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Everything posted by morton

  1. I remember an earlier post by you when you looked for a bite for your bait,i once believed I was a tad smarter than the average Joe,im pleased to let you know you have had my measure at times,ill call it deuce for now.
  2. I'm not trying to be hard assed on you mucker,im just trying to point you in another direction,apologies.It boils my urine now when folk race towards technology to make up for the duff shit they now accept as lurchers.In my time lurchers did all the work,all the time,all the hours and on all the land.Now they are seen as an addition to the technology,i don,t recognise that.
  3. What like al Capone?,how the feck did you know I had a cock disease?.Ive stopped drinking skid,the wife started to look attractive.
  4. I owned lurchers that mapped the fields without any sort of device,plus they had an habit of retrieval that few ever witnessed,because they were lurchers.Its all about devices now to assist shit lurchers.Get yourself out on a frosty full moon in the depths of winter,break ice across rough land and let the mutt earn its corn,it will blend into the night,it will hunt and cover the ground,it will chase,lose and use its snout to reconnect and retrieve.Try it.
  5. We may agree on that.The facts are I give it out,large,loud and obnoxious,if others shout from their platform I'm willing to eat pie.
  6. Everything you mention there is everything id of expected from the lurcher,the lurcher was meant to cover all them scenarios on its own merit.
  7. Not really,its a fact that likeminded souls can disagree and own common ground.
  8. I'm possibly old school in the bigger picture now,in my day I never knew of a lurcher that needed battery operated assistance.I can still remember the acid motorbike battery and lamps filched off lorries,lamping at its finest and its never been bettered.All ill say is this,the best lurchers now need all the gadgetry available to make them half as good as an average lurcher a few decades ago.
  9. When I said it was to be sorted you were not part of that.Its a shame my lad as been dragged into something he loathes being part of and ill hold my hand up to that.He read the shite on here and went ape shit,he,s read the riot act.Im not concerned about your account of the dog but as I mentioned in a private pm I had concerns about a certain sentence.Id not want anybody unless they had you sort of commitment on any rescue.
  10. You will see ive edited most of my input on this thread,because my lad as been implicated in something he,d never be connected with.The implication is false.
  11. Ive nothing but respect for the little I know of him
  12. Lets have a little clarity here,where you present?.
  13. As long as its Yorkshire bitter,timothy taylors landlord,i read that on the label before I drank it.
  14. Not sure,somebody will look at yesterdays tv mag and post it,if there is one thing on the tv,apart from Kes,that should be compulsory viewing its this.,the most haunting and beautiful voice,the courage she showed,the professionalism she showed and how she kept her composure under those circumstances is something impossible comprehend and appreciate.
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