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feed the bear

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Everything posted by feed the bear

  1. do you see life through rose tinted glasses? you kick off cos someone might take a pup or two for free a bloke wants to boil a dog and its his way of dealing with grief(obviously to wind people up) your not a social worker are you I see sarcasm is wasted on you albert(aged64).... you wouldn't be an auld fart are you? Yes, sorry you didn't 'get it' Albert ...I was being facetious. The 'off-loading' reference was acually a metaphorical analogy...I meant he's an utter wanker. Do you get it now? Aye, what ever she says lol........... good luck in a battle of wits alber
  2. do you see life through rose tinted glasses? you kick off cos someone might take a pup or two for free a bloke wants to boil a dog and its his way of dealing with grief(obviously to wind people up) your not a social worker are you I see sarcasm is wasted on you albert(aged64).... you wouldn't be an auld fart are you?
  3. Tell me borat, are the fens as good as they say??? Its like a fairytale to me.... Must have been great pre-ban. It's Mecca.. I work a deerhound/greyhound dog on the farming estate I work on, I can say with modesty they make my dog look mediocre pre ban.. Sure sorts out the good longdogs !! Ideal mate.... I got told that unless you had a saluki cross, you'd never catch a hare come january, is this true mate? You ever got them then?
  4. Dotty I didn't.... Funnily enough..... I kind of got that message lol
  5. Tell me borat, are the fens as good as they say??? Its like a fairytale to me.... Must have been great pre-ban.
  6. Thats easy............... I'd be straight down to the local outdoor shop, get me a 2 man tent and camp bang in the middle of the fens.......... wheres the fens???? It's a wee bit of scrub land that holds the best hares on the planet........ thankyou but dont you need big saluki x s to catch hares and scrub land would be no good as dont they need massive fields to plod down there hares??? LOl................ aye they do.... land without an horizon is generally the rule of thumb.... I heard there are more saluki's in Norfolk than there are hares......... i wanted
  7. Thats easy............... I'd be straight down to the local outdoor shop, get me a 2 man tent and camp bang in the middle of the fens.......... wheres the fens???? It's a wee bit of scrub land that holds the best hares on the planet........ thankyou but dont you need big saluki x s to catch hares and scrub land would be no good as dont they need massive fields to plod down there hares??? LOl................ aye they do.... land without an horizon is generally the rule of thumb.... I heard there are more saluki's in Norfolk than there are hares.........
  8. Thats easy............... I'd be straight down to the local outdoor shop, get me a 2 man tent and camp bang in the middle of the fens.......... wheres the fens???? It's a wee bit of scrub land that holds the best hares on the planet........
  9. Thats easy............... I'd be straight down to the local outdoor shop, get me a 2 man tent and camp bang in the middle of the fens..........
  10. Sorry to hear that mate.... worse case scenario.... atleast I gave you a little hope lol.
  11. Come on lads, lets not ruin a good thread. Aye Dan, get a grip of yourself........
  12. I admire your ability to be hated so quick..... you put me to shame!!!

  13. He gave me a compliment...... dunno if thats good or bad lol.....
  14. I don't know..... he's the first c**t to say something nice about me... hmmmmmmmmm, wonder if he was being sarcastic!!
  15. They breed that stupidness into them so that fat arsed shooters can err hunt them easier....
  16. f**k me, if that isn't the best idea I've ever read.... period!!!
  17. Your lucky you've just found it.... been watching it solid now since Saturday.... Dogs eat the cat, fish floating upside down in bowl and the budgie is a pile of bones!!! Still, its addictive..........
  18. No offence taken - but come on, everytime you accuse her of something or she accuse's you it all kicks off,and ends up a slanging match till the threads locked, most people just dont give a shit, why not just deal with it all off line - like adults or is that incomprehensible to you both. As a spokesman for the forum...... I reckon you let them air their dirty washing in public... end of. mods dont lock this thread its the only enjoyment i get theese days BY THE WAY cold ethyl i think he is taking advantage of you :whistling: You and me both mate....
  19. No offence taken - but come on, everytime you accuse her of something or she accuse's you it all kicks off,and ends up a slanging match till the threads locked, most people just dont give a shit, why not just deal with it all off line - like adults or is that incomprehensible to you both. As a spokesman for the forum...... I reckon you let them air their dirty washing in public... end of.
  20. I'm actually warming to the guy..... seems ok to me.
  21. That'll be neither then lol............ Looks like we are both shite mate......
  22. Aye...... and socks, trousers, shirt........... Queer! You just don't understand how to treat a lady that's your problem........ You might be onto something. I know lol......... we shall see which retort she likes the best....
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