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Everything posted by pianoman

  1. I see Mike. Okay fella, sounds reasonable deduction enough.
  2. If you think a Hawke MAP 6 reticle is lethal moley, try a Hawke SR12 on an accurate .22 with a properly calibrated mildot via Chairgun...JEEEEZ! My HW77 is absolutely deadly with the 6-18x44 SR12 it has, mounted to it. If this rifle deserves a name, I should be calling it "Major Konig". It has a look and handling feel that reminds me of the beautiful Mauser K98 that Ed Harris used in that particular movie! Simon
  3. Never had a wank then?.... Archie that was pure bloody class!
  4. Bless you Tony mate, thank you. Hope you are doing well and good mate. Villaman. Generally, female rabbits are sleeker, with smaller features and a pleasing oval shape around their heads, than male bucks which tend to have quite strong, angular features. At this time of year the females stay protectively close to their kitts, while males tend to be seen either in groups together, in pairs or singletons. Wurz. Thanks very much John. Appreciate it mate. All the best. Simon
  5. Hi Sean. Hmm I see. Well, I'm Saxon German by descent so, I shoot with the rifles of my ancestral homeland. If you care to match your BSA lightning XL, against myself and my HW77.., in some friendly competition, I'd like to see how your rifle performs in your hands. And I'll be delighted to show you how mine performs in mine. It's bang on a perfectly legal 11.44 ft/lbs at just under 180 metres per second muzzle velocity. Over-powered HW77s are at a distinct disadvantage. The rifle was not designed to be higher powered mega supergun; but a sweet, accurate, match target sporter. PM sent f
  6. I could write that for you my fellow yorkshire lad, if you like a bit of cock and zip!
  7. How do you know this Lexyhughes 13 is him moley? I sent hunter989 a PM last week, asking him to come clean and repond to his accusers. He replied to this by pm saying (quote); "It was all a misunderstanding and it's been sorted. I'll post up a thread and reply"...(unquote) Nothing of anything of the sort has been done. No defences, no responses, not even an apology and a show of decency or respect for himself or anyone. So I'm washing my hands of all concern for this Steve/Hunter1989. So, like I said before; 'Welcome to the rest of your life!'. Now get on with it!
  8. Zer Germans haben sie vays of making you shoot zer best of all mein freund. BSA Lighning ist ein Spanischer schiesse shooter. WEIHRAUCH HW77. The absolute best of the best. No ifs, buts or arguments...lad! Simon
  9. Hi Daz, Very kind of you to say mate . You just need to know how shoot a rifle correctly, to shoot a spring or gas ram rifle well. There is no difference in accuracy between a good spring rifle and a top dollar PCP. It's knowing the correct techniques and a few marksmanship principles to shoot by, that really seperate them. You tell me how a shot straight into a rabbit's head at 25 or even 55 metres with my HW77 is any different to the same shot with a Daystate wotsit; because I can't see it. If you can comfortably settle down and shoot a series of targets like small, 1-inch spinne
  10. Hi Alex. That looks really great mate. Given that the terrain we mostly hunt over is grasses and nettles against the darks, browns and greens of hedgerows this should work really effectively. You can add in more scrim net, coarse garden twines, sandbag sacking strips and finer, thinner strips of old cammo cloth for contrasts. Always look for where any part of your suit can still show a man's outline and break it further with contrasting materials. You can go on forever with a Ghyllie suit like this. I love em. Nice one mate. Simon
  11. Sunday at 2-ish is fine Andy. Better if you can get over earlier but, alright mate. You did em, and with great shooting mate. It's a sod missing due to inaccurate range estimation in the very low light but, that's part of the human process sometimes. I've had misses in broad daylight where I've seen the rabbit actually look up and swing it's head to see what this zipping thing is whizzing past! I have no answers, save using a good rangefinder, as it happens to me, despite using known-range-landmarks like fence posts and trees. Things look different in the darkening light. It happens to everyon
  12. So far, there is an area of my permission that is very, very thin on rabbits and Andy (AndyFR1968) and I discovered a myxy-infected rabbit in that area. He shot it after we walked right up to it. Poor thing was in a terrible way. Beyond this part of the permission, all is seemingly well with a good number of healthy rabbits being seen with more frequency. But how well the rabbits remain or, how long this lasts is anybody's guess. Simon
  13. And the dear lady will say; "What?!!! but you just bought a gun. You can't keep buying guns. What's the difference between this one and the one you just got??" To which you simply point to her shoe/handbag collection and say; "Erm, darling.. You do intend to wear/carry these more than once, don't you?! Thanks for the offer of a shoot Carl. We'll sort that out at some point. Cheers mate. Simon
