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Everything posted by pianoman

  1. I tell you what Wurz mate. You have a point there with the HW80 in .20. I certainly do not think there is a break barrel to touch the good old -unless it's another by Weihrauch! As for Andy's note about the .20 barrel by Anschutz or Walther (Lothar?) I'd have no complaints with those two makers! :thumbs: An HW80 or HW77 in .20 with just the right weight of pellet would be utterly delightful to shoot with ATB Simon
  2. Hi chiefdogfoxer mate. I'll give you the same advice I gave my own son. Get yourself a good quality spring rifle. Learn to shoot from the ground floor up with a Weihrauch 95k or 97k, or Air Arms TX200 or Prosport. If you can shoot very well with a spring rifle, you can shoot brilliantly with a pcp when/should you want to go that route. Personally, PCP rifles are no more accurate than a top spring rifle, they are just easier to handle and shoot because they are recoiless. But they cost a lot more and can be infuriatingly unreliable machines needing a lot more care and maintainance than the goo
  3. Hi Wurz. The HW77 and HW80 are available as .20 so, I guess it's a calibre that is available across the HW range. H&N Field & Target Trophy are brilliant in Weihrauch barrels and they're available as a .20 calibre pellet. Got to be worth a further look eh mate! ATB Simon
  4. Right Darren mate. Got your PM and sent one back in reply! Meantime, it really would help your cause if you try to seek out who owns the land you go on and make an approach. Take Phantom's advice about how to approach the landowners. You might be pleasently surprised! The offer to shoot with me on my permission stands for you whenever you can get up mate. Thanks Darryl mate. Where would we all be if every bugger was saying "No you can't, No you won't, Not a chance" all the time. Darren seems a decent fellow by the tone of his posts. It's a bloody shame a good lad has nowhere to hunt and
  5. Hi Si PM sent mate :thumbs Simon
  6. Hi Wurz. I don't own one but I've shot with a .22 one and the handling is really nice. A bit like the HW95 you have but, a bit chunkier in the stock I remember. It certainly seemed like it has a nicer feel and firing manner than Theoben Gas ram rifles I've shot with. Certainly, if I was going gas ram in the future this is the rifle I would go for. I'm having Andy over on my permission in the spring or better weather and I must say I'm itching to have a shot with his .177cal. '90! ATB Simon
  7. Well said Buster mate and thanks buddy. I was on the phone to Tony Wall at Sandwell Field Sports this afternoon. He's going to tune my HW77 after he gave me a rundown of what he does to a spring rifle in tuning it. Amazing job. I'm handing him my pair of HW80s, my HW95K and TX200 pair after Christmas too. ATB Simon
  8. Cheers Andy mate. I know, but I really REALLY had my heart set on the HW77. And with the rise in inflation and VAT shooting everything up, I had to act fast. I'm still seriously going wring out that HW90 of yours when we get shooting together in the new year though buddy! I must admit I'm at a loss to understand why more shooters don't have Diana rifles in their collections. I thought the 46 model Stutzen and the 54 Airking are magnificent looking rifles. If you still have that 52 of yours, bring it along too. Cheers mate Simon
  9. Now Now..Beddy laddie! There are some lovely lasses out there. Admittedly there are some mad buggers as I know very well after being married to a very beautiful but very bloody raving nutcase whose idea of cooking was trying to feckin' poison me but, that's in the past. I now have a lovely lady called Joanne who, everytime I want to go off shooting, she says "You don't need permission, just get yourself off...! It's wonderul to be able to get away whenever I want, knowing there won't be a ruck for it when I get home Simon
  10. Nobody's lynching anyone here Darren but the fact is, it's true mate you can get into serious trouble taking an air rifle onto land you don't have permission for. But if you are stuck for shooting permission mate, I'm just up the M1/A1M from you. I'll have a word with my Landowner mate and you can come on to my permission with me. Ian's a great bloke I've known since junior school when his dad used to shoot with mine! I don't want to see anyone on this forum of great lads being kept left out of this sport. Simon
  11. I didn't see the pics of Laura but, clearly she is a very lovely girl from Si's avatar pic. It's a damm shame when a man cannot show a photo or two of his girl without risking unsolicited crap, commented from from some bloody nobhead hiding behind his computer. Speaking as an artist though, she has a lovely face for portraiture! All the very best of the season and to the future, to you both, Si and Laura. Simon
  12. Hi Craig. Great scopes! I have a couple of Bushnell Banner 6-18X50mm scopes which are really lovely all-light-condition scopes. Both of them are over ten years old with duplex, 30-30 reticles and have guided thousands of shots from my TX200 pair with precision accuracy. One of them is currently sitting ontop of my new HW77. I have no complaints with Bushnell Banners! ATB Simon
  13. Thanks to you both, silentshot and polecat84. The range time Ive put in so far is enough to convince me the HW77 has got to be the most accurate production spring rifle you can buy. Elegantly simple, uncomplicated, pure accurate rifle. Anything else can only be as good but no better. I really love mine to bits. If you are a right hander Craig, your budget will easilly buy you one plus leave you enough change towards a decent scope for it. I'm even beginning to think the unthinkable and sell my .22 TX200 rifle to fund a second HW77 in .177cal. What ammo are you lads using for your HW77s?
