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taff in oz

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Everything posted by taff in oz

  1. HI guys I`m an exiled Welshman now living Downunder. This is the sort of sport we enjoy here. You wouldn`t believe some of the crosses that are used.Type in Boardogs on Google, sit back & enjoy
  2. What aload of old Bollocks you talk
  3. Feck me after reading all that, I just realised why I left South Wales for Australia, better off out of it all. There really are some shitheads still loitering under the WORKING DOG UMBRELLA. Just to illustrate the difference, here you can get a Pig Dog pup whose ancestry can be traced, for just 50 dollars, thats about £16. They`re as close to guaranteed to work as you can get, simply because inferior stock is not tolerated, you don`t see many SHOWS EITHER . Seems that Mason is giving us Welshmen a bad name, cos trust me, there are some fecking good dogmen living there!!!!!!!!!!
  4. This my friends is a very true story!!!!!!At the end of a fruitless day we decided to try one last earth, a particularly big place which had often held in the past. After laying about 24 nets and blocking the rest a terrier was entered. We give the dog some time because of the size of the place, and when we started looking the dog was still on the move, sit back and relax, give him more time. After about an hour the dog showed, got tangled in a net then went straight back.This happened several more times and with the light fading fast we caught the dog next show and put him back on the lead.
  5. Hi there my name is Tony Moon, worked with your old man up at Tower colliery for a couple of years.Im trying my best to get into the hunting game out here in Oz.They do a hell of a lot of pighunting ,should see the dogs they use ,really smart,mastiff/dane crosses Ive even seen boxer crosses for sale. They drive around with the dogs on the back of a ute until they wind something then the fun begins. Certainly no bunnyhuggers out here, dont think they d put up with them, not as daft as we are!!!!!!!!!!!
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