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Everything posted by pianoman

  1. The regulator could do with some cammo and hair products!
  2. Don't you worry Roger, from the sound of things it looks like you've been diagnosed with time on your side. God bless you mate and keep us posted how you go. With prayers for your swift recovery. Simon
  3. In a .22 Weihrauch barrel. H&N FIELD TARGET TROPHY.
  4. Well then Chris, it seems to me the guy did you a wrong here. No excuse. It's plain to see if this HW80 was in dire condition or good. To describe a rifle in the condition you found it in, as "Good" is just not right. That aside now, I think you have the making of a great service business to the shooting community around you Chris. The sheer beauty of a spring rifle like these Weihrauchs, is that they are totally self-contained and very easy to comprehend and work on. And they are real quality. There's only a few simple parts make them all up. I know little about PCPs but, I remember Davy
  5. The question here Chris is, how did Bunnykiller describe the condition of this HW80 to you, prior to sending it? Your post made no mention of assurance from him that this was anything but a tuned HW80. With no mention of promised condition. But whatever; the least anyone should reasonably expect in a trade-for-trade like this, is the item/s in question should be in the condition described and at least comparable to what is being exchanged for. Not a rusting basket case for goods honestly described as good condition. No one can surely hope to regard a graunching bag of rusty bones, bent
  6. Well advocated case for the Rapid you make Daz. Well said mate.! I do like pretty rifles though, you are dead right there M'lad! Regards. Simon
  7. Well, if I may join this thread as a spring rifle shooter with a particular PCP rifle I like the look of. I'd say the Daystate Huntsman is the most beautiful PCP of all I've yet seen. It looks like a full-bore rifle, which is a huge plus for me. It has a really sweet bolt action (though I'm not wild about a shiny polished silver-metal one. Blue-black would be perfect for me.). The Marinelli stock is cut from beautiful walnut blanks and the rake of the pistol grip is perfect for a universally available rifle. Just the perfect amount of 'wrist' to the trigger.. What's more, it's availab
  8. Hi Andy. Some ideas I've had. You need a "Bitch" card range. For example...Images of women smiling as they pop a puppy into an open oven door as though it's a Gourmet meal/pie with legs and tail sticking out. "That's the last piss he'll take on my Laboutins" Or chop up designer suits or get out of the mangled wreckage of a supercar like a Lamborghini, rammed into a wall "Something to remember my by" "So long..."Honey"! Something that every woman with revenge on her mind wants to send her cheating ex. If only she could....! Sisters who hate their brothers and it's his bir
  9. DA_DAAAAAAAH! :boogy: :boogy: Thank you Mr Books VERY MUCH INDEED! Regards. Simon
  10. Settings? What settings? That's easier said than done Books! Told you I was crap at this! Simon
  11. I'm definately up for this Davy. I wonder how you get to compete?. I'd have a crack at the title with these lads!
  12. Hi Stealthy. Hawke Endurance 3-9X42 IR. With the weather so bad I've not had a chance to properly try it on my TX200 .22 rifle.# Regards. Simon
  13. It's looking very well mate. I like the Gothic typeface. Dark/black Humour is a very British thing. Good luck with it. Andy!
  14. You're right Skot, generally there isn't usually a problem. But, even with Sportsmatch, ( I refuse to use anything else, by the way) a sharp crack of heavy recoil from a powerful spring can still shift the scope off true. And without an arrestor of some sort. it will creep back mounts and all. This is how I solve my scope issues and it works for me. So might work for our friend here. Regards. Pianoman
  15. I LIKE THAT!! How do you get this to be an avatar on here? I am a total arse with computers.
  16. I'm down your way this weekend and free Sunday if you want to meet and shoot mate? Be great to meet up with you and bring my HW77 and TX200 rifles. Got a new scope for the TX I want to try out too. Hope you are around. PM sent to you. Best regards. Simon
  17. You can only sell or pass on an FAC registered air rifle, regardless of its chronographed FPE reading, to a Registered Firearms Dealer. Only he has the authority of the police to detune it to sub 12ft/lbs and formally certify it as such with them. Consider this not-impossible scenario. The police may have cause to apprehend a fellow with an air rifle he bought as a second hand bargain. And, after subsequently checking, they find out his air rifle serial numbers or previous owner was on the firearms register; and this new owner has no FAC. How would anyone without an FAC, prove to
  18. There is a another, if drastic alternative way to cure your scope-blues....this is purely a suggestion....You could always fix the scope in the front mount with Araldite epoxy cement.... I'm not joking. It may be a drastic solution, but, it holds the scope secure and firm against all manner of heavy spring recoil issues. Assuming your scope needs no further adjustment other than mounting it in the mounts and rings..... 1. Mount the scope and level it perfectly to the action and your eye-relief. It must be absolutely mounted perfect because there is no going back once this is done.
  19. They are really, Chris. I once tried out a TX200SR .177. 12 years ago. It was a brand new, really beautiful, dedicated left handed version, in fine walnut, top Bushnell scope, the lot, offered to me by a dealer friend of mine at a great price. I really was tempted. Set up for seated and/or prone-position target shooting and this TX200 SR would have been truly magnificent. But it seemed to weigh a ton and, I reasoned that such a weight was impractical for a hunting rifle I could carry and shoot all day. Cracker of a rifle though All the best with your new purchases! Simon.
  20. They really are Mawders. Awesome air rifle line!
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