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Everything posted by pianoman

  1. Darryl. See new PM. Helen wants to buy the HW80! SOLD YES! Simon.
  2. I've done a New Year's Eve deal with a Pub Landlord for a decent sized group of us. All you can drink for just under twenty quid... So tonight we're gonna party like it's £19:99...! Happy New Year to you, your families and your permission owners........We need them for their bloody land! God Bless every one of you good lads here. Simon.
  3. A very happy, peaceful and prosperous new year to you too Villaman from Pianoman. Best wishes. Simon
  4. But..you know what, I think the HW80 is the king of the Weihrauch Break barrel stable. If you can get one of the traditional ones with open sights, you have an awesome do-anything rifle for life. Especially if you want to go FAC in the future. I really am at a loss to understand this reputation it has for weight. I do not find it a heavy rifle in the least. Give this one a serious consideration Daniel! The one Webster was selling looks to be a very nice and tidy buy here! Simon.
  5. Go out and invite the police in for a cuppa and a civilised chat and show them you only have a few air rifles for sport. And you are not the man they are looking for. Or would they over-react to such as a possible ambush? Jesus what a fecked-up age we live in now! Pianoman
  7. You gentlemen here are too kind to me. But to be honest Daniel, you are in very fine company with these good men. Their shooting is as amazing as their knowledge is a force to be reckoned with any day. But they are great friends too. Right then, in light of answers so far, your choices of rifle are sound. I must agree with Si here that the HW95 is a logical step up from your HW25. It is a beautifully weighted rifle with a very nice handling stock. Add a scope to it and you have all the accuracy you'd want from your shooting developement with it. I can appreciate your desire for open si
  8. It's the young buggers today, like the Graham clan, that get me going. They have no patience to learn anything, but want it mastered in three minutes or faster, or they won't play! They buy a PCP air rifle and because it rules out the human element as far as possible, with recoiless soullessly dead firing cycles, they can hit a 2p disc at 40 yards and the next thing you know, they are born-again snipers on airgun forums with handles like BOOM HEADSHOTKILLZONESPECIALOPSBUNNYKILLA Give me fecking strength whatever next they come back with.... The fecking Grahams are so fecking typical here i
  9. Never mind Wurz. You can always tell when the English form any society or group,,, They immediately start excluding people! Pianoman. Can I join? I'm 55 and as grumpy as they come!
  10. For a non-pcp shooter I found this a great read. Seems like the rifle's a beauty, whatever the merits of the fellow's wiring! Pellet of choice is going to down to testing Jonezy but, at least you can rest assured you have a marvellously accurate shooting rifle. All the best with it. Pianoman
  11. Ahhh. I had a Webley Eclipse when relatively new out and I used 2-piece mounts without these problems at all Karl. The scoperail is a pretty solid section of metal and you would have to overtighten the bolts to breaking point to damage the cylinder. If this has happened under normal tension levels, I'd say there's a fault with the metal in the casting, as the surface clamp-tension is about the same, whichever type of mount you use. I prefer 2-piece as a rule. They offer far better optimum adjustment to give you the perfect eye relief on your scope and better balance the rifle.
  12. Without knowledge of your rifle type or scope reticle you are using disschord, the general impression of an answer is 30 metres (about 28 yards) is the optimum. But try varying your scope's Mag power over a series of targets to get some clear idea what your pellet's trajectory arc is at 570 FPS up to and beyond 30Ms/28Ys. ranges. It's the height of the reticle above the bore-center of your barrel, as set by the mounts Villaman. Lower the mounts and you get your reticle closer to the bore-center of your rifle and that gives you a clear pattern of what your pellet's trajectory is doing over
  13. Ahh and what do you sharpen a stick with Adam?! More to the point...I use a long-bladed and very sharp knife to carve my Sunday roast beef joints and the Turkey we had this Christmas, as will a lot of people. What do they propose we use instead, a bloody fruit knife; a saw? I will not use an electric carving knife, you cannot do a proper job on boning joints, much beyond slicing. And who were these so-called chefs they consulted? Do they think EVERYONE is unable to cook properly and thus long knives are really surplus? They really must believe the populace of this country must be uneducated
  14. I bet his wife got a beating for that act. Gyppo Bast@ard!
  15. And a warm, peaceful and merry Christmas to you and your family too Darryl. Simon and Helen.
  16. Are you a serving soldier too Blue pocket rocket?
  17. HEAR HEAR!!! As with these gentlemen I wish to add what a positive message this is to read. Thank you Gary for sharing this. Let's redouble our efforts in the new year and make a real push for even more parcels for our front line soldiers in Afghanistan. God bless and protect every one of them. So Hot Chocolate Orange drinks, Cheddars and Pringles are a good goer. Anything else they'd like Gary? Flight home for Christmas leave by Crab Air not optional alas! Merry Christmas to you Gary. Simon.
  18. Hi Moxy. Try giving RWS SUPERFIELD a try I shoot with a Weihrauch HW80 .22 on my FAC and these are amazingly accurate and stable with 21 ft/lbs behind them. best regards.. Simon
  19. I loved the avatars that said things like "Archie Rocks" and "Archie told you so!" after yet another attempt to con a way through here by the Graham clan. He will make it to Boxing Day and beyond. Long may he and his cyber-babes reign and prosper so, .....A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ARCHIE AND ALL YOU GOOD MEN HERE! Simon
  20. The sound of an air rifle plinking in a back garden, is nowhere near as offensive as a party of teens and twenty somethings having a piss-up in the thinly-disguised name of a BBQ and that shit rap/crap music blaring all feckin' day; and a major clean up of the neighbours gardens the next!
  21. Sorry Adam. It seems the weather gods are against us. It's raining pretty well in for the day here at Helen's in Chippenham. No Shoot mate! Simon
  22. Gentlemen it seems the weather will be bloody poor and wet this weekend so, I'm not shooting. But if theres a chance of a meet up and a beer going, I'm up for that. Simon
  23. The funerals have been harrowing to watch. This is Christmas. It's the time for families to celebrate with their children and their relatives to come together. It's the time of year that makes this massacre all the more poignant. Those families and parents are now condemned to spending every remaining Christmas they have in their lives, reliving and remembering this one where/when their child was murdered. I cannot begin to imagine what that must be like.
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