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Everything posted by pianoman

  1. Fantastic shooting you two once again. The range and precision accuracy of Weihrauch's incredible HW97 and the older HW77 underlever rifles never has me less than astonished at what a skilled spring gun shooter can return with them. This film is exactly why I bang the table for spring gun shooting and Weihrauch in particular. Look at what you can achieve with the only air rifle that conjoins and involves you and the pure shooting skill you have to such effective and rewarding use. I wish Tony Wall and Sandwell Field Sports deserved long continued success and service to the trade
  2. You know what. When you are bloody stuck inside and it's belting down with rain, these vids are a Godsend. At least to be able to relax and watch bloody top class lads making superb sport out of their shooting is a joy to me. Well done Si and Davy. Can't praise what you do for the sport enough. Simon
  3. Now that just reminds me of going out with my dad when I was this age and shooting with my old Webley spring rifle. This youngster will grow into a serious shooting man with magic memories of this time with you. Then will find himself, one day, passing on his skills to another young lad keen to learn and experience shooting like this. Brilliant film Si, and quite a proud one too. Fabulous shooting from both of you Compliments Simon
  4. Oh wow that looks beautiful, Might be just what I'm thinking about for competition shooting Steve. So far I'm thinking on buying another HW77 in ,177cal. Or a TX200 rifle, This FWB 300S looks the business, Nothing frilly fancy. Just a precision accurate shooting engine. I'm very well and happy; and in a good place with things now. thanks mate! All the best to you too. Simon
  5. To be honest, as rabbits particularly have a poor, monochrome eyesight, spending seriously hefty sums on cammo is a bit of an overkill. I've always used bag standard British Army DPM and it does the job with a realistic dollop of fieldcraft working with it. They have superlative hearing and powers of smelling scents and that's what we really have to come up against. NBC suits. I know I hated the sweaty, itchy, dirty, charcoal bloody stuff when I was serving in the Royal Air Force from 70s throughout the 80s. It was like wearing a mix of carpet underlay and coalsack fastened with velcro.
  6. This Summer, I am mostly wearin'..... a wet suit.... ....I'll get me coat...
  7. Great write-up of top shooting and video too! Well done to you sir! ATB Simon
  8. Hi Steve. Gosh yes Feinwerkbau. Beautiful air rifles, but then, that's the Germans for you! I had a .22 FWB 124 Sport back in the late 70s to mid 80s. Wish to God I still had it. Or the company still made it! Hope you are well mate. Simon
  9. Weihrauch and Air Arms spring rifles. The best hunting/sporters you can own, no doubts, ifs or buts. Pianoman
  10. Well worth posting with a write up Jasper. Proves what you can do when you convince your quarry you are not "there". And it's nice to read something from you again! All the best. Simon
  11. Hiya Steve. £50.00 per week is £200 per month. Might be a best idea to get about £350 saved up for now Steve. It won't take you long mate, then, you have your budget and you can go shopping for the best example of what you want, on your terms. A cracking good condition 2nd-hand Prosport or TX200 with a decent scope could be had for this money. I'm gonna put away for another HW80 project and a .177 HW77 as a dedicated HFT competition rifle. You can't blame lads for wanting to sell their guns without hold-ups and delays, but, having the ready cash in your hand is a good place to be!
  12. Some lucky right hander out there had better move quick. This TX200 is a superb rifle to shoot with, thanks to Darryl's TLC with it.. I had a few shots off downrange with it at Nottingham meet and for this money, you wont get better quality and accuracy. I'm a lefty. Or I'd be snapping it up! Simon
  13. Lovely collection Darryl. I'd be proud as hell of such as this; with a Prosport and the HW97s. Really nice looking stocks on that pair by the way, as with all your guns. Thanks for sharing such a fine collection mate. The best to you and Gary. Simon.
