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Everything posted by pianoman

  1. Hi Andy. Spring or PCP? What make? Your chief problem here is the level of power. 22ft/lb is very strong for .177. Maybe, it's a tad too strong. Chances are the ammo you've tried is not gripping the rifling properly, but skidding over it and losing gyroscopic stability at targets over 30 yards range. When I got into FAC air .177 with my TX200HC, my gunsmith warned me about how power levels higher above 16 ft/lbs are very difficult to get a stable enough pellet for. My TX200HC is a shade under 17ft/lbs and it's very powerful and utterly accurate with 4.51mm AA Field. If you cannot fin
  2. I will apologise unreservedly if I've got the wrong man here but, all stark similarities aside, I don't think the above retort is what I'd give if I was falsely or wrongly identified as being someone else. To be honest I don't think I've shot 21 Crows in my life, let alone 'just before rost'...whatever that is. Simon
  3. It's Collie alright. Hiya kiddo, it's been quiet here since you were last booted off!
  4. Depends entirely on condition. As long as the barrel is straight and true and the internal cylinder surfaces are not suffering damage from a broken spring, all HW air rifles are virtually bombproof. Dead easy to work on, get replacement parts for and restore. They also benefit greatly from a tune up. You looking to buy this one in the picture Monkey? Seems a good condition rifle mate. Should be fine for whatever money is being discussed for it.
  5. That's the thing eh, Darryl. As soon as you knock down your first rat or rabbit, it's like a needle goes into your arm and you're hooked instantly. I was the about same age as you were, 8, and I hit a rabbit with my Webley through the heart and killed it. That was it. Shooting for life! Simon.
  6. Hi Steve mate. As Si has pointed out, about shooting in a gusty wind, you've done a lot better than you might give yourself credit for here mate. Ideally, you really need to practice shooting at long range targets, in calm, still air conditions to be able to accurately assess your hold technique for your TX200 and shot consistencies with it. If the wind is blowing hard around my permission, I know any rabbits will be out against the lee of risen ground close to the warrens as it gives them a natural windbreak and allows them to still be able to hear and smell their enemies as they feed. For m
  7. Cracking scopes Bushnell make Mark. The Trophy's a beauty, you'll appreciate in very low light mate ATB Simon
  8. Pheww where to start. My dad was a Coldstream Guards sniper during WW2 and shooting was his absolute passion all his life, as it is mine. I grew up on his shooting and hunting stories, never knowing anything else and it was the most perfectly normal thing in the world to live in a large rambling house with a room full of shotguns and rifles. In the days of the early 1960s you could plink in your back garden with a .22 rimfire! He had returned from war in Europe with a couple of beautiful German .22 sporting rifles as trophies (among other stuff like a Luger 9mm, P38 9mm pistols and an MP40 ER
  9. Welcome here carlton. For hunting? You need to up your budget carlton. 150 quid won't get you very far for a hunting rifle that's up to the job I'm afraid . To be honest you are looking at worn, well-used 2nd Hand condition spring rifle for this money. You won't get a 2nd hand Pre-Charged Pneumatic rifle worth a spit for £150. Also, by the sound of things, you may need to get a fair amount of self training and practice with a decent spring rifle before you are ready to hunt with an air rifle anywhere near successfully. With rabbits you are going to be shooting the head and brain area, whi
  10. Deffo a Weihrauch HW77K. Lovely rifle. Probably the finest spring piston air rifle of all. Deserves a great scope for such an accurate rifle as this should be. They sell for around £380-£400-plus brand new. Mine's an ambidextrous stocked HW77 full length .22. Cost me £426 on 11th Dec last year. For you right-handers there's some amazing bargains with this rifle out there. Simon
  11. Very, very wise move mate. It's amazing how fast a humble air rifle becomes a cat.1 Firearm in law if there's a whiff of anything untoward surrounding it. What was the gun in question by the way? Just curious.
