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Everything posted by Leewx

  1. Leewx


    I'd say they are mate, probably exchange christmas and birthday cards, but then again he could also kip in england. You lot have sold him plenty of SAM missiles and anti tank missiles and communications equipment and recently some high powered rifles. Hmmmmmm pot, kettle, black?!? Oh and armoured cars with water cannons, probably the ones that are being used now. And up until recently a english naval shipbuilding company were negotiating with Libya to sell them 3 patrol boats.
  2. If ya seen a cow shit you'd want pancakes. Let the harm of the year go with it. Not a saying as such but heard a fella shout out to a group of girls "hey sugar" when they turned around he shouted "not you the other lump" All done up like a dogs dinner.
  3. Is there a certain time of year that is best to cut sticks for walking stick making?
  4. Marrans were another on the short list, perhaps a mix of both for the first try?!? Thanks for the reply mate!!
  5. Cheers for the reply, looks like Sussex it is! I think i have the technique sorted from reading Hugh Fearnly Whittingstall's book , but different story putting it into practice. TBH i really cant see the little ones letting me do the deed anyway
  6. sussex are supposed to be! heard la bresse are good as well, im getting a cornish cockeral to run with my hybrid layers this year, all the offspring will be for the table regardless of gender and plenty of eggs out of the hybrids for the table. Thank you!! What layers do you have? Just curious as i'm taking the plunge into chickens so this could be a option also!
  7. Travelers good. Tinkers bad. Like what said about black people and ni***rs.
  8. As the title says, in your opinion what are the best dual purpose birds?
  9. Chef, unemployed at the moment. Going to do a youthwork or social care degree this year though.
  10. Leewx


    wonder if it would cause any upset if i put a sign up on my door saying NO fianna fail or green party canvassers welcome Hahaha seen a few signs already! There was a picture in one of the papers the other day of a piece of string with some cheese singles stuck to it, the sign said if any Fianna Fail canvassers came to the door they were not to knock but to take a cheese slice as it was their solution a few months back. Made me laugh! I ran John Browne the other day, prick have you a link to that??? It wasn't this one i seen in the paper but the same idea!! Skip to 1 minute My l
  11. Leewx


    wonder if it would cause any upset if i put a sign up on my door saying NO fianna fail or green party canvassers welcome Hahaha seen a few signs already! There was a picture in one of the papers the other day of a piece of string with some cheese singles stuck to it, the sign said if any Fianna Fail canvassers came to the door they were not to knock but to take a cheese slice as it was their solution a few months back. Made me laugh! I ran John Browne the other day, prick
  12. Leewx


    Has to be the Dollars trilogy or the Time trilogy. Six great movies!!
  13. Anything thats described as a romcom
  14. Leewx


    yea obviously mate,but what i mean is aftyer getting your family to safety,would you give up your place for somone elses kids and wife? i honestly believe in by gone days,that men were more concerned of what was the right thing to do than self preservation. Funny ya should mention this as i was watching a programme about Scott's fatal mission to Antarctica last night and i thought the same thing about captain Oates sacrifice " I'm just going outside, i may be some time". It was the right thing to do at the time in his opinion, stiff upper lip and self sacrifice, and as captain Scott said
  15. Extra month for pigeon and pheasant
  16. i think you might mean bedlington hound lad,it would be a bedlington terrier/greyhound cross.a lurcher. Would that cross be called a belton hound though? Because the fella thats selling it is calling the dog a belton hound. i thought he meant the color was belton but he has said its the breed of dog. Thanks anyway mate, may ask him for a photo of it!
  17. What sort of dog is this lads? How do you hunt with it? Any info would be great Cheers Lee
  18. Leewx


    Did you see the concert? No mate, i can remember bing in the venue and i can remember Bruce Dickinson running around on stage with Eddy, and i remember the gig was good hahahahaha. But the finer details of the gig are lost from memory
  19. Leewx


    did it make you feel like this??? Hahaha nah mate more like this!!
  20. Leewx


    I can barely remember the concert but what i can remember was good, luckily i had a seated ticket!! I tried to finish the other 6 cans off on the way home and brought the whole lot back up!! I used to love holstein, i was delighted when i moved to Manchester and you could get it on draught, some messy messy times i tell ya!!
  21. Leewx


    I drank 18 cans of holstein pils on the way to a Iron Maiden concert a few years ago.
  22. If i'm going to be shooting on the slaney, will i just put down slaney river or do i need to name the areas of the river i'll be at when shooting? Cheers Lee
  23. ALL DOGS WILL BITE. You are a fool to think that some will and some won't but just to be on the safe side i'll treat it like a dog that does bite, what rubbish. No not every human will kill if provoked enough but thats because we are HUMAN we are able to articulate our feelings and leave a situation behind us if its getting our back up. Push ANY mans buttons for long enough and you will get a reaction, be it a raised voice and some cross words or a few punches thrown he will snap. This could be completely out of character for a normally "placid" man but in a moment of anger he looses it. Flip
  24. were great put out a few singles and a LP so didn't really make it.
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