  14. Well shot MIke. And cooked afterwards!. I had a really nice dish of Marksman Darry's curry of Rabbit, Pidgeon and Squirrel at the meet in Nottingham. It was really delish. Texture a bit like liver. ATB Simon
  15. Hi Skot. PCP or spring rifle ? Either you have excess oil in the barrel or elsewhere within the rifle or a case of both. If you cleaned the inside of the barrel with a light, synthetic gun oil, WD40 or whatever, it's likely you got a drip down into the transfer port (possibly as far as the regulator) when you stored the rifle upright afterwards. Gravity! NOT GOOD! Best you can really do is strip the rifle as far as you can, clean the barrel with a pull-through and clean away as much excess lube as you can see,-especially around the breech/regulator. Do not try to put anyt
  16. Weihrauch HW80 makes a great .25 cal. rifle and it's one air rifle that will easily take a higher power tuning. HW77 is available in .25 also and I'm seriously interested in adding a .25 '77 or FAC HW80 to my armoury. To map the trajectory of your shot accurately with your scope, simply set up a series of targets at 5-metre intervals from 10 to 30 metres or however far out you can comfortably shoot to. Zero the scope at say, 25 and see where your shot is falling over those ranges closest to furthest and back. I'd say a hit anywhere in the head with a .25 round would easily kill any of
  17. Give them every opportunity to replace your rifle at the earliest possibility. Regardless of age or condition, it was a complete and working rifle when it went in and, by accepting it to service it, they have made a legally binding, contract of duty to fulfil their promise and return your rifle with the agreed work completed. I would give them the chance to make good their promise and replace if not return the rifle... ....or it's the police who will be dealing with them. End Of! Simon
  18. I am not surprised to see this rifle perform this way from Marksman Darryl. Always a great pleasure to read your posts on the rifles you refurbish and turn a rough, poorly looked-after case into a superbly consistant, accurate performing rifle once more. Does anyone STILL believe a PCP makes a more accurate rifle? Top class spring rifle shooting from a great marksman with a fine rifle. Brilliant work Darryl. With the greatest of respect to you mate. Simon
  19. I'm well impressed with how well the HW97 stock has made this "Time-Honoured" HW77 look like an altogether different and attractive rifle to shoot with. Keep the posts on your shooting with it coming Elliott please. Great to read how a fellow HW77 shooter gets along with his. All the best. simon
  20. Nothing beats an HW77 That looks like a superb example of the marque you have Elliott. I like the look of the 97's stock on the 77 metalwork. Can you get one for us lefties? All the best with yours sir. Simon
  21. Welcome to the section mate. Good to see young shooters coming on! Pianoman
  22. Main thing Andy, you are back shooting with a reliable, brand-new quality scope that will last you well and I was more than happy to see you sorted. Now you can peruse what else is out there from MTC and co. without the pressure to get a scope at all costs. Hope you get sorted with a stock for the HW80 mate. Simon
  23. Thank you John. Put's it very succinctly. Benjamin, HW97 is a top spec. underlever spring rifle. No question. Buy one of these and you have a seriously accurate field hunting rifle; whichever calibre you prefer. However, the HW77 is the rifle on which the HW97 is based. The difference is in the 97's shorter barrel length and lock-up (with integral muzzlebrake) Plus there are some really nice stock design options. (some of which, I think, will fit the HW77) The HW77 is, by comparison, still the most "plain Jane", unadorned underlever you can buy. The factory stocks are chequered
  24. Was this one a springer, PCP or air cartridge? Look after it and keep it well Alex. You may well have a highly sought-after collector's piece there one day. I think, with only 100 issued there isn't a great likelyhood of a plethora of experienced Brocock Sentinel owners' replies to your original post query. So you'll have to keep us informed as to how well it shoots and hunts! ATB Simon
  25. Andy I have TWO brand spanking, still-in-the-box, never-been-shot-with new Hawke Airmax 4-16x50 scopes with SR6 reticles and spare mounts. Why not try one of these on a shoot together and see if you like it mate? Simon
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