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Everything posted by morton

  1. I know the price is a significant factor now,when dogs where far cheaper the fecking scum still thieved them,i had an attempt at mine a few weeks ago,possibly the scummy wankers that nicked a spaniel bitch out of Silsden,i mention this on here because I'm fairly certain the thieving scum are members on this site.Ive since set up trail camera,s and traps,i want to hurt the b*****ds and film it.I hope he gets them back and posts on here the scummy feckers that took them,there are plenty of them about.
  2. I don,t believe Greyhounds and Deerhounds owned an early hunting history as sight hounds,they were bred in an era when far more was expected of the hairy mongrels that became the more modern smooth coated and less useful hunting greyhound,the more affluent changed the history of the greyhound to suit their gambling habits.The Deerhound,as was,better represented itself as an accomplished hunter,its nose was as useful as its keen eye and modernish deerhoundy hybrids may have lost their nose yet regain the eye factor,ive to see yet a lurcher that is as keen sighted as the deerhoundy mongrels.Ill
  3. The majority of coursing lines seldom become proficient in what they were supposed to be bred for,pointless throwing that sort of shite into proper lurcher work.
  4. It looks like its been kicked under the chin and its borrowed its lugs from an hare.
  5. Ken had a nose for the dollar and the nuggets that spent unwisely,where do you think Nuttal became educated,he never had the nous to think on his own.
  6. The fella with one arm called them Goulds.
  7. Do you remember the Harrogate show when the pavilion was full of terrierfolk and the majority of the blood in the ring was work bred orientated,it was not that long ago.Again i owned a lakey that won a massive pup class in that ring,i ended up with him a little later.The shows and rosettes became the devils advocate.
  8. White Lakeys once became Rough haired Russels.
  9. I know many blacks that are more English,proud to be English,than many of the middle class whites that want to be English and Black.
  10. Don,t worry ive already reeled Katchum in.
  11. Ive owned numerous hunting related books,read them and passed them on,i still own a Frain terrier book because i cannot find a sucker for it,i once owned a terrier he wrote about in the book,Vandal,id own her again,id love to find an home for the book.
  12. I was once kennel blind,then i saw the light,the salvation of the lurcher,nirvana in one litter and what that litter offered,Deerhoundy/Collie,amen.
  13. Was that how far you chucked one of SF,s biblical forays?
  14. Ill get the usual bull drivel,the best bull x owners would piss all over the majority of chancers that own the breed now,they despise them more than me.The very best bull x owners recognised the fact that they produced an animal suited to their hunting lifestyle and little else could match what that cross offered,it offered little to the majority of lurcher owners and as they wanted little that the majority of lurcher owners sought they hunted accordingly.The feckwits that jumped on the bandwagon,had little idea how to work them,knew more about selling them,fecked the credibility of the cross
  15. With what you are willing to discount anything else will be far better,source mongrel parents with the aptitude to suit your hunting lifestyle.
  16. Julius Ceasar."cowards die many times before their death,of all the wonders i have yet heard,this to me seems most strange as death a necessary end will come when it will come".W.S.
  17. My lads big Deerhoundy is going over his wheaten lurcher this time around,the Deehoundy as been asked to cover several Bull bred lurcher bitches and ive advised against it,the amount of times Bull bred lurcher owners want more from what the cross gives them?.He will put him over his Wheaten lurcher as the Wheaten offers far more,far more often and without the assistance the Bull lurchers are often wanting.Both Wheaten and Bull lack pace and gears,the Wheaten as more nose and nous than the Bull lurcher.I don,t believe ive ever witnessed a lurcher as useless as the straight Bull bred uns,they ar
  18. The early shows where more about mates and workers,that soon turned into fashionable rosette winners and the working factor took a slide that its never really recovered from.The names you mentioned id not have visited their later kennels to find a grafter,something pretty perhaps.
  19. The dogs backing down to a swan?i hope it never meets anything with more aptitude than a big duck.
  20. I know of an half cross deerhoundy that as more to offer than anything KC bred,it looks like an early bred deerhound,it runs like an early bred deerhound,it kills with the same aptitude that Deerhounds were once bred for and eats and shits like a working mutt once was required to do,at 28" and 80lb and with a Collie and saluki infusion its probably less Deerhound than many would recognise,when the big fella gets in gear,geez the fat twat owns the gearbox,when he gets behind hard,hard gallops,he,s a Deerhound,especially when he catches what many a mutt would fail to gain the yards on,then the D
  21. Don,t give up mucker,ill give you another chance.
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