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Everything posted by 44david44

  1. update on the pup or the little c**t as my mrs calls it.14 weeks today getting on great.
  2. trying to use a 9 1/2 month old dog for stud.an has the cheek to say its a good worker at 9 1/2 month!!!!! http://www.preloved.co.uk/fuseaction-adverts.showadvert/index-1034639356/2e92b0f1.html
  3. nah its in england mate just on the border.but alot of people think its in scotland
  4. Smart dog whats the breeding and height 3/8 5/8 bullgrey just over 24"
  5. staffy x collie dont think it will be much of a running dog mate.
  6. good read mate and its s**t when you spend all that time putting a post up and no one replies.i would not let the dog turn pet yet still young keep him fit and see how he does at back end of season.
  7. says at the top of page The main exemptions under the Act are ratting and rabbiting, stalking and flushing out with no more than two dogs
  8. cheers mate yeh she's a looker but she can graft as well. didn't doubt that for one minute mate, all the best with your pup too Cheers mate if I had the room I would of had a White pup off you think they will be handy.but f**k having two pups one is enough.
  9. nice dogs mate how's the brown pup bred he's a 3rd gen halfcross mate.Bullgrey
  10. cheers mate yeh she's a looker but she can graft as well.
  11. use 2 gills they work all day no bother at all mind you you wont see them out about in the hutch for a few days after.
  12. yeh its a s**t to clean mate.once a week on a sunday.an the little c**ts wont s**t in one place they s**t all over.dont no how they get tosome of the places they s**t.
  13. this is my hutch built on to the side of my garage. it has a hole drilled out with a tube to the garage were there bed is made out of a large water drum. the ferrets love it plenty for them to do and lots of room to run.only problem is cleaning its a f**ker.
  14. Get your self a shock collar and the dog will be sorted in a few weeks.
  15. Get your self a shock collar and the dog will be sorted in a few weeks.
  16. just build one mate not that hard i bulit this one last year more of a kennel that a cage only took a few days after work.
  17. f**k me thats how every man should train there dog.
  18. deppends on age for me mate always feed my pups on oats,milk and mince till 10/12 months then on to dryfood and come season I add fish,lean mince to the dryfood for exta protein.to help maintain muscle Mass through out the season.also table spoon of codliver oil. Atb.
  19. never ran one my self but there are a few boys on the site with the cross.but should be real handy dogs.
  20. theres a post up about this mate theres a few pages on it,
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