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Everything posted by Bull-X-10

  1. i have pm'd you pal

  2. if i dont get back to your pm's its because my internet has gone off so youl have to give me a bell on 07580332741 cheers,

  3. hi mate im in the rhondda valleys in south wales?

  4. check out my topic in the for sale section please guys ?

  5. is there such thing as red mites ? and if so would they make my pups coats come off ? as i was holding one yesterday and a little red insect jumpe doff it onto me, so i have now got them in my house, i have bathed them with insecticidal shampoo and put sudocreem on the infected area, any info on how to get rid of this would be much appreciated,

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bull-X-10


      cheers mate, ive just sprayed all the sheds in the allotment and bathed the dogs in insecticidal shampoo, i got told that shoud do teh trick, thanks for all your help :thumbs:

    3. salclalin


      If you Use Benzyl Benzoate Only do one side of the Dog at a Time.Leave the other side for a Couple of Days or you could Seriously Harm or Even Kill the Dog.

    4. Bull-X-10


      thanks for the info mate :thumbs:

  6. just been out with dogs was up the mountain around the forest for just over hour f**king soaking right through.

  7. cant wait til friday to see what this bull greyhound bitch is really made of.....

  8. hope you like the pup mate, she should be a cracker if she turns out like the father, sorry about the coat, i fed her lidl food and her coat came off but is coming back slowly anyway atb for the season. :thumbs: tried sending this as pm but your inbox seems to be full. Bull-X-10

  9. if [NO TEXT TALK] got any lurchers for sale in south wales let me know, any breed aslong as it retrieves rabbits on the lamp.

  10. would like to know why some people on this site just dont stop bitching ?

  11. went out last night had 1 bunny,

  12. is going for a shine tonight ;)

  13. bull x pups 6 weeks old monday.

    1. Bull-X-10


      well thats kind of obvious, i was a meber of this site before but i got banned for trying to sell a dog for a mate and dont worry i had plenty of posts then. dont i just love people like you on this site, ha!

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