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Everything posted by michaelq

  1. class dog ther [bANNED TEXT] all the best in the future with her
  2. did ya check any of the fields round it
  3. great land there and love the bitch
  4. sorry to hear mate let us know how she gets on
  5. cant bait a good collie cross but would be hard to get a good one
  6. class photos bie and some dogs u got ther
  7. it has happened to me a few times and just wondering has it happened to anyone else
  8. class dogs u got ther atb with them
  9. hes well ready for the hunting atb with it
  10. class dog ther [bANNED TEXT] my type of dog
  11. nice looking dog ther [bANNED TEXT] and a good catch
  12. bout eight months i would usualy run them through small warrens just to get them used to travelin atb
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