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alfie moon

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About alfie moon

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  1. mate ur type of people wouldnt know a good dog,i never knew barney produced deerhound greyhounds,go and buy a good dog that can run as equally good as murphy and stick your rubbish dogs up your arse jordanprice clever boy do u no wots the name 2 the dam 2 silver is if u no the dog so well?????
  2. mate i have not mentioned the jack-er, but i have pups by silver out of a bitch that is double lucky bread.
  3. does anyone want to by a pup out of silver the legend.
  4. to put you straight mate silver is not dead,silver is owned by jolene who is kiers wife,silver is 10 year old now and murphy is no jacker i saw the dog run 5 killed 4 in january mate. a quality dog
  5. how can a deerhound greyhound kill 4 out of 5 in winter time maybe on lamp.have ever kept a good dog not them feald dogs from shropshire.
  6. to put you steat silver is out of jo wilksh laddy to john davis teia . Kia is not one eye kia as he has two. silver was not kia he was owne by some one called joelene, but he died last week i was told. murphy is good for f**k all as he is a jacker.
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