal in between in 1947 LOL Much the same as West Pakistan and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) with the state of India in between both the Palestinian and the Pakistani demarkation boundaries planned and made by Britain in 1947 in the hope that both would become failed states as Britain supported India and Isreal seems to be a pattern emerging they along with thei
  16. bothered my clinkers.shes after getting a text from the hubby abdul...hes caught the kids watching peppa pig. Thought some one from your neck of the woods would recognise someone suffering from shock/trauma obviously not.
  17. The trouble around the Balkans was fermenting from 1919 onwards after the end of the 1st world war and Germany invaded Checkslovakia in1938 twice, the second time totally annexing it basically a land grab. Hitler then began eyeing Poland as a possible hinderance in his land aquisitions so he was preparing for the invasion of Poland The Spanish Franco Civil war was also instrumental from 1934 to 39 in encouraging Hitlers ambitions. The British and the French had ignored the Check annexation but had decided Germany invading Poland would be a step to far, Diplomacy failed Poland prepared its forc
  18. Because they are fighting Palastinian kids armed with catapults and stones when the Isrealis invaded Lebonan and came up against Hezbollah they soon f****d off back over the border thats history for you.
  19. I am not counting Ibiza, the Costas and the Lager louts they were only saturday skirmishes Now they are reigniting and opening old wounds with the French and Germans over European exit LOL must be Europe was to quiet
  20. Any officianados who study Military History will know that GT Britain was involved in one conflict or another every 25 years from the early 17 century even post 1947 they had conflicts in Ireland, Rhodesia Belize, Falklands Afghanistan Iraq Syria not to Mention Suez, Cyprus and several of the African Countries .
  21. Mass underage rape/ pedoBrought to you by your friendly christian ally friend Child marriage chart reveals girls can wed at 12 in some parts of the US - as lawmakers battle to raise age to 16http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/child-marriage-chart-reveals-girls-can-still-get-married-at-12-in-some-parts-of-the-us-as-lawmakers-a6921246.html You've already pissed off half the forum today...you going for a full house? So im supposed to let it go of members calling as pedos .. " brought to you by your friendly local muslim" Maybe you guy forget there are muslim members here and t
  22. Military bases are the same as Embassies they fall under the Jurisdiction of the Country in them and for legal purposes are classed as part of the country occupying them hence Diplomatic priviledge
  23. It isn't which is why the forensic scientists can determine ethnicity from DNA samples What about multi Gene lineage? e.g Ghengaiz Khan you could only trace lineage back to him if you had his DNA which they dont. So they couldnt check lineage only regional variations. Or are you suggesting that all races descend from different beginings ? It isn't which is why the forensic scientists can determine ethnicity from DNA samples
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