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Everything posted by pianoman

  1. Gentlemen. I can see the points being raised and understand how you think and feel. But, the Krays were no respectors of the common man as you might think; other than to extort money out him. If you or your parents ran a shop or small business in their part of the East end, working all hours, you could expect a heavy visit to pay them protection money so you didn't get robbed, your shop wrecked or burned and you beaten to hell. Don't think for a minute they were like an unofficial police force, using violence to keep the streets safe from their own kind! If they were running things today
  2. Haven't we been here before mate? What about the answers to the same question I KNOW I gave you along with the other lads, elsewhere on the forum? I'm confused dot com.
  3. Hi Andy. Cheers for that mate, it's great to see the old girl again. If the previous owner had installed a non-spec, higher power spring, it's more than likely the barrel has bent up, unless you've been extremely lucky! you'll soon know when you come to zero your scope and you are having to use virtually all the down-MOA on the elevation turret to get a vertical centre-to-centre point of impact. Does the rifle "Graunch" on cocking? You know, makes an unhealthy sounding noise of grind and crunch as the spring compresses back? That's a broken spring and it's probably got a broken coil scori
  4. Hi young fella. You need to give it and yourself a datum to work on. Measure out a precise 50 yard or metre line of range with a tape measure on your shoot or back garden and mark it at intervals of five-ten-fifteen yards/metres and so on, with flags, sticks or anything you can clearly sight it and fix it's rangepoints on along the full length. Refer to the instructions as to how it's rangefinding is calibrated on a given fixed point of distance if you have them. Or use a bit of trial and error. At least having a reliable line of measured and known distance should tell you how accurately it i
  5. Hi Darren. Sorry to hear that one mate. The TX200 is a heavy rifle best used for static hide shooting from a prone or comfortably low-seated ground position. It's not a lightweight stalking rifle you can swing easilly and rapidly on a target of opportunity suddenly popping up unless you are really used to doing so. I love the two I have, but the weight is what I'm long-used to. Others will certainly hate it. The thing is,I want absolute accuracy and reliability from my rifle shooting on a hunting sortie, that's why I've never yet bought a PCP! Too damm fussy, overpriced temperemental faf
  6. Once saw the world's most unsuccessful Stoat. I was out a few summers ago on my permission which is a beauty for Rabbits as there is a lot of corn and barley crop growing. Out pops this pair of rabbits and start to feed. I'm just lining-up my reticle on the head of the one nearest the hedgerow when this stoat pops out, really eager looking. This thing's fidgitty as hell and the rabbit I was aiming on looks up at it and hops a few feet away. I hold off to watch through the scope what happens next, as Stoats are formidable rabbit hunters..usually. Well this one is hesitating, then sna
  7. ..You Kids...! (Jesus she was tasty though! )
  8. Nice one Si. Time will soon pass to pension day mate. (been itching to use that one!) Bandit Man, the plan is to order one through Sandwell Field Sports, get Tony Wall on the tuning job straight off, if he has the time alright, then I'll drive down to pick it up. As soon as I get to have a word with the man I'll report back here with what it all costs, alright mate. ATB Simon
  9. That's top shooting mate. nice one!
  10. Hi rossy08. Wow I haven't seen one of these beauties for over 30-odd years or more! In my late teens while serving with the RAF Regiment as a green-as-grass LAC Gunner, I remember reading a new monthly magazine called "Air Gun World" and a young John Darling had an HW35E Export .22 (hence the "E") and a Tasco 3-9x40 moonlighter and, in the pages of the magazine, he would effortlessly despatch rats, rabbits, pidgeons and corvids at some serious ranges every month. It was regarded as one of the best break barrel spring air rifles you could hope for in 1977/78 and established Weihrauch's rep
