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About Scarlett

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  1. Hi Margaret & John, Great write up as always, it was lovely meeting up with you, John & the gang again. Well done with your lovely young whippet he's a real smasher and your other dogs were great as usual. We had a great time at the show, we were there both days and enjoyed both the showing and the racing, very well organised by all. MJ was delighted with his win and we were very proud of him. He is more interested in the dogs than the horses, we don't know if that is a good thing, but we will go with the flow as we all enjoy the dog shows. It was good to see Deirdre & Patsy,
  2. you do know ballymacad hunt are running a show on the 12th http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/165494-ballymacad-hunt/page__p__1671003__fromsearch__1#entry1671003 Hi there, Not sure who you but thanks very much, something else to look forward to, we spoke to Tosh and he confirmed it. See you there, Thanks again.
  3. Hi Bluebell, It was lovely to see to you again, your photography is very good, the pictures were great. We called the new dog Spring and she certainly seems to take after her name, she is really starting to settle in. We all had a great day at Birr Castle and good to see all the crew from the North again. MJ had a great day and says to thank you for taking the photographs. This is a great forum, glad you told us about it as it is nice to keep in touch, I became a member and used Scarlett as my user name thanks for the new name, think it suits me! Thanks again, Mark, Fiona & MJ.
  4. Hi Bluebell, It was lovely to see to you again, your photography is very good, the pictures were great. We called the new dog Spring and she certainly seems to take after her name, she is really starting to settle in. We all had a great day at Birr Castle and good to see all the crew from the North again. MJ had a great day and says to thank you for taking the photographs. This is a great forum, glad you told us about it as it is nice to keep in touch, I became a member and used Scarlett as my user name thanks for the new name, think it suits me! Thanks again, Mark, Fiona & MJ.
  5. Hi Bluebell, It was lovely to see to you again, your photography is very good, the pictures were great. We called the new dog Spring and she certainly seems to take after her name, she is really starting to settle in. We all had a great day at Birr Castle and good to see all the crew from the North again. MJ had a great day and says to thank you for taking the photographs. This is a great forum, glad you told us about it as it is nice to keep in touch, I became a member and used Scarlett as my user name thanks for the new name, think it suits me! Thanks again, Mark, Fiona & MJ.
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