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Everything posted by desertbred

  1. What have you done in the past and now ?talking about stuff on a computer still if it makes you feel good crack on. Can't talk to a sympathiser . lol what a buffoon Had you down as a pompous twat ,wasn't disappointed either ,baffoon lol. Pompous may be, a Twat difinitely. Better than care in the community like yourself.
  2. What have you done in the past and now ?talking about stuff on a computer still if it makes you feel good crack on. Can't talk to a sympathiser . lol what a buffoon Had you down as a pompous twat ,wasn't disappointed either ,baffoon lol. This isn't really the time and place for a thread about Scotland. Its not, its about Muslim parasites bleeding this island dry, an taking liberties at same time, enjoy prodding the sleeping dog. But by fcuk I'll enjoy hearing you fcukers cry when it awakes an ye get bitten LOL take out Muslim fits North of the Border to a T, very apt
  3. Bit early but Genuinely have a Peaceful and pleasant Easter weekend.to those who observe it
  4. Wilder gained votes and I think came second You don't have to vote Ukip to dislike Muslims... I'm from a strong labour voting area and most here wouldn't piss on a Muslim if it was on fire Dont you sit down to have a piss over there?
  5. What have you done in the past and now ?talking about stuff on a computer still if it makes you feel good crack on. Can't talk to a sympathiser . lol what a buffoon
  6. The boys in your kebab shop wear ties? Probably dressed up compared to "them "in shell suits and wellies
  7. What have you done in the past and now ?talking about stuff on a computer still if it makes you feel good crack on.
  8. You know the ones wanting to represent now say "STOP LOOKING BACK" No wonder with skeletons behind every cupboard and locker door thats opened . Knives in many a back one thinks.
  9. those that are not are usually too busy raping kids sounds more like your line of work
  10. What a load of f***ing comic book heroes LOL im sure Muslims are quaking in their sandals not
  11. What tell him. I know Lord Flashheart lol. Preferably when hes not armed and loaded
  12. Quick question just curious does any one run sighthounds in conjunction with the normal pack??
  13. Minority forces are quite capable of turning tides in a war if they are trained , led from the front by capable people , believe in what they are fighting for and are prepared to get down amongst it when the going gets tough. Thats where the problem is from my view point you have to be able to rely on your comrades not to turn tail or show the white flag and experience tells me that is the achillese heal in the dog world. I wouldnt want any numbers on what I can hunt with my dogs common sense is always the yardstick and licence fee I would be prepared to pay most would scream poverty if asked
  14. If Hares are left uncontrolled they will eventually become a vermin or pest and not as they are now a game species The same goes for virtually all wildlife that is hunted t o varying degrees .I Ccan flush hares to guns with my dogs same with foxes but my dogs cannot hunt and kill them except in very very limited circumstances to comply with the rediculous Hunting Act. I am for ever explaining to my dogs the law does not allow them to hunt and kill hares and fox for themselves but once they are off the slip they become a law unto themselves even retrieving the products of their crimes to my han
  15. The world is just as round as its always been,Folk need an inner strength and commitment to stand up and be willing to go for the jugular you dont wina struggle or fight by playing footsie. People especially ordinary folk have had the guts kicked out of them for years and lots loose the desire to achieve what is right and just. Times and technologies change alternative facts, manipulation of the Media massage of statistics and spreadsheets form the basis of mass control.. The Country side is now predominantley owned and controlled (a)by multi national companies and conglomerates and the most m
  16. Some good points Skycat but one point of umbridge the whipping boys appear to be any one associated with coarsing and poaching most of whom do not choose to be criminalised or operate outside the Law. However If they wish to continue the centuries old country activities then there are no altenatives. Yes some do broadcast and post items that are best at present remaining private but as some folk point out we are where we are and those accused of being keyboard warriors are the very folk who keep on keeping on while others want to pretend that all is ok in the associations when every man and hi
  17. I wonder what is the reason for difficulty recruiting folk to the AWL ? could this be one of the reasons ? "Thank Goodness THL is a small fraction of the Lurcher World and a bunch of key board warriors to boot."
  18. You mean the previous tenants actually left them behind ?couldnt have been proper North East folk
  19. Two years down the road and thousands of dog folk have not an inkling of the AWL whats its agenda or actual structure is other than advise to join such and such which is in itself off putting as most reasonable folk dont join anything with out all information being in front of them. Repeal of the Hunting with Dogs Act was demanded some 12 years ago straight after the Acts introduction and except for one abortive attempt by D Cameron to bring a vote for Repeal before the parliament where are we? There have been several references to half a million marching on London before the Act was brought i
  20. The majority of people who dont post or participate in the discussions are disalusioned and consider that it would be wasted effort to put forward their ideas as past experiences have proved. In order to regenerate new waves of imterest and attract the younger generations into the fold is to take their ideas and concerns and problems on board listen to them and formulate policies that address the needs and concernsof all country sports participants. Times have changed Media such as facebook , whats App etc are part of the world we now live in and has to be utalised in a positive way, the criti
  21. There always has to be a whipping boy as long as its not the Representatives
  22. You couldnt make this logic up oh some one just has ffs LOL
  23. The LACS and RSPCA dont hold shows as such in their own right but you can guarantee 100% the have a presence or representation at every show, Greyhound Track Horse race track, Livestock auction even in Shopping Malls on a Saturday with masses of glossy literature and blown up photographs showing any negativity that can be blamed on hunting or country sports enthusiasts. The majority of the uninitiated public are susceptable to shock and awe tactics and the afore mentioned are past masters of sensational media publicity and delight is showing even minor children gruesome photographs of injured
  24. Its selfishness plain and simple. Ask why and the reply is usually everyone else is doing it so only mugs dont or I am only getting a young dog started. August is plenty early to get a young dog running spend the summer on the training and recall etc. Also the claim that with climate change breeding happens most of the year it may be the case with some game but the main breeding is still done in spring and summer.Also some pest control needsto be carried out to keepfarmers/landowners happy but mostly that is just trying to justify poor hunting ethics..
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