  11. THE67al. Will do. I like the sound of the 4-16x44 you have. Cheers sir!
  12. Hi Darren. What I don't get is where this so-called mainspring comes into play with a PCP mechanism . Unless it is acting as a return spring, keeping a regulator valve closed under tension or something? I'm in full agreement with Andy here, there's something fishy going on. But don't go trying to fix the thing yourself if you are not sure of what you're about. Is the rifle still under makers warranty or guarentee? I would certainly go seek the advice of a second, independant gunsmith, one who knows your rifle's inner workings and ask him about this mainspring's function and get an opinion on
  13. Hi Aaron. I don't wish to simply repeat the good advices you have here but, you can cock a spring rifle and hold it on for quite considerable lengths of time without loss of power. I discovered with mine that, as springs aren't expensive to replace, I'd rather keep the gun ready on cock, than scare off my quarry with my TX200 or Weihrauch HW80 snapping open to load. I've been shooting this way for over ten years and my guns are still running their original springs to the same power levels they were tuned to. One thing you must be aware of, is Gas Rams release their air-charge much faster than
  14. Hey Si fella you are welcome mate . I'm an ex forces marksman myself (RAF Regiment)with 12 years active service on the SLR and L96-A1 rifle up to SNCO instructor. My springers are a weight and handling character I'm well used to and I love this sport with a passion. I've been shooting all my life just abouts and I've come to admire your dedication to this sport and your easy willingness to share your skills and sensible advice with anyone who asks for it. I'm sorry to read here that you've been in a bit of schtuck with your ex-wife and your spring rifles have had to be sold. That's no joke ma
  15. Thanks again Si, your recommendations are good enough for me anyday mate. I'm ordering an HW77 in .22 and Tony at SFS will get the tuning job. Sorted! Cheers buddy Simon
  16. Hi Si and thanks for giving this your considerations. You know, I have tried the 97KT and 97K, and I love em, and that was a .22 right handed stock version I scoped-up and zeroed during the summer, which speaks something of just how good a rifle in handling and ballance they are. And I will be adding one or two, I just know it but, the heft and length of the HW77 is seriously calling me right now. I just love everything about Weihrauch spring rifles and this is one of the very finest they ever built. You've hit a sound note with staying safe and confirmed my inner instincts to stay with what
  17. Gentlemen. Hi. I'm a dedicated spring gun shooter through and through, and I'm seriously thinking about adding an HW77 Standard Rifle to my collection. The quality and accuracy of this rifle is unquestionable, the length and weight are perfect for a man of my proportions and it's available for left handers like me -marvellous! I wonder though, if any of you have any knowledge or experience, good or bad of this rifle in .20 cal. Seems an excellent calibre if it lives up to it's claims of flatter trajectory than .22 with more punch than a .177. H&N make a .20 pellet I'm thinking would
  18. @Renzac. You are welcome fella . Always remember. If you've shot humanely, with fullest considerations for killing without inflicting suffering at all times, you can end your hunting day with a clear conscience that you shot as professionally well as the very best do. Nish to whatever anyone else says or does. The vid' been "removed by the user" So, he's probably got the message. ATB Simon
  19. I'm with andyfr1968 on this one. I'm thinkng of taking up Uttings offer on this scope and getting one for my TX200 .22 standard rifle. I too am an old bugger set in my ways and duplex, 30-30 reticles work for me just as well as mildots. If the paralax of this Monarch is set at 35 yards, it'll do just right by me. Go get it mate! simon
  20. Nice one Owen, you keep up on spring gun shooting fella You are already well forging a skillful shooting standard with your 99S that will serve you well all your shooting life. I'm 53 now and been shooting spring rifles regularly since I was 8. Never seen or shot with a PCP yet, nice as they are, that can out-perform my HW80s, '77, 97k and TX200s at my shoulder on a hot, dry, dusty shoot. You'll never be stuck for a decent day's shooting too. It's the learning that never stops. That's the great thing here! ATB Simon
  21. Goddamit mate that was great bird shooting. I'm gonna get an order in for your DVDs....Still won't convert me from my beloved springers though..(But then again!) All the best for your movie sales Si. Simon
  22. Hi Lady Hunter and welcome. Only 500 of the 97k Centenary model were made with a laminate stock and a gilt trigger, making them something of a limited edition collector's piece. In the absence of an accurate price-guide answer, I'd compare the offer price of this particular rifle against the cost of a new .22cal. standard model -and a reasonable second hand one, weigh up the cost differences and decide whether or not you really want the laminate stock ltd edition or a 97K per se. Also, does this particular rifle offer come with a decent quality, usable scope or not? ATB Simon
  23. @THE67al. Sounds like a nice scope this Mamba light. Do you use one mate? What spec model?
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