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Everything posted by pianoman

  1. You mentioned a tuned HW80 as one of your better options so, I think Chris naturally assumed this was an FAC spring rifle option you are looking at.... If by this rifle, you mean to convert it to FAC gas ram; you can but, putting a gas ram into an HW80 is not always a happy marriage. I don't know why but, some are good in conversion and others are not so. But if you are seriously going to have a Gas ram with a view to tuning-up the power to FAC, both the HW90 and Theoben Evolution make superb gas ram rifles that can take higher tuning on your ticket. My pal Andy here has a superb .20 cali
  2. Here you go. CUSTOM STOCK. UNIT 1. ROTHERHAM CLOSE. NORWOOD IND. EST. KILLAMARSH. SHEFFIELD. S21 2JU Tel: O1142 472947. They can make a stock for just about any air rifle.
  3. Hahaha. Just a wind up Paul. Actually, there are some very nice PCPs out there right now. I really like the look of the Daystate Huntsman Classic. If I was ever tempted....
  4. Spring rifle every time. This is one rifle I also have and it has been a faithful shooting companion for over 15 years. I love my HW80 .22. You can keep your PCPs! Simon
  5. Hi roosika. I get the impression you are a bit of a beginner here? Okay mate. In addition to the good advices above. A place to start is how much do you really want to spend? Because that is going to determine what you'll end up with. You will need to spend your budget on both a decent rifle and a decent scope. While you figure out your budget, here's a few Gospel honest truths to be going on with your considerations. 1. A quality spring rifle from Weihrauch, Air Arms and Diana is every bit as accurate as the most expensive PCPs and a lot less cost. Regardless of calibre. Without
  6. Great post Phil. Always good to read of meetings like this and top shooting coming out of it. Shooting with Si and Davy is a pleasure of this sport and I'm not surprised to see you've been wringing out some blistering accuracy with such a session as this. He's very infectious is our Si when you get shooting alongside him. Your rifle suddenly developes a 6th gear in its accuracy!. Looks like I'm going to have to buy a Pro Sport and order a Custom Stock's walnut sporter to put it into. Hate to be missing out on such a great rifle. Damn you Air Arms for not making it commercially availa
  7. Always said it was the best spring piston underlever of the lot. The good old HW77. Great shooting with it!
  8. Sportsmatch. Used them for years without a hitch!
  9. I support my local business. RED BECK SHOOTING SUPPLIES out at Crofton nr Wakefield. Great shop, great lads there and fair prices for ammo. Simon
  10. I just bloody knew it would only be a question of time before this mongrel religion would be scrawled on the Bomber Command Memorial. The majority of Bomber command operations flew from bases in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. That's where this memorial should have been sited, in the middle of Lincolnshire, away from the middle of London, where this Islamic scum and filth reside like a colony. The era the memorial represents has long, long passed for the people of the capital. How far are we gonna be pushed before we start seriously fighting back under provocation like this? What's it going
  11. Hi Gametech. The weight of a TX200, or any spring rifle made today, is nothing to worry about. And if you really are carrying your rifle all day and getting tired, the truth of that is, you are moving about too much and thus having to carry it all the time; and you'll scare off everything that will have sensed your unstealthy presence in the first place. Spring rifles are nothing as heavy as people will have you believe. If you can't manage the weight of any good quality one that is recommended to you here, then you have muscle and strength issues that are going to affect your health!