  14. Hi Wurz Yeah mate, as soon as my daughter Pippa gets her digital camera over here and posts what pics she takes. I'd like to show pics of all my air rifles for everyone on the forum. She's the one with the I.T know-how here! The Stutzen was a bit of a sad story to have missed it but. there it is. It wasn't to be. I was talking to Nige Lambert at Wighill Park Guns about getting a 46 Stutzen. He reckoned the HW77 I've got now would absolutely flatten it for hunting accuracy. He added the Diana 46 Stutzen was a decent enough rifle but it was a show piece. You reach for your Weihrauch/Air Ar
  15. AWWW NO!! Now how are we going to get our prezzies after you shot poor bloody Rudolph?!
  16. Hi Craig. If I may add a bit more fuel to your fire.. Go take a close look at the Weihrauch HW77. I've just bought a full length one for my collection in .22 calibre and it's as beautiful a rifle as it gets. The 97K is it's successor and a rightful one too. I really thought the Prosport was the best looking of all spring rifles but, the HW77 is the daddy of them all. It's got the potential to outshoot the man whose shoulder it sits in. Either the Weihrauch 97K or Air Arms Prosport will put pellet on pellet at 50 metres if you have the talent. But the Weihrauch HW77 not only will equal th
  17. Weihrauch HW77 .22 Std Rifle

  18. Si I have to say mate that was exactly right what you stated above about calibre differences in hold-over and under. .177 requires a whole lot more finesseful elevation control than .22 and the crossover between calibres is by no means as easy or as straightforward as some might think. The mildot and Hawke SR and MAP reticle systems are really very good if a shooter takes the time out to learn their layouts and train himself with them. I trained extensively with Schmidt&Bender mildot scopes during my military service and learned their values for precision shooting at targets out to
  19. Thanks Jasp buddy. Glad to see I'm not the only left-hooker here then! You'll doubtless know exactly what a frustration it can be to get just the rifle you want. Hey Si you know mate, you are a lot closer to the truth of me than you think buddy. After my time in the service took me to conflicts in Belize, The Falklands and N. Ireland, I honestly and seriously thought about going to Uni to do a Theology degree and become an Army or Royal Air force padre. We had a lovely padre with my unit and he was a tower of strength to us young lads back then. Fate, luck and chance took me a different ro
  20. Si, Bill, thanks for your thoughtful responses fellas. You are so right Bill mate, I saw her on the display rack when I got there and I melted as the bustle of the shop fell silent. And I just knew I wasn't leaving without her... Jesus I should be a romance writer! Seriously though, it's just your experience of a tuner holding his hand out for doing nothing that I'm trying to avoid. If guys like Tony Wall are out there keeping customers happy and producing great work that gets them a deserved great rep then, they are the men who we should be dealing with. I'm honestly at a
  21. Ahh There's nothing like the good old .177 versus .22 debate..except the Spring rifle versus Pre-Charged debate! You know, I kind of liken this sport to the way of our noble ancestors who shot with longbow and crossbow. They must have had the same arguments too over the goblets of Mead and ale! ""LONGBOW! Crossy!! Bolt!! Four-Fletched arrow!! Fleshcutter!! Roundpoint!!! BODKIN!!!!"" Of course both pellet calibres are just as accurate as the other, just as decisive as the other. I actually love the fact that a really well sorted .22 spring rifle in experienced hands, will flatten
  22. Finally, after a bit of hoo-ha trying to purchase a left-handed .22 HW77, I've managed to get one..Well, sort of! Thanks to fortune seeing fit to bless me with a left hook, I'm at the mercy of special orders and restrictions as to what I and my fellow south paws can have. It was my old friend Nigel Lambert at Wighill Park Guns , Tadcaster who phoned me up last week to say; "Hull Cartridge just called. They have just one left-handed .22 HW77 in stock. It's £386 plus £40 extra for the L/H stock (another of the joys of being left handed!). What do you want to do?" Long story short, I w
  23. Hi Manco. The advices given is sound but you must persist with trying to get a straight answer from your intended airline/carrier as the regs for carrying airguns and cartridge firearms is being continually reviewed in the light of the global terrorism situation. Any valid answer today is likely to be obsolete next week! ATB Simon
  24. Bill, have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year yourself mate. May 2011 be a great year for each and every one of us here. ATB Simon
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