  14. Aww Craig, how sweet. Didn't know you cared mate!
  15. I am so sorry I've written this and in a senior moment, I've somehow, posted it up in the wrong bloody section. Will some kind mod please move it to Airgun Hunting? Thank you. Simon.
  16. Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Tonight has been the culmination of two intensive days/evenings of hunting on deeper into my permission that has not been shot over in ages. I mean years, literally. PART ONE. HEAT. It started yesterday, Wednesday at mid-day when Andy arrived at my home with his rifle and his chrono. A really great unit which, he'll explain and describe better than I. But, I needed a really accurate appraisal of all my rifles individual power outputs; and for my HW77 for Hawke's marvellous Chairgun software I've become a convert to. (Thank you Si!) I use a Hawke 6
  17. I'd grab that HW77 Carl. Honestly mate, that's an unbelievable bargain too good to pass. I bagged 11 rabbits with mine yesterday and the ranges of it's kills were from 23 to 64 metres. All headshot, all taken no fuss or drama. Just smooth efficient accuracy every shot. I own some bloody beautiful guns but, my HW77 is my number one rifle. With you HW97K these will be the only rifles you will need for serious hunting or target shooting. Stripped down these are simple straightforward mechanicals that are a doddle to keep up to top performance and rarely need anything further than a service an
  18. It's a beautiful rifle gwill. I own both the .22 standard rifle and .177 Hunter Carbine versions and I love them. I know they are not lightweight rifles but, I cannot honestly see why the weight they are is an issue for so many shooters. I don't wish to be rude but, I do not find these guns heavy at all. I wouldn't have a gram taken off a TX200, or Weihrauch spring rifle for that matter. A perfect weight in my view. Learn to shoot from a comfortably supportive prone position and use a soft beany seat or padded knapsack to support your leading forearm. The rifle's weight should be gently su
  19. Sneeky1 has a point about excessive lubes internally. How old is the V-mach spring now? I'm wondering what sort of shape it's in with this level of variation in the spread. It could have been defective, right off the bat. Or it could be the breach seal is on the way out. (Aren't these replaced in the kit?) No! you should rightfully expect better performance of a spring rifle Pedro. Especially one as good as this. Simon
  20. Mike, it seems everytime he posts here, there comes a group of angry fellas wanting him to fess-up and sort the mess out. I just think he'd do more for himself by stepping up and take the written flak here then, do something positively to make amends and restore some dignity and decency for himself. And get these folks off his back. I can't say I blame them, while he sits back doing nothing . Simon
  21. I've heard it all now. Jasp, you want to try a nicely ballanced, lighter weight rifle... Like a Weihrauch HW77! Simon
  22. More grand shooting from the Bairn! Gary it's great to see how you've built Shannon up into a confident shooter and the range shots she's taking is well into advanced territory. Top notch mate, well done to you both! All the best. Simon
  23. Well shot Lee Harvey Odd-Soul! Hey, maybe you could name your next rifle after him! Hang on a minute..."Stank of nettles"...What do nettles stink like moley? Oh stupid me, of course (whacks head with flat of palm!) NETTLES! Good shooting though, eh?!
  24. Hunter1989 YOU'RE BACK AND IT'S STARTING TO GO ALL SHITE AGAIN! I know you have been on this thread watching, as I have, the venom and blood-baying building up against you...once again! So please, read this. Come on laddie, come clean now; why don't you make a stand for yourself and answer these allegations against you? They're pretty bloody serious don't you think? If there has been mistakes or something's gone wrong, you owe these people an explanation at the very least. It would do a lot to regain some decency and honesty for yourself People here are not bloody fools mate,
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