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Everything posted by pianoman

  1. A lot of your unshaky shooting doesn't dear Adam! :laugh: :laugh:
  2. I already do that Roger. If you email sales@simonatack.com they'll tell you what we have. All the paintings and some drawings are available as cards from £1.50 up to a tenner for a pack of assorted! We will have a card gallery built onto the site pretty soon. Cheers Roger. Simon
  3. Thank you gravel,(,what a name!) Love your dogs by the way,. They look real characters! Best wishes. Simon
  4. Feck Me thats as bad has the H & N 's Simon not impressed with Consistency of some pellet makers especially as they ain't cheap. :angry2: That's what I was thinking Daz. Seems a bit of jump by a whole grain of weight within about 50 pellets. Still, Elliott is getting some superb shooting from them in his HW77 and is that not the way it should be?!Simon
  5. Thank you Elliott. Just need a bit of decent, windless weather this weekend to see what they taste like! Cheers for these mate. Simon
  6. These Lis' look much like polished-up Crossman Accupels and Premiers. Just found the lowest is 14.1 grain to a highest 15.01 grain. Is that reasonable with these pellets?
  7. Just weighed the batch of Daystate Rangemaster Li .22 Elliott sent me. 14.3 to 14.9 grain average.
  8. This is just why I cannot risk my HW77 as a competition rifle Si and have to go to .177 with an HW97KT (Davy's chrono revealed she is running hot by the way!). The one true pellet she loves is just not good enough anymore. For want of good weather here I want to be out testing with the Daystate Li's Elliott kindly sent me. I'm praying they will be perfect for my 77. Could be Elliott you ran afoul of these not-so-hot FTTs before some of the rest of us did and did something positive about it! Simon
  9. I've been pulling my hair out over the inconsistently diverse spreads of weight and physical sizes in one tinful of FTT Davy. H&N FTT .22 were my HW80's favourite pellet for years and my HW77 absolutely loves em. Then they started to have quality issues which have gotten worse over the last few years. FTTs in one tin will vary from being too tight to so loose that will fall out of the breech. The only way top get a consistent performance from them is to wash, lube and weigh every one of them. I'm not in the least surprised at your findings buddy! Simon
  10. Aw I'd love to Davy mate but, I'm required to be at my studio at work this weekend. Got a painting I have to finish for Christmas. I'll be thinking of you all though mate. Simon
  11. Phewww! This bloody computer banter business can get a bit scary when two close mates I care a great deal about, suddenly start taking what reads like offence to eachother! I'd give owt' to be with you this Sunday and have a pint or few after the shooting! Simon
  12. Very consistent return you now have! Best spring piston underlever rifle there is, the HW77 in my view ArcticWolf. Astonishingly accurate whatever calibre. This makes an interesting read to see how you've brought yours up to standard. Sounds like you have a better understanding of what's going on inside your gun than you let on . Well done mate. It's always good to read how a fellow sorts out an issue like this. Hope she give you years of great shooting. Simon
  13. Scope. Assuming you use an Adjustable Optic (AO) front-focusing, variable magnification scope. It's the one bit of the rifle that has to be manually adjusted to focus the distance sharply, read the precise range accurately (after you've marked your yards/metres on the focus ring where the range distances fall into focus at the max magnification.) and zero the barrel to your preferred zero point. Scope or Barrel? Both will work for a shooter's needs and clearly, they do! But, when you think about it, distances are a set-constant factor in our accuracy solution and the scope is the
  14. Hi Andyz' Thanks for the kind word there fella. Your a Wiltshireman I see! Helen is a Wiltshire lass! The goal will be to get Helen to be able to confidently tackle an HFT course with a spring rifle. Anyone who can do that will improve their shooting no end. Old Downs is a great HFT training ground with most of its targets are challenging to put it mildly, but I'm sure you will have been over and shot the course yourself! Thanks again Andy. Hope to see you with us when we get together there again sometime Simon
  15. Hi Si. No I stayed with Helen an extra day and returned to Yorkshire early Tuesday morning. I'll be making arrangements with Tony in due course and of course, I'll only be too happy to let you know how the 97 will shoot. Cheers mate. Simon Ahh Skott. Where have you been lately? We'll think on it mate but, Christmas is fast approaching and our cash is getting rapidly spoken for on other things right now! Cheers again mate. Simon
  16. You really need some coaching??? Oh alright then And thanks for the festive greetings Daz. Helen and I are just fine and Helen's keen as fresh mustard... and hovering towards an HW95.... She wants to learn from the ground floor up with a spring rifle and I reckon that's the one for her as her starter rifle. Then a PCP for her at some point. It makes sense she experiences and learns from both for target shooting. Though she did say she wouldn't be averse to Ratting! All the best to you and yours too mate. Simon and Helen.