  12. Hi Steve. There you go mate, it's paid off for you. Well done pal. ATB Simon
  13. Hi Si. PM me his address plus post code and phone number, would you mate? Hull is an hour's drive along the M62 from my home. Give me some background on what's the problem/s he's having. If I have to go hunting, I may need to know something more. Surely it cannot be so serious he's doing something silly? Cheers pal. Simon
  14. No Andy mate. I'm very happy with my COATRACK HW77! :laugh: Interesting that you had an S410 pcp for less than a whole year. That's a situation I saw coming with me and PCPs. I really wanted to like them but, I always immediately felt that they were incapable of absorbing something of me into them, the way a recoiling spring rifle can. You could put my spring rifles in a roomful of identical ones and I could pick mine out blindfolded. I just don't get that same sense of connection with a pcp. ATB Simon
  15. Brave move in these Austere times Anthony. I sincerely wish you every success with it mate ATB Simon
  16. Hmm great thread this, with a lot of thoughtful input from everyone. Well, I'm a spring rifle disciple. Spring rifles are what I've grown up with and what I'm absolutely used to. Frankly, I bloody love them to death. Every advantage they offer has been stated here already but, for me, I love them for the fact that they have a heft that helps make their handling and accuracy so much more controllable and achievable. I really am baffled to read of some finding this weight (average 9.5lbs with scope) more than they can handle. What the chuffing Hell do some of you have for arms; Pip
  17. SPA for the efforts you are making here Stevo mate, really hope it pays off for you fella. Once you get yourself set up with something from your approaches, it becomes a lot easier to get word of mouth working for you and more shooting permission comes your way. I get my phone ringing from farmers in my area because they know I'm always up for being out and shooting the areas where they see the pests are operating and I get the results they want, without hassles. Keep up the campagn mate and you'll end up with all you can handle, you watch! ATB Simon
  18. Do you still have your HW35 Andy? I can well understand if you've sold her mate but, I'm hoping you've still got her. I had a good feeling for that rifle's likely performance. One to keep! ATB Simon
  19. Hi monkey. All right mate. Things are looking more promising then. Pellet-wise, I've not used H&N Hollow points but, H&N Field and Target Trophys are beautiful. Very stable and consistent. You'll need to wash them in a bowl of warm water with a drop of Fairy Liquid as they come with a fair old bit of swarf and dust. I lube mine with a very light coating of WD40 and, they are superbly accurate with my HW77 and HW80s. RWS Superdomes are also known to be excellent performers in HW77s and they cost a couple of quid less than the H&Ns per tin. ATB Simon
  20. Hi dig deep. A spring rifle of the quality of an HW77, HW80 or Air Arms TX200 or Prosport will never let you down. Supremely accurate and reliable, easy to look after and bobbins to maintain. When they make a PCP that can shoot on for tens of thousands of pellets without a hitch, that can withstand years in the rough and tumble of a hot, dry, dusty or frozen conditions of a good hunting sortie and can look as good and shoot as accurately as my spring powered honeys ...I might actually consider buying one Seriously, PCPs are great guns, but it doesn't take forever to learn to shoot a to
  21. Hi mate and welcome. First off. Congratulations on buying a really world class air rifle. Now... Asking this question of an HW77 is like asking if the stig can drive! Sounds like you are an inexperienced shooter in need of a bit of help. Why/what is making you think your HW77 isn't up to the hunting task? Likely, it's one or more of the following; in order of likelyhood. 1. You need more practice and a bit of coaching help. Just ask here mate. 2. Pellet choice. You need to try H&N Field Target Trophy. OR RWS Superdomes. OR both! If you aren't using these already. 3. You need a
  22. Hi iwrow. I don't wish to be rude sounding mate but really, forget how little you spent and take a look at what you actually bought. What were you expecting them to be made with? ATB Pianoman
  23. Hi Treganin I think you're talking about kinetic shock compression effect. The larger a fast moving object is, the greater the drag its mass creates, through the air or liquid it's passing through. When your pellet (it doesn't matter what calibre) hits a board of plywood, it bores a hole for itself and the energy shockwave ahead of the pellet, gathers and piles up compressing fibres of wood like a bow wave from a ship, and punches them out of the back as the pellet exits. Making a larger exit hole than what it started with as it tears itself out. With the strike on a rabbit or bird by a
  24. Si Pittaway (zini) is talking about selling his Tench-tuned BSA Ultra .177 PCP for £450 shipped to the UK. I can confidently tell you now this is an amazing rifle for the money. It'll get snaped up before too long. Give him a PM. ATB Simon.
  25. Hiya Stevo. If your gun likes em at all, it will either love em, or, 'shotgun' uselessly all over the place. See what you get when you start shooting them! Top lass you have for buying them for you! ATB Simon
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