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Everything posted by pianoman

  1. Today I remember a dear buddy and a gentle, kind lad. Sapper Toby Lyle Royal Engineers. He died of wounds recieved at South Georgia, Falklands Campagne 1982. He passed away aboard the SS Uganda on the voyage home aged 22. The memories I have of fighting in that conflict are too upsetting to relate further. I just wanted to say something about a fine lad I knew all too briefly.
  2. You have to convince your quarry that you are not really there. So you have to eliminate as far as possible, all the elements that give you away. Your scent, your shape, your movements or shift. Sheen=anything that shines and reflects. Shadow, which can both help hide you, or give you away. And Sound. Rabbits particularly are superbly equipped for hearing your approach and smelling precisely what you are and where you are coming from. Their eyesight isn't their strongest sense. They see in black and white and rely on movement to detect friend from foe and speed to get away. Pidgeons and c
  3. Please do Andy when you can mate. I certainly will. I've spent this summer restoring an old HW80K and I'm currently heartset after an HW77 Standard length. You're absolutely right bud, I honestly love Weihrauch air rifles. Their consistent, panzer tank build quality inside and out, heft, length, superbly accurate barrels and that Rekord trigger. I swear you can virtually fine-adjust your zero with setting those triggers to your perfect let-off pull weight. I love em. A simple turn of a screwdriver and you have it set. I'll never spend £800.00 on a PCP and all that palaver with diver's bo
  4. Hi silentshot1 Now that's what I'm talking about. A great rifle that looks, shoots and performs like a great rifle! Fantastic 77 you have mate and what a gift! Somebody truly loves you!! I'm a devotee of spring rifles and have been for 40 years since my aunt gave me my cousin's 50s vintage Webley .22 as an 8 year old, and went shooting with me dad. I own and shoot 2 Weihrauch HW80 .22 rifles, an HW95k in .22 and a pair of TX200s; a .22 rifle and an .177 HC carbine which are magnificent, accurate shooting rifles. The HW77 was a rifle I've always promised myself and at last, after my fami
  5. I must say, I never thought of getting a scent of woodsmoke on my shooting togs Wurz, does that work? Scent is one of biggest giveaways there is against us. Apparently a rabbit's nose can pick-up a human scent at over 100 metres away. There is an approach to one of my permissions where you have only one point of entry and if the winds and breezes are at your back there, you'll see late-afternoon rabbits scurry off in alarm in the far distance. no matter how quietly and stealthily you approach and you're in for a long wait before they re-emerge. I remember my father used to use a spe
  6. Hi Andy. I can appreciate the dilemma mate. Your rifle here is the basic HW35. The HW35E that I owned, had a chequered grip and is the more sought after, though the metalworks and barrel are just the same. A mint condition HW35E seems to average £100 -£120. What your rifle is though, is one of the early originals and they tend to have been better made than later models that don't always benefit from more modern production manufacturing techniques. I'd hang on to it a bit longer or display it in the shop and wait for a knowledgeable shooter to spot it and get him into conversation. He ma
  7. Neatly back on thread.. I use British Military DPM (I don't personally give a shit what the M stands for) and a German service cap or a headnet. As Rabbits see only in Black and White and rely on seeing movement or stark contrasts such as your shape appearing over the horizon or brightly standing out against the greens and browns of foliage, for visual acuity, their cheif weapons of sensory defense are their ability to smell, and hear the enemy approaching. Thus very expensive items of cammo clothing are somewhat more of a choice for comfort and weatherproofing than actually being the
  8. Hi young fella. The Weihrauch HW95k probably fits the bill better than any rifle mentioned Collie, with the Weihrauch HW99 a darn good second. A good hunt about will find a good second hand one that's been traded in for an upgraded rifle. I have to say, a lot of people really skimp on spending decent money for shooting kit, buy the cheapest naffest gear they can find then wonder; 1. Why it doesn't work. 2. Why it breaks/fails so easily. 3. Why it's so inaccurate as to be useless. 4. Why they have to go out to buy again. The Gamos are just cheaply made junk, fit for plinki
  9. Well-shot Collie lad. So, you're a youngster of 14. Well, we've all been 14 and said and done some stupid stuff along the way..and been forgiven for it. So young fella, no more playing silly buggers with people who have been honest and respectful to you, okay?. You've been soundly found out, as all fools do, and laughed at for being the village idiot. But, you haven't slinked off like a low coward and you have made your apology. Fair play indeed. That's good enough for a second chance from me and I'm keen to see a young lad encouraged to learn to shoot responsibly ... Now, do yo
  10. That would be great Andy. thank you. There's no problem bringing a guest on mine either. Got some lovely fields and a woodland. Usually plenty of Rabbits, woodies and the odd squirrel, Crow or Magpie or two. Tell the world to feck off and keep your RWS 52 too! Gonna have a look at how my work schedule runs (I'm a pro musician -means funny days and hours) and we'll sort something out and meet up. Cheers for now mate Simon.
  11. And I'm Brian of Nazereth ...and so's my wife, so ner! ATB Simon
  12. Yeah why? Bit of a dumb thing to do. Nothing wrong with your rifle mate, and you aren't among supermen. Just decent lads who enjoy shooting and share their experiences and knowledge with other decent lads who enjoy shooting and share theirs.. You get the idea. Nice one on the crow with your S400 collie. Now let's have posts like that eh!