  17. Cheers pal! After the weekend I've just had, I'll just watch Si and Davy's HW97KTs rip that sweet new 77 to shreds! :laugh: :laugh: Aww Daz, Seriously. Well done mate on getting the new stock version. But it's still a traditional HW77 action and I'm more than happy with the beautiful, traditional .22 one I have sitting just a couple of feet from me as I type this! AndyFR1968 fettled and tuned and as accurate as you like and that's just one rifle you will be competing against, my fine Welsh rarebit! The other is my new HW97KT .177 I'm keeping under wraps and out of the limelight
  18. Hi Phil. The way the rabbit population on my permission has been flattened by mixy, a lot of my hunts this year have been largely nature watching with a rifle. Still, that has produced some wonderful sunrise dawns and sunsets and my favourite mood of all, the swirl of the lavender-grey mists in the late winter afternoons as the light fades around the purple forests of bare, spidery trees in the gloom, the chance of a shot at a Crow or Magpie and the loamy smell of the ploughed earth and the woodland's leafy floor. I really love to be out in the countryside on such haunted days. Even if t
  19. Aww that's lovely of her Ron, bless her. Haha! Wait til Helen reads I'm a David Soul lookalike! A lot better than what a Philipino friend of the lads thought I was on the Youtube comments! Well on behalf of Helen and me mate, here's to a very Happy 44th Wedding Anniversary to you and Mrs Tron with a glass of Burgundy I'm just enjoying -CHEERS TO YOU BOTH ! Simon
  20. Now look here chaps, no names were mentioned, no fingers were pointed and no-one was done down! Charlie told me the rifle needed a fair bit of restorative work to bring it up to the standard it is now. He has done a fine job and he should be commended on the result he has. I had no idea who this rifle previously belonged to, until Dave said so himself. My principles remains the same. People who let a lovely rifle rust, bugger it about with rough, clumsy handling, don't bother cleaning and caring for it, don't deserve one. I don't care who you are or what type of yacht your daddy has. I
  21. It was lovely to see Charlie aka Lighthunter too. He's done a truly marvelous job on that S510 PCP from what he was telling me about the state it was in when he aquired it. Some people should never be allowed near a rifle that nice if they can't be bothered to look after it. Seriously wish I had the time to meet up with everyone on this upcoming Cambridge round. Sunday. Thanks for the kind encouragements to Helen here everyone! She's quite a lass! Simon.
  22. Elliott, Aaron thank you. I would love to get out with Si and Davy on a hunting foray on one of their permissions. My FAC HW80 is a killer of a rat and rabbit/everything rifle but so are all my other rifles. The Air Arms TX200HC I shoot with here is 13 years old and the Bushnell Scopechief 4-14x50mm scope you see on it is the same age. It's a 30/30 reticle, by the way; no mil-dots or ladder-scale "Christmas Tree" SBRC with this optic. Just a fine medium-to-thin crosshair and a bit of trajectory knowledge of my pellet. But it is clear as the day it was made and superbly accurate in zero. Wel
  23. D'ta think was a bit much? :laugh: :laugh: That is a lovely pic you took of me and 'Ol Annie Oakley' Si. It's time to give poor old Major Konig/Ed Harris his gold watch! Adam. Buster, thanks for your kind comments fellas. Davy told me later that, when he cleaned his S410 and checked the scope, Helen had done all her shooting with it on only 4xmag and a unfocused reticle! I'm very proud of her..and wondering what she could achieve with everything zoomed up and focused! Thanks again lads. Simon
  24. She currently googling rifles and pellets like a veteran. Helen is one of those people like, when they get hold of something, they don't stop. She's seriously been smitten. I asked her had she had any former desire to take up shooting and she said 'No. Always was invisible...Well, she chose a hell of a partner to be quiet Mrs Pianoman! As for the negative comment? Well screw em! They weren't there to witness shit and I wasn't born in a world that shits itself playing conkers, climbing trees and riding a bike without a bloody suit of plastic armour !! Thank God! Who ever that was ca
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