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Everything posted by landrover

  1. [quote name='Muntjac Man' date='Apr 24 2008, 11:30 AM' post='5053 Dullahan, hadn't thought of that one. Could be a point - the field wheere I shot then has only recently been plouged up and sown with crops (crops now about 2" tall) - last year it was sheep grazing it, so presumably it will have been well sprayed with fertilizer - I'll ask the farmer whose field it is. Shame you didn't get any feedback from your vet shooting rabbits in a field,and don't know who's field it is
  2. we have a tikka with leupold mounts and rings mounts are adjustable and not very expensive,have had no bother with zero shift either
  3. try the ucaller http://www.litts.co.uk/store.php?fld=cat1&val=calls cheaper aswell,you can also buy additonal cards ,decoying uk did a similar trick with me over the pigeon magnet cancelled and got it from uk shoot warehouse get the speaker aswell
  4. jays what's the best way to deal with them, traps or guns
  5. the valves are the same as those used in mountain bike tyres, get them from your local mountain bike shop
  6. just found this http://www.deertalking.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/Y...?num=1206982994
  7. try here http://www.bushwear.co.uk/Products.aspx?cat_id=329 and here http://www.bushwear.co.uk/Products.aspx?pageNumber=0
  8. had ours out since the first week in feb, 17 to date and one squirrell
  9. I have a pair of Vortex Vultures 8.5x50 which are very very clear. I paid £200 for them from northallerton shooting supplies
  10. here you go http://www.countrybooksdirