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Everything posted by Nipper

  1. Are there any official cuts you perform when jointing rabbits? If so, can someone demonstrate them please. In the meantime, I shall carry on slicing them wherever the knife lands!!
  2. Where is the best place to get venison in Cheshire/ Lancashire area?
  3. Use one greyhound collar and a leather lead with the clip cut off. Better than fumbling in the dark to release an excited dog, plus in some areas where rabbits are cute seconds are all you have!!
  4. Statistics, statistics and damn lies.........!
  5. It is all about percentages, eg a whippet that has been bred from parents that were WCRA is 12.5% likely to become a champion. 7.5% if only one parent was WRCA and 2.5% if neither parents were champions. If you want a dog to catch game, as long as it is 75% sighthound, you will be 50% there. The other 50% is down to the owner! Good hunting!
  6. 1/4 airedale (non hunting dog bred for the ring for decades) contributes all the nose.........)) Give the whippet some credit!!
  7. Experienced dogs will also take squatters efficiently and save a lot of energy. If there are lots of rabbits on the ground the lamper will have lots to choose from and can be selective. Saying that 70 rabbits take some carrying!!! My best was 10 rabbits and 1 hare and I was pooped!!
  8. Text book hunters, very funny!! Is there a checklist somewhere that I can use to mark off all the completed skills my running dog has acquired? Is it ok if I omit some of them? Like stock breaking to peacocks as I am pretty sure I won't come across any? Train your pups as they grow and this includes showing it live quarry. It doesn't need to master sit, stay or be twelve months old. As for recall, that starts the moment they arrive at the house till they die and is a subtle technique.
  9. There is always two sides to a story....
  10. Get permission, one bit of permission usually leads to more and carte blanche to turn up and do whatever you want thereafter. It's better than poaching and looking over your shoulder every two seconds......
  11. Just curious, but what is the vest for? You can keep them fit by running them, it isn't rocket science..)
  12. Don't forget at night you are surprising the rabbit with the lamp, in the daytime they can see you and don't move far from home. If they do, it is via cover and bramble patches. Try for a couple of walks, keeping the dog on a lead as sometimes they are that keen they are ahead of the terriers etc and never cotton on to what is required. Good dogs in my opinion potter around when hunting rabbits in the daytime and put the speed on when needed.
  13. The site has been down for ages. Where are folk buying their locators from them?
  14. Leave the dogs at home. Look clean and tidy. First farm you go to ask them if they need anyone to control vermin with ferrets. If they say no, ask them if they know anyone that does? Get their names and when you go to the relevant farm, say so and so sent you as they knew they were looking for someone to control their vermin! Don't take refusals personally.....
  15. What cross terrier is the one on the right? That is a nice picture as well.
  16. Guns, did nobody give you any grief about digging up their land? Anybody know where the law stands if someone had a locating device on their terrier and they were on public land? Could that be seen as evidence of unlawful hunting? Or would it be seen as a sensible way of keeping track of your dog as you know it is prone to going to ground?
  17. What have your dogs won Parkstone? Hare coursing or racing?
  18. JackWilliams, I was in Hereford for two years and I had a very good time there hunting rabbits, day and night. I used to live on an estate and it is sorely missed.......
  19. Anybody used the latest Deben 40 foot Deben finder? If so are they rising to the B&F challenge?
  20. It doesn't matter what text accompanies a picture as some of the replies usually show they aren't read anyway!! As for wiping out foxes.....stroll on.. the road is the top killer every year and will be for a very long time yet! Personally, folk need to refrain from negative comments if they can't say anything positive. Saying that threads of "well done pal" or "nice one mate" read just as boring as some pontificating eject lecturing as to the "true" ways of dishing out death..!
  21. Hear, hear old boy......it won't last though! Too many opinionated experts who think their chosen way is the only way.....
  22. Otherwise know as Dribble in the book trade....
  23. 100% allrounder - 18mths old = it has had 1 rabbit, 1 half grown hare, 1 fox cub and chased a park deer...
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