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Everything posted by pianoman

  1. Seems there are Hawke scopes and, there are HAWKE scopes. I had a lovely little Hawke Eclipse 4-12X40 but my Weihrauch HW80's recoil very soon knocked the reticle into an X ! The MAP PRO SR6 and SR12 reticle scopes seem to be made of tougher stuff though. Simon
  2. Hi Andy. Andy has taken a few and will be posting them up here just as a soon as he can get someone to help post them. He's having problems getting his PC to talk to photobucket. Glad you like the write up mate. Simon
  3. Good answer Garfield! I shoot FAC spring air rifles on land that has been police-approved for .22 rimfire and shotgun. To be honest, while there is an advantage of pellet velocity to FAC air rifles, they do not, in any way, overshadow a really nice and accurate, sweet shooting rifle of sub 12 ft/lb output. If you shoot over a small amount of land for your permission, a sub 12 ft/lb rifle will see you just fine.
  4. Cheers Webby. I love writing about a good day out with my mate and guns. Even if we don't see so much as a sparrow sometimes! It's a beautiful place is my permission. Hi Si. That would be lovely to come visit you too. Thanks mate indeed. I'm sure Andy would be up for it. I'm just joshing about PCPs to get a rise out of the lads who swear life and death by them . Their quality just need to catch up with the price tags! (ouch!) I'm seriously looking forward to shooting with your Tench reg'd R10 AND, if she's all you say she is I will declare my undying love and desire for her openly here
  5. Perfect little rifle find Si. I've forgotten how good these little Webley Exocets were. Just the thing for shouldering up and taking with you on a walk over your permission, to full-on hunting and stalking. This one is a genuine bargain for your budget hogdog. Move fast and bag it! Edit to add. Total agreement with Andy here on secondhand Air Arms TX200. TX200HC rifles and Weihrauch break barrel springrifles like HW95 as the lightest; to proper powerhouses like the HW80 I have an 11-year old HW80 that's as accurate and reliable as the day I bought her brand new. Weihrauch HW77 under
  6. Hi Danny Thanks a lot mate. Seems my permission is running more nocturnal at the moment but, it should start to come alive in daylight as Spring approaches. Actually, I wouldn't have my permission any other way. It's a tough course for air rifle shooting with so much unsheltered land open to the vaguries of the winds, but, that all helps to keep you sharp Cheers Danny , Hi Si. Hey mate! We'd be honoured to have you come shoot with us here. Who knows, you could even persuade me there's decent shooting to be had from a pcp without it conking out! hahaha! Sure it would be lovely to
  7. Cheers Andy. It's a bit bloody annoying when it's fine and mild around my house but, out in the fields it starts blowing up a freshening wind. Still, that's what we get to shoot in so, we have to keep pushing on. It was good to get my FAC Weihrauch HW80 .22 rifle out. She's been put on the back burner in favour of my other rifles for the best part of a year. But, after just a very slight bit of dieselling from her strip service lube had subsided, I had her singing to one-hole precision at 35 yards; best range accuracy in the breezes. Even with around 20ft/lbs energy the wind still play
  8. Simple! The pellet's going faster right? Thus it reaches the rabbit's bonce a lot sooner and hits harder with more shock wave, ergo it hits rabbit brain with less chance of animal moving and thus ensures a faster, cleaner kill with less chance of wounding caused by an animal moving off before the round hits home. FAC air is not about shooting at longer ranges. It's about shooting at sensible range and using the greater velocity for getting the pellet to the target faster than it can react and begin to move, over the same ranges as you'd shoot with a sub 12ft/lb rifle. Does that clear
  9. Cheers Ron. Appreciate it fella. I'm more than a little surprised and baffled as to why an experienced shooter like Matt should take the line he has done. But the truth is both calibres have some goodies that make them both equally effective and nothing to suggest one is better or worse than the other. I shoot just as well with both calibres so, I have no favourite between the two. I own and shoot a Weihrauch HW77 .22, a pair of HW80 .22 FAC rifles, an Air Arms TX200 .22 rifle and an FAC Air Arms TX200HC .177 that are honestly, hand on heart, the most accurate air rifles I've ever shot wi
  10. Matt dear fellow. No. Post withdrawn, This is too dumb to argue with. You know better than this Matt.
  11. Listening to the broadcast; once again the terrified voice of the anti comes bleating like a frightened lamb; with utterly ill-considered, unworkable alternatives and impractical measures. In the face of modern times there'll either be licencing or an outright ban as the policew will not be able to cope with the extra workload that a licencing of over three million air rifles in current ownership will impose. Like I said before. If the law enforces air rifles to be licenced then I'm going the whole hog and having the lot tuned to higher power. OR I'll refocus my shooting on full-bore rimfire a
  12. Then I wouldn't bother with one of these suits Moley. Plenty of decent DPM cammo about for not a lot of cash. And far more comfortable mate.