  13. Great Now go get a digital camera and post us pics of the S400 and the gear you actually own mate. This is still google images of adverts and other peoples kit.
  14. Hi Hilly. Air Arms 410 EXTRA. Air Arms S400 EXTRA are very nice and among the most cost-effective. I know of a shooter who uses an AA 410 FAC EXTRA which is superbly accurate and reliable at 30+ft/lbs but, there are less shots per fill of course. Theoben Rapid series, some Daystates are good at FAC level, BSA, perhaps. Be very, very careful if you look to possibly buying a second hand FAC airgun and establish good, genuine, non-technical reasons why the owner is selling. Higher muzzle energy is no replacement for serviceable reliabillity. I don't want to sound sarcastic but, you coul
  15. The one am getting you get the mounts sun shade and Scope covers free. Yeh i got the scope covers and sunshade and the rest but no mounts, bought it 2nd hand and was a good price so i went for it. Just need to now make sure i get good mounts for it as its a cracking scope so want the best mounts i can get for it John You need to get a set of Sportsmatch mounts from your local gunshop or order online John. Best scope mounts in the airgun business; end of. ATB Simon
  16. Your most welcome from me Thomson. Give the FX Cyclone a fair hearing as it's a very nice shooting rifle and the one I tried was superbly accurate. It's really well made and I understand Ben Taylor had a hand in the design of it's regulator. As he was also the Ben in Theoben, I guess he knows his stuff! It was the weight of the HW100 -coupled with the fact that I'm a huge Weihrauch spring gun fan that tipped that rifle in my favour but, it was by no means a winner by a mile! Hope you find a happy outcome whichever you choose. ATB Simon
  17. Hi Andy Sorry to hear about the cash situation causing a sell-off of your gear mate, lot of that in these times. I'm in a similar hole with work getting thin but, I'll never sell my springers. We need a sport and an escape for a day, more than ever. Just got to hang in and tough it out I suppose. Noted you're a West Yorkshire lad. Me too, from Pontefract. I shoot over Wentbridge/Kirk Smeaton way if you know the area. It's been very thin on rabbits this season and theres been a few I've shot suffering with Mixy. On this particular HW80 I have a Simmons Pro Air 6-18x40 and a Venomtech slim
  18. Andy thanks for that kind response mate. I absolutely love Weihrauch sporting rifles and restoring this old HW80K from a virtual pile of rust, battered stock and a graunching, broken spring to a good-as-new sweet shooting, precision accurate, tuned hunter has been a challenge and a labour of love and I'm really proud of how well it's gone. I must say I'd like try the HW90 and that Theoben gas ram system for myself Andy, is it as consistent as it sounds?. I've promised myself a new tuned HW77 standard rifle; I've been itching to get one for ages. There's very little between the Rekord and
  19. Hi Thomson. I'm a confirmed spring rifle man but, if I was in the market for a PCP and had to make a choice between the HW100 and an FX rifle, it would be the HW100 -but only if they made that sweet Bavaria stock available to us left handers. Fantastic rifle and I enjoyed trying out the one I shot with in the summer. I also tried an FX Cyclone Delux in walnut. It was a left handed stock version and though I'm happy to had the experience of both, I found the FX rifle TOO light and bit dainty in build quality; a bit like a Swiss watch. It's bolt is a drawback lever and very smooth in op
  20. Thank you Spanishfly. I've finally fitted the new Rekord trigger yesterday morning 6th Nov. Just had a lovely Sunday out in the autumn sunshine with the HW80k on my permission and fine-adjusted it. I swear you can virtually finetune your zero with these triggers. Hit sub one-inch 5-shot groups at ranges way beyond my usual 30 metre hunting zero. I guess this rifle's restoration is fit to call finished and fit to hunt. It really is a wonderful reward to see a lot of patient, careful work come so well together. Gonna have a think about making that stock for her now. Before the Minister F
  21. Oh dear. It had to happen... Gary PMSL!!!
  22. Perhaps if you attach it and use it, you might find out?
  23. Hi Andy Keep it a while and use it as a back-up springer, see how much you actually like it then decide whether to keep or sell, based on your actual shooting with it. As to prce I'd pay however... Phew that's a good one! If I said price A I'd get people saying what a cheap bugger I am. But if I said price B, they'd be thinking I had more cash than sense. Wrong on both counts! Condition of gun with selling it, is really everything here mate. I can only advise you try google searches or ring round dealers with second hand market listings in their services for a reasonable, acc
  24. Malt. Andy. Hi lads. Andy you are more than welcome mate and thanks for the SPA! That was very kind of you fella, but it's a pleasure to help a fellow shooter out with a restoration project of a rifle I've really loved shooting from the past. I'm about to order a new HW77 for my collection but, your thread has got me thinking of looking for a vintage Left Hand HW35E I can restore for myself. I think, from the sound of it Andy, you've had a bit more luck than disaster with this find of yours mate. Certainly I hope so and you'll get her shooting again soon without too much pain! Malt, y
  25. The pics of air rifles you posted collie. These are your actual guns, arent they mate? I just wonder why a shooter with a collection as valuable as yours has a bit of a job actually knowing one from t'other...and why you bemoan buying cheapo bipods and ask questions as to what's best to buy, when two of your rifles here show them fitted with top quality Harris Bipods. So, in an attempt to make sense of your thread; are these googled images of other peoples guns? Because, and I'm trying to be respectful here, you don't seem to know much, if anything about what you apparently own. When you
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