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Everything posted by morton

  1. Abattoirs in the UK have some of the strictest and most stringent standards and regulations in the world.If it goes through an abattoir its perfectly safe,unless it is taken out of the condemned bin?.I get most of my barf from recognised sources,i used to raid the waste bins for over 10 years before the local abattoir shut down.Ive never had an issue with the regulated and the not fit for consumption option.
  2. As others have said,back to basics.Dogs have an uncanny way of sensing the owners frustration and anger,with some dogs a change in the owners tone of voice will trigger an escape response and the mutt will do one and totally ignore any recall,your lucky its heading home because at some point it won,t.Ive had it before and i went back to basics,carried a pocket of treats and a stimulus for the treat,i rattled a tic tac box with a few pebbles in.Another thing i found useful was a tennis court,when the mutt wanted to feck off it could,t,id sit there watching it run round looking for an escape ro
  3. To high to soon,a pup of that breeding eats,sleeps,grows and shits,if it jumps 4ft it has to come down from a greater height,it lands on flimsy joints with a lot of weight and force.Your dog and your way in life mucker but you will put stress into joints that a pup will carry into adulthood and suffer from.Some of the shite that the good old boys encourage youth with is just that,shite.
  4. What sort of height do you have the sapling jumping?.A big deerhoundy pup of that age does,nt want to be putting to much pressure on big weak joints,it will do far more harm than good.
  5. If you are set on pushing rabbits out of tight cover you will want something small,one busher will never do the work of 2 but 1 is fine to begin with.Id not be wanting the busher to catch,they do on the odd occasion,they are more to assist the lurcher.
  6. Just in case you missed it,id not breed a Beddy lurcher because i don,t want one.Far better beddy lurchers are bred by far better beddy lurcher owners,folk that have been involved with the breed and breeding for decades,for me to produce anything half as good as them would take me several generations to achieve so its better that decent uns are bred by the folk with the knowledge and the lurcher stock.If you want a decent beddy lurcher go to proven breeding,if you want an expensive turd buy the first litter advertised in the CMW.Ill carry on criticising The majority of Bedlington terriers beca
  7. When i was a lot younger with my little grey beddy/Whippet some of the elder and far more experienced souls used to put down my little lurcher and often told me to get rid and better myself,i was always fairly confident with my lurchers and knew for a fact that i caught far more than most of them,with their superior lurchers.I wish at the time that Beddy/Greys were more abundant,still scarce now,yet if id have got my keen and eager paws on a bigger beddy lurcher,at that time in my hunting cycle,i may have never lost my lurcher soul.
  8. Trends and fashion methinks,not to long ago folk would not own anything but lakeys and Border/lakeys,find decent uns now,the black terrier is now all the rage.Once a dog of any type becomes popular the buzzards move in,dross is bred to dross to meet demand and feather the buzzards nest.The terrier to own over the last 20 odd years as been the black terrier and the buzzards knew when a dollar was to be had,look at the state of black terrier breeding now.The bedlington went through all that far earlier than most other types,the KC fecked the breed and the few that attempted to swim against the t
  9. I lined a red Fell,bred from generations of such all the pups where black.part of the reason for that is that bedlingtons,Fells/Lakeys have a common ancestry and when folk look to the origins of the black working terrier they refuse the concept that beddy blood played its part.
  10. I put a Beddy dog over a mates black bitch a few years ago,according to him the progeny are reliable grafters and more settled in nature.I know another lad that owned a Beddy dog and did an awful lot of digging to it,in his vicinity a few lads wanted a reliable stud to put over their terriers,they went for a black terrier that had seen very little rather than opt for the better and more proven digging dog.Thats the problem the beddy faces,ignorance.
  11. Why does there have to be a best one?,ive seen Russels every bit as good as Black terriers,Fells/Lakeys etc.I don,t believe you can go far wrong if you choose a terrier of choice and work it as others work their preference.I chose the Bedlington as a terrier of choice because it proved more efficient to my needs,if id not gone the beddy way id have stuck to the Fell/Lakey types,ive owned Russels and black terriers and i enjoyed the time i had with them,mostly.The Beddy had the same effect on me that other terrier breeds have on other terrier owners,some want a white bodied terrier,others won,t
  12. There are several different breeds of dogs,pigs,horses and chickens and owners that prefer something specific to themselves,especially serious owners,if i wanted a lap dog id not buy a Great Dane,if i wanted a race horse id not buy a Shire,both dogs and both horses yet totally different animals.
  13. It takes an awful lot of time,effort and commitment,decades perhaps,to be in a position to breed something right for all the right reasons.Well done sir.
  14. Ive been approached by a few lurcher folk over the years wanting to put a Beddy over a Whippet or a greyhound,id not use my terriers for that purpose.I know of 2 litters that will be on the market in the near future,Beddy/Greys,both litters will command ridiculous dollar and id be loathe to be any part of a breeding for that reason.Id not produce a Beddy lurcher as i don,t want one,i know their worth in the field and it far outweighs the monetary value the majority of folk breed for now.Some may say that if decent uns,owned by decent folk don,t take the trouble to breed something of better qua
  15. For me the finest terrier bred to graft below was the Fell/Lakey and its a terrier ive an awful lot of affection for,ive never said the bedlington was the best ive stated it was the best that suited my hunting lifestyle.I want a terrier to work on top,bushing and ratching about,pushing fox to ground and agitating the cover for the lurchers attentive gaze,the Fell/Lakey is not as versatile as the Bedlington as far as im concerned and ive worked them both the same over decades.The best digging terrier ive ever owned was a Lakey dog,would i own him again?,not now,20 years ago certainly.The bedlin
  16. The original Bedlington was sourced in the hotbed of working terriers,the terriers that came out of those dales and fells where second to none as grafters,Fell terriers,Lakeys have never been bettered and the Bedlington had to compete,Fells and Lakeys where easier to source and thats a fact,the bedlington was harder to come by and was never ever bred in the same numbers as its illustrious cousins.The thing that fecked the Beddy more than anything was the fact It became popular with the KC brigade,as it was considered to offer a better income stream.Look at Lakeys now,fecked,look at Black terri
  17. The idiot Glover,"the Bedlington author and expert" as done more damage to the Beddy reputation than the KC,well almost.
  18. "secret Beddy society",there are some that will have you believe that its nearly Masonic to get into the right clique and "working Bedlingtons,its not.To many are experts on a terrier they know feck all about,they base their opinions on what they read on a computer screen and have a "need" to jump on any bandwagon that will give their limited knowledge a few seconds of fame,in print.You quote with some authority,on your part that a terrier much smaller than a fox,on average,is incapable of getting to ground because of its height.Im certainly relieved to know that my terriers have an habit of w
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