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Everything posted by morton

  1. I prefer a little more honesty in a jukel that the folks like you seek as honest,ill warrant that a statement like that will boil your urine,it was intended and my feckless charges are bred to do a tad more than what you would find as standard,no fecking Beddy in vision.
  2. He is my fecking mate and ill call him as i want.
  3. So you can live with collie or terrier blood but not Saluki?im all for a dash of collie and even terrier,i fecking hate saluki in the mix,don,t even go down the Beddy route.
  4. Whats a pure Saluki?,whats a pure whippet?.
  5. Its a coursing mans mutt,its lost on the likes of you/
  6. Ive never seen a jukel kill Hares as well ,as long and as well as these fecking mongrels,i rate a lurrcher on its hare killing capacity and id never own another this way bred,figure it out?
  7. I can live with being as honest as you said Hindle.
  8. You have crawled over my arse on several topics on here,ill guarantee the folk that want to trawl it up will,you are a fecking chancer that seeks an audience and this site gives you a mirror.I own mutts that graft to my standards,mutts that would be second rate in your kennel perchance,i can live with that.
  9. So you set yourself up as the beddy expert that could comment on the Bedlington as a grafter?
  10. Ive been offered out by the likes of you,folk that seek a reputation on here and have set their stall that they know more than a Beddy owner that as put over 3 decades into the breed,how is it that you can take me out with my charges and then can comment on their worth in the field?
  11. One,and the bitch still as blue eyes from the ash earth,you may need to explain that to the chancers on here.
  12. Seriously are you another feckwit on here that thinks i need to prove to you what i feed in my kennel,the day,the minute,the time i need to prove my mutts worth on here would be another exercise id not go to the gym for.
  13. The mother to the shite i have in my kennel was dug to at 3 metres 2 days ago,,it took 2 hours to get to her and a dead fox,another fecking shite bedlington,ill carry on with the shite i know.
  14. 9 foot,if i need to say moer i will,you won,t like it.
  15. Your a pessimist,i see a glass ready to be filled,ive yet to find the mush that could keep mine filled,especially with the prices so far north of Skipton.
  16. Two of the most difficult hunting jukels ive owned where Saluki-Beddy/grey infused,pace to burn,limitless stamina and i mean limitless,killed hares on piecework and bunny,s for fun,id not own another because of everything else they brought to the table.
  17. Im all for a little education,ive spent this weekend in the company of a terrierman that would hold his own anywhere,the folk that know me know him and thats all thats needed to know,his pack hunted for the weekend and covered more ground than most,we lost them today for over 2 hours,i found them still hunting and leashed the dopey feckers,ive hunted the same ground 4 times this year ,this fecking nugget left his digging crew at home to keep company with me and cannot keep his yappy lips shut mentioning the fact that an 11 month old Beddy mongrel was possibly the best mutt in attendance.The on
  18. I slated the mush for keeping company with a twat,then congratulated him for seeking better advice.No doubt you always know better after the replays.
  19. If you want to know anything about knives an hunting site is not the place to visit,ask a tower hamlets immigrant and you will soon own the fastest and sharpest blade thats never seen the Alamo.
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