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Everything posted by ceri86

  1. hey guys looking for some good pidgeon decoying days! in return can offer good sporting days out?
  2. hiya lads, I am interested to know what are the wierdest animals you have seen out whilst lamping or shooting? as mate of mine has sent me a phto of what appears to be a skunk we are situated in the swansea valley of south wales. has anyone ever heard of this before! he could not belive what he was seing and it is definatley not a piss take. im always up for a laugh guys but only seriouse replies wanted to this post as its got me beat ??? happy shooting Mr Owen
  3. Woodcock and Snipe shooting avaiable message me for further info! Obviousley at a price!
  4. my 10 months old spinger just started to come shooting with us only rough shooting! does not seem to like cover all that much any tips?
  5. I have been told of a new yip want to know what every one thinks of it? if i make up a buisness card and take them around local farms advertising my expertise in best controll free of charge this can be a good way of getting new land? for pidgeons! crow! foxes ect
  6. ceri86


    Went Duck shooting a couple of days ago tried the new FUD's mixed results they didnt sit on the water particularly well it may be because we were decoying on a river and perhaps they would be better on a pond? any one got any advice or tips?
  7. any one know for a spinger spaniels puppy 9 month old for sale?

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