  13. Cheap, unissued NBC suits! You're going to look a funny bugger walking about in what will look like charcoal-lined, grey green carpet underlay!! Actually though, the NBC suits in my RAF days were much like the colours of rabbits and make for good low-light cammo. A lot of velcro fastenings I remember. They aren't the most comfortable of things to wear on a hot day Moley! They are not a ventilated suit that lets in air and breathes but, a fully insulated one that's designed to keep airborne chemical agents out....and your body heat in! Tip: Take plenty of water with you on a hot d
  14. Bad luck mate. Sounds like you hit it in the neck or someplace, but not the head and brain moley. Otherwise it would have dropped on the spot or flipped backwards, strained it's leg muscles, kicked a bit and lay still. There is almost always a bit of blood on the ground after flowing from the ears. Headshots are often bloody affairs. It had enough of it's instinctive senses to make for its burrow pal. Not the desired outcome but, it happens mate. It'll die down there, so, you can claim a kill, even if not a perfect one. Better luck next time fella, eh! Simon
  15. Okay forget he's on over a hundred grand a week. He took an air rifle into his place of work and accidentally shot a student part-timer there because he had no idea it was loaded.... He took an airgun into his place of work and deliberately pointed it at this lad and BANG! We already know Cole is an overpaid dumbasfuck footballer. Look at the wife he cheated on!!! You can see the level of journalism in the UK when, according to the Mail, he had an air rifle that looks something like a bolt action Remington centrefire. In the Sun he had an Air Arms S410 with a "Nightscope" (WTF?) whic
  16. Cheers Si. I know how you might feel about the way of things today but, the vast majority of us still hold you and the lads serving today in the highest regard with our love and our prayers. I often had thoughts about, what the hell is all this sense of honour and service and pride, really bloody worth in this day and age? But, then again, who would stand up for the rights and freedoms of those who cheerfully get up every morning and just get on doing what they do? It sure as hell ain't the bloody politicians, or the scum in the banks, they aren't worth an effing toss put together and never h
  17. Hi Goldfinger. I was shooting with AndyFR1968 on my permission a few weeks ago. He was using his .177 Diana 52, I was shooting my .22 Weihrauch HW77. He hit a rock about the size of a rabbit's head embedded in the mud, out to about 35 metres and his pellet hit it good and square with a little puff of dust and a silvery splat. Had it been a live rabbit, he would have killed it clean for certain... But the rock stayed stuck and didn't flinch on impact. I hit it with my sub-12 ft/lb .22 round and the kinetic impact of the bigger .22 uprooted that rock out of the mud! Proof indeed of the
  18. Hi mate. I know nothing of this new Webley rifle but, I really hope it is a cracker. The Webley name was once synonimous with really fine, well made and very accurate airguns and pistols Moley but, the last management of this company made a total f**k up of everything by trying to get a cheaper, Turkish-made range of airguns that would somehow become quality made rifles under the Webley name. The result was a bloody disaster; with poorly made stuff that was just horrible to shoot, nobody bought and the company reduced to a shadow of its former self. Thankfully, the idiots who got to
  19. Check out a company called HYDROGRAPHICS with a google search. They are up here in Yorkshire, Rotherham I think. But they do just the kind of work you are asking about and they are brilliant at it too, by the work I've seen them do. Simon
  20. I'm old-school ex military; from an old family with a long, long history of military service going back to the Hundred Years War with Edward the Black Prince and Henry V. There are a lot of people today, of my generation I'm sorry to say who are very quick to put down the young folks as being dim, undisciplined morons who infest estates and town centres with crime. This is so bloody unjust. The same youth from the same towns and estates that I see joining and serving today are bloody magnificent. Just as good and true, by and large, as the generations that fought before them
  21. Aye, seems to have resolved itself with me now! Thanks lads. Good to see everyone else is running fine too. Simon
  22. Some guy comes to the door like this, DO NOT bash him one, no matter how much you want to. It'll only make your case look worse. Alex, you did the right thing trying to talk reasonably to him but, he was on a mission to get you banned and he's succeeded. For Now... Go back and have a reasonable word with the lady landowner and explain your case with example of the good you have done for her. It sounds to me like she's been a bit startled by this knob, lying his case with bullshit in the name of the law so, be calm and reassuring. And be tactful about the birds you shoot. If this guy ha
  23. HELP! Just tried to access the Hunting Section of the new site layout here. It refuses me with; AN ERROR OCCURED. YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO VIEW THIS SITE. Err why is this? Simon
  24. The very thing I had in mind as it should be. Clear and concise as to where appropriate posts should go. Thank you for putting the forum so well together Admins and mods. Well done. Simon
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