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Everything posted by pianoman

  1. I'm surprised to read this Elliott but, I think FTT are all 5.53mm headsize. Never come across another, smaller headsize of this make of pellet. It's the way of all air rifles that what works brilliantly well in one or two, or more rifles, is poison to another. I've just never yet come upon a Weihrauch air rifle that didn't like H&NFTTs..until yours! Simon Edited to add; Are these H&N trophies you've tried, an old pellet stock? Or are they the current ones in the Green/Blue tins with the ballistic info on the lid?
  2. This was a really heartwarming read AirgunGuy. I'm certain your little girl will have a more balanced view of hunting when she qualifies as a Vet! It's very important to see the youngsters getting first hand experience with their wise dad. And a smashing looking little dog too! It should always be thus Best wishes and regards to you and yours AirgunGuy Pianoman
  3. This is one where only you can really decide which is the way to go on calibre ryanod90.. If it was me I'd go for .177 in this case. Superb hunting and HFT competition rifle all in one! Pianoman
  4. My thoughts exactly Rob! And more cost to do...exactly the same again! I've thought about my TX200 .22 rifle as a possible seller..till I go shooting with it!This is a superb looking HW80K and has clearly proven itself in the field as a potent hunter. Losing this HW80 in sale or trade will be certainly regretted webster. I've had mine for nearly 15 years and it still has the power to amaze me with what it's capable of. Nobody is ever going to get the one I own, not for a hundred other rifles and thousands of £££ on the table! Keep it and save for another rifle! Pianoman
  5. Thanks Mac and to everyone for such kind compliments. Really appreciate them. Edited to add. Over 11,300 views of this thread. That's encouraging for a writing project!! Simon the Pianoman
  6. I think rat shooting is just about my favourite shooting sport. Fast moving, all range, thwacks like hell and a positive outcome for the landowner. And you never full wipe them out. There is nothing remotely attractive or admirable about them and these must have made great sport. Well shot Davy! Simon
  7. They are a fine rifle no question the TX200 brassneck. Have to say though, I'm not one of the noodle armed brigade and I can carry my TX200 all day and night. The weight of a spring rifle has never been a downside issue for me.
  8. I'm not a mind reader Robbie uk but, Your just-purchased 2nd hand TX200 is clearly stated as the rifle in question posed by this thread fella!
  9. Oh I remember now... trying to get me pissed! Hahaha!! :laugh:
  10. Awww Davy. After all I just said...You didn't go twistin' folks Turrets now did ya?!! :laugh: :laugh: Oh really Mr Thomas . So your admitting it now that your the Phantom Turret Twister are you? The one that put my HW100 S 16 clicks down off zero . Your a bad man
  11. Thank you very kindly Roger. Cheers sureshot that's a bit of what we'll be doing I should wonder Neither Davy, Si nor I have anything to prove as marksmen here so, this is not going to be some half-arsed gunfight at the OK Wet Weekend!. We really do know what we are doing with a rifle in our hands. We have tried at all times to use our knowledge and experience to offer help and advice whenever it has been asked for, regardless of who from. We have immense respect for eachother, from our shooting together, and against eachother in competition before and a great friendship has grown betw
  12. Wow! If my lady said to me one day "Darling I'm sending you to South Africa to swim with sharks!" I'd answer, "Why don't you just tell me it's over between us!" You sure your wife's not trying to get you scoffed? LOL!! There is a shark at THE DEEP in Hull. I took one look at it coming slowly through the murky deep water and it had the absolute look of death about it. That was close enough for me. But I hope you love every minute of it! Pianoman
  13. Hi Ryan. Welcome to this section! Weihrauch HW80 is a superb all round sporting break barrel air rifle. The Weihrauch HW77, HW97 or Air Arms TX200 or Air Arms Prosport are the finest spring underlevers. But all these rifles are truly awesome spring rifles. Any one of them will do all you can ask of an air rifle. You will learn far more and gain so much pleasure from owning and shooting a spring rifle like these than a PCP will show you. Pianoman
