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Everything posted by pianoman

  1. Hi Andy. I've not come across a rifle lamp like this before but, from the photo, it seems to throw a decent light for short/medium range hunting at least. Make a good ratting lamp? Cheers mate Simon
  2. Matt I respect you greatly for stepping in here from your position which, must be embarrasing . There's others here who have sided up and defended him, overlooked his nonesense and given him a second chance and he's cocked it all up.. He's no thickheaded kid, he can write and express himself quite articulately and intelligently when it suits him. Why the need to waste time bullshiting on an air rifle/hunting sports forum is quite beyond me. I have to agree with Fry, it's been very funny at times, reading the utter bollocks he put around. But, there was an element about his posts that caus
  3. LOL!! Cheers mate. But Andy, there were three Career rifles including an ultra short carbine version that caused a stir when they first started selling well over here around 1999/2000 and every other shooter wanted one. Karl Slater at Guns International was selling them like hot cakes. He even showed me a long-barreled 8mm FAC mega-version. But I wasn't buying. Then PUFF! They disappeared from fashion and the more conventional air weapons carry on. I think there is a cult following for them now but, I haven't seen them on the shelves for some time. Must admit I'd like a shot or two with o
  4. I don't think he has the sense to know when to let a hopelessly bad position go Andy. He'll be back. Cheers mate. Simon
  5. Hi Carp King. I must agree and concur fully with RAMCAM/Alan. Gamo are really cheap, poorly built, horrible junk! The triggers are terrible, the firing character with them can be snappy and heavy, pulling the rifle inaccurately off target. They are fit for short range target shooting or tin can plinking in the back garden, but little else. If you are looking for a decent, accurate spring rifle for hunting, without spending huge amounts, have a look at the ranges of guns from BSA, Webley, Weihrauch or Air Arms. Buying cheap means you'll end up buying twice Simon
  6. Worst groups ever? Try Eurovision Song Contest hopefulls...particularly the Norwegians! :clapping: :clapping: :dance: :dance: :clapping:
  7. WOW! Andy, it's a bit close mate but, I could work with you here. I make quite a bit of published military art but I'm looking for another creative outlet for other art work. You can see examples of my art. google; Simon Atack military aviation and naval art. I can draw and paint anything. We need a meet-up mate! Simon
  8. Hi Alan. You wouldn't believe the area this place is in. Take the A621 and the ring road out of Leeds city centre for Pudsey. Go 6-8 miles and you eventually come to an out-of-the-way, quiet suburb of Leeds with old stone millworkers cottages. Looks like some place out of the 1840s. And there is Henry's shop, up one of the side streets. Inside it's just a shooter's heaven. One long rack of every current quality airgun the length of the shop wall. One huge long glass counter full of scopes, binos, reloading equipment, antique flintlock pistols in box cases. knives, toolkits, acce
  9. Foxlamper! That was the guy!! "The plot thickens"!! LOL! Nice one Fry lad. Cheers Simon
  10. It is pretty lousy weather over here in Pontefract and that's extending out to Hull way . It's looking set for rain again this weekend and I've got 3 tasty new scopes I'm itching to get some decent all-range target time with. Hope you have a great night's shooting with your new baby Si. Especially after recent events with your spring rifles. Enjoy it mate. Simon
  11. Pity the mods deleted him as quickly as they did Andy eh? We could have had a bit of sport ripping him about a bit and see what could be provoked out of him .
  12. I bet he comes back under the Union/Scotland/Ireland/England flag. This is a seriously skewed psychology with this guy here. No way do I believe he's 14, he's much older -mid 20s to mid 30s maybe even older still. And a manipulative mind. And why of all things, bullshit on an airgun forum? Hardly the shooting sport of the really super rich and famous is it! And where or who is the person who posted a defence of him as collie; "Go easy on him lads he really is 14. He comes out with me and he's a delight to have around. He's keen as mustard" Remember him? Or was that one of this gu
  13. Jesus Tony... What was this thing firing..just ordinary BB rounds?
  14. Hello Jasp. My goodness what a remarkable story behind a remarkable air rifle. From what I can see from your pictures this Mercury has been well looked after generally, with some degree of handling wear on the barrel. It was a fantastic rifle the BSA Mercury and, to my eye, it was the nicer of the breed with it's sister the Airsporter underlever. It would have been something to hear how well it shot after so many years but, I reckon it would hold it's own very well with anything out there now, no problem. Maybe you could get the guy back and talk him into an offer? It would be great t
  15. Talk about an anti climax! What and where is this fearsome weapon that can flatten whole fields of bunnies? Some sort of air fired cannister round?