  12. The Feinwerkbau Sport was truly a great air rifle and the first to give us a stylish, classical hunting-rifle look with consistent power and a very accurate barrel. I wish to God I never sold mine. Definitely one to look out for Darryl and with your restoration skills, you could find yourself shooting an absolute sweet classic. I think you'd honestly love one mate. Simon
  13. Without interjecting on Phil's post above here, I have the same early pattern HW77 stock on my HW97 .177 and the balance of the rifle is absolutely spot on with it. Gonna be out with mine today! Better in my hands than the Thumbhole stock is. My TX200 was a beauty and I still own a magnificent TX200HC .177 but, I'm a real Weihrauch man at heart and the rifles I have are just beautifully smooth and accurate as can be to shoot with. But the TX rifle is such a sweet one.; Looks as lovely as it is to shoot and the walnut stocks Air Arms dress it in currently, are as beautifully responsive in
  14. Having shot with Si and Davy over that course, it's testing enough to achieve a high score as good as these figures. But if it's overgrown more, it will be a really testing course and a score of 49 is not a little thing to achieve without there being some tricky threading-shot-through-twigs/leaves moments! So my hat's off to you all here. That must have been fantastic sport to watch, let alone shoot! Best to you lads. Simon
  15. I love the looks and performance of both these rifles. Maybe the stock on the HW97 is not as classy as the Air Arms handle but, it's got just the right angle on the grip and all the function you need. I just wish I could get get a left-handed Pro Sport and my collection would be completely spoiled for shooting choices. I'm thinking of looking for another TX200 rifle. Miss the one I traded in for my HW97KT. Best wishes with the new rifle Benjamin. Simon
  16. Well I thought in hindsight it was too easy there has been enough outrage already but, seeing as you brought it all back up, It would be too easy to say I would have had a go but, being a 55 year old former serviceman who has had a "go" at seriously armed b*****ds in Belize, Barrundi, The Falklands and Belfast, doing something you'll never know what that is actually like, we'll never know that for sure will we. But that was then when I was a much younger, fitter man. Up here in my youth this pair would have been bloody well sorted, I can promise you that old cock! There was an incident in
  17. It's as remarkable to me as it is utterly, mindblowingly raging in me over the work of this pair of Islamic b*****ds that. 1. It took over TWENTY MINUTES to HALF AN HOUR for a police response to what must have been scores of 999 calls from people witnessing this with a phone, that weren't actually filming this attrocity like mindless sheep. 2. The police and security authorities had this pair and the leaders of their shithole Mosque on their radar FOR EIGHT YEARS AND DID NOTHING ABOUT THEM. 3. The Police come crashing down on a few people posting their views on Facebook INSIDE A B
  18. Great shooting Mac, your little grandson has a fine shooter to teach him all this good stuff with your "Crow-Sport" LOL.. Simon
  19. If you are comfortable shooting off your left shoulder instinctively and accurately, that's where you should shoot from Craig.
  20. Great to read this Steve. There's just no need to spend ludicrous amounts of money to get out and shooting with superbly accurate rifles. Why anybody wants to bog themselves down with diving gear, limited shot count and temperamental regulators and bits is beyond me. All my spring rifles together cost about as much or a little more than a single Daystate Air wolf, a quality scope and all the gear that goes to keeping it shooting. For that money you could buy a beautiful spring rifle like a Prosport. TX200 series or an HW95 or HW80. Or HW77 or 97 and fit a superb scope and you'll have a ri
  21. I've got loads of bubble wrap... Someone's got a bloody nice rifle coming!
  22. For the life of me I cannot understand why Si (and Davy too?) gets such a negative response to his shooting from certain quarters. Perhaps they look on superb marksmanship and hard dedicated work to improving legal limit air rifle performance as bad example for unskilled novices to follow???
  23. My HW97KT .177 was three months old and hardly used when I bought it for £350 as a mint condition rifle. A good price to pay but, at new it would be getting on for £500. And it's a great rifle. All things considered. I'm happy with what I've got for the money.
  24. It is. Lol So this would make a rifle combining a 98's compact-handling barrel and accuracy with the weight of an HW80. A Tony Wall tune...all wrapped up in a Custom Stock's CS500 sporter or Tyrrolean walnut stock....Jesus! It really sounds awesome doesn't it! Simon
  25. Good luck with this Ian, it's a sound business idea here. Just be sure you show as much clear info about each batch of pellets in respect of head-sizes, grain weights etc. Nothing worse than finding a batch of pellets that work like dreams in a rifle..and no bloody info as to make, type etc. All the best for your enterprise Ian. I'll be after trying more myself! Simon
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