  14. Second that Tony. A huge vote of thanks to Si. Davy and Chaz for what they put into these meets. Great to know the lads will be having a bit more to cheer them up in their ration packs than Hard Tack biscuit, steamed treacle sponge pud, bully beef and chicken supreme! (Or have K-packs changed since my day?) A very worthy cause lads eh? And some great times for us! Bravo everyone who supported these meets. Pianoman
  15. Well, you'll soon see when all the veg starts getting scoffed. Legally speaking you had every right to be there as obviously, someone had to give you permission in the first place and you've established yourself there or there would have been trouble sooner. Polkey's suggestion is courteous and sensible. I like that. But what concerns me more is the fact that she seemed to aim her car at your rifle. That is an act punishable by the courts. Bring that one up at her next bloody meeting! Hope you are well mate. Simon
  16. Oh it worked to a point Davy The booze and the campfire camraderie with you and Wurz and Paul and Si, Laura and everyone was magic. These are brilliant times at these meets that everyone should be a part of. I just do not have hangovers or suffer mornings after. Never have mate. I've done Sgt's mess nights till 0400 am and gone on parades, smart as you like at 0800! Up with the larks and sparking on all cylinders regardless!. As I will be when we meet up! Love. Simon
  17. Davy you are absolutely right....No sir, it's not!
  18. Si you are an amazing dear man. You shoot like a man born to the task. I salute you in all the ways I know sir! I would be honoured to shoot alongside you my dear friend. Simon
  19. Davy my dear friend I cannot think of a more worthy opponent on the field of honour. Your challenge is graciously accepted. PM sent to you! As I am not afraid to get publicly slaughtered, I am not fazed by going out to shoot against anyone with skills! It would be an amazing experience dear lad and yes, I don't want a "Who-can-piss-furthest-with the-biggest dick contest, but a clean, fair demonstration of what spring piston air rifles are capable of nowadays and how we can get the best out of them with a bit of knowledge and a lot of practice. It will make a great film I think and sh
  20. Si I'd like to do something for you mate. Especially if I can demonstrate just how effectively accurate a real top notch spring rifle can be. FAC or sub-12 is all the same to me. You know what my level of shooting is mate, so what would you like to see? Love and best wishes to Davy, you and Laura. Simon Edit to add. .22 or .177 is all the same to me too. I'll take on ANYONE here with a PCP as good as a Rapid, Air Arms. HW100 or Daystate for a bit of fun!.
  21. When I was a kid this was called "Mischief Night" where we did outlandishly mindless acts of random vandalism and outrage like.... Knock on someone's door and run away! Oh how times (and kids) have changed. Pianoman
  22. That's a perfect answer from zini/Si I guess you are currently using a PCP from a standing position? All I can add is, Prone is the best position I know of for stable shooting accuracy. If however, you shoot with a recoiling spring rifle, only use a restive support of the forestock on your forehand. Give yourself some extra support by using a beany seat or a pack stuffed with a pillow to rest your arm against. Don't even think of using a bipod. But whatever posture you find suits you best, make sure you are as relaxed and as comfortable as possible shooting in it. Pianoman
  23. To be honest. No, not really! If I shoot just one or two rabbits I use them as bait for magpies and crows. But now, when I get a decent bag, I give it away to an old folk's home near me where they have cooks who deals with the meals. I've been doing it since the summer and it's good to do for them and they love a bit of fresh rabbit and woodpigeon with veg. Especially a good pie from it. Edit to add. I do love a good rabbit curry though! Marksman and theflashingblade here make some delicious curries with rabbit.
  24. I don't have children Fry mate. I have rifles and yes, this one HW77 is my special baby! I really thought she was stuffed. But Jim Hogan is a real gunsmith of the old school! Amazing to find him working only a few miles away from my home. Hope you are well and free of any more mishaps of your own. Nothing worse than a treasured rifle coming to grief. Simon
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