  16. Hi RAMCAM His shop in Lowtown, Pudsey near Leeds is quite truly an amazing place to visit. He deals in absolutely everything there is in shooting; including vintage military rifles (Mauser K98. Enfield SMLE .303, M1 Garrand etc.) and even 16th/17th/18th century Snaphaunce, Wheel-lock and flintlock powder firearms, swords, polearms and armour! His air rifle and pistol, scope and ammo stock is vast. Basically, if you need/want/must have it, he'll have it! Simon
  17. Thanks for confirming that query RAMCAM pal. You'd better be quick with getting a possible scope bargain from Guns International. Karl Slater, the owner has set himself until December 5th when he vacates the shop. Most of the rifles have gone and the scope stock is selling fast. ATB Simon Hi beddyx Tough choice but as you are shooting a recoiless PCP I'd go for the Nikko Stirling Mountmaster. The Hawke scopes I listed above are really nice kit for the money but, needs a fiddle and a fair bit of fine tweaking to get a crisp sightpicture at your prefered range. Also the eye relief
  18. Excellent work, shooting and filming Si. I very much admire the fact that you leave your misses in alongside the successful strikes. That shows how shooting is still an art with an element of the unpredictable as much as a science with all it's predictive, calculation solutions working successfully together Great stuff mate. Simon
  19. I have bought a scope on impulse..er 3 of them actually The scopes are brand new Hawkes I got at discounted prices from Guns International, Barnsley. They are closing down and selling off the stock. The scopes I got are: 2 X HK3069 HAWKE MAP PRO. 4-16x50 AO. These seem to have a quite long eye relief. They seem fine on both my TX200 and TX200HC but on my HW80s they seem to need more foreward position than the rifle's scoperails and backstops will afford. And they are both at the max extent they will sit foreward in the mounts and on the furthermost mountstop hole, foreward of the
  20. Nice one Andy. Glad you got a result there mate!
  21. The very best of luck with it phantom. Hope you can get a good business going. Simon
  22. Phantom I sincerely hope so. My very first air rifle was a Webley & Scott .22. I miss seeing Webley air rifles and the quality range and choice they used to build. Simon
  23. Interesting notes on Gunpower Stealth from Basejumper who misses his and benji benji who clearly hated the one he had. I've heard this gun is one you either love or loathe and here's proof it seems. Andy pal, that's so true mate. The rifles I have are all getting on now but, I'll never part with them for anything. They have survived one mad wife, three bitches and a couple of cows in the time I've had them. My partner Jo is great; she never stops me from getting off to go shooting whenever I want to, consequently I'll do anything she wants help with or needs. That career 707 was one
  24. Great to read this Bill. I've read from zini's posts and responses how highly he rates the tuning skills of Tony Wall at Sandwell Field Sports. And now here you are! It's really heartwarming to read of chaps like this, who are still out there offering an excellent standard of workmanship and service for reasonable costs. I'm going to get my own HW95 and HW80s sorted by, and treat myself to this Gentleman's handiwork with an HW77 order, once Christmas is out of the way. In the meantime, I'm really keen to hear how your "renewed and improved" HW95 performs on your hunting sorties with it.
  25. Jesus! I know they are superb rifles, but, even at £500 -£600 for a used HW100, that's still seems a hefty wedge. Seems not that long ago when they cost that brand new! I'd say the .22 rimfire/17HMR brigade are the "New Poor" in shooting sports. Can't afford a quality air rifle? Get yourself an FAC! Good luck with your search Thomson. Simon
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