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Everything posted by Wullz

  1. Never mind the size of him, I am 6ft 1 and Julia Cross used to beat seven bells of keech out of me every time we sparred....look her up on youtube... Where does the wee fella train? I am out of it now, back fekket with TKD and rugby...bad combo as it turns out.....
  2. That's class, love it.....
  3. These made me laugh, reminding me of the states mine used to get me in.... Done mine in with years of Tae Kwon Do and rugby........ Once leant over to try and pick up a toothbrush, wham, back gone! Couldnt even shout on my lass to come and help....so painful you can hardly breathe....I eventually got a wading staff out of the cupboard and managed to get out the house and on my way to the doc's for some nice opiates.....as I am walking down the road, really slowly, one hand on the wading stick and the other on the fence, I looks up and here is an old dear coming the other way, stick in
  4. I think the accuracy is also very much dependent on you having a rifled barrel......you can buy rifled barrels for most shotguns and use them for solids.... I know someone up north who acquired some slugs and tried them out, I think there is a lot of barrel slap and resultant wobble when you use them through smooth bores..... Though I am no expert and this is all hearsay.....
  5. Have seen some bad decking related injuries over the years, usually on the wrong side of a BBQ and plenty of refreshments....
  6. Deck cleaner and treatment, 2 x 5 litres for £20 from Costco......scrubs it up nicely...
  7. Aye, there may well be some 'repercussions'......
  8. Safe at school? Where did you go to school? Mine made Beirut look like Butlins..... Poor lassie, parents will be distraught...
  9. All the heeland fresh air has addled yer heed Baw! Sober up!
  10. Wullz

    Tv Licence

    There are ways round paying it, if you can be ersed, look at the Scottish Sovereign stuff on youtube....some of it is hilarious. Wee jumped up nerds trying to get into folks houses to check. They cant come in if they don't have a warrant....end of story.... and if they can't come in, they cant prove anything.....have a look.....
  11. M9 is a carnage zone for pheasants at the moment, more and more every day. Plenty of badgers and foxes too.... I thought they had changed the law on badgers, there is a lass in Edinburgh who is making sporrans out of them again.... Although someone I know will have to wait a while before he gets the otter out of his freezer for his new sporran.....that could be tricky!
  12. Its the parents and the way kids are brought up around dogs, my eldest is 5 and I had her down the vets with me.....taking the wee teckel to get a jab (had to go into kennels) anyhoo......as we were walking out a couple came in with the biggest great dane I have ever seen, it was like a horse, the 2 of them were toiling to hold it, this thing's head was bigger than my Teckel....blue and white number....massive. It snuffled up to my wee girl Flo, all she did was hold her hand in front of its nose and gently pushed its massive heed out of her way and walked past it......when we got outside, she
  13. Wullz

    Socket Sets

    Craftsman are good quality, so are husky if you can source them....
  14. You'll get the man hung Baw! He gets caught with a bubble and fly he will get sin die'd!
  15. Wullz


    Jaffa Cakes....end of discussion....
  16. You can eat what you like if you are exercising and working it off, I was a racing snake when I was training, 3 nights at Tae-Kwon Do and 2 nights at rugby training and a game on a saturday....soon as I stopped - fat baistardos! Eat Less, Do More, its a good mantra.... Those mega beasts you see on telly, how much do they need to eat to STAY that size??? Must be non stop scoffing...
  17. Friday Baw, I am driving to Dublin on friday with the Mrs and the 2 sprogs, when we get there, I am leaving her with the mate's mrs and her 2 sprogs and me and the mate are off to the Aviva to watch the Leinster V NG Dragons.....and have a right few pints of the black stuff! We never did get the hang of wife swapping! Don't worry tho, me and the mate are making a slap up steak dinner on the saturday night.....well, before we head down the Glenside for more blacl stuff!!
  18. Get the dog off to a mates house and plead ignorance, unless there was witnesses......then he was trespassing.... My Uncles guard dogs occasionally have to go on 'holiday' when someone gets gnawed.....
  19. Get one Scotty, the copper is the best in my opinion, tried the magnets too and I think the copper is far better. Dont car if it's psychosomatic, it seems to work.....my right wrist is banjaxed after years of rugby and punching etc. If I don't wear it it's sore, if I do, it's better....does me! Don't worry about the green, it's not f****n green!!!
  20. I am going over to see my mates a week on friday, they are getting seriously bummed over there, paying more for everything and getting taxed up the wazoo...its so expensive. We used to eat out all the time, not any more!! We stock up with steaks and groceries at the asda in Larne and take that down as our contribution towards keep for the weekend....
  21. Just dont do what I did, kick the off switch when bumpin aboot in the shed......and not notice for a week.......
  22. Looking forward to next week, wolverine in a trap?? Fekk that for a laugh! Great program, love it....liked last season when they battered the lynx with the tree branch, no messin!
  23. That daft greyhound in my avatar never barks, ever.....except when he is sleeping, which is all the time now....wierd as fekk, sleeps with his eyes open and starts barking, freaks me out....
  24. Didnt see them hunting mouse either.......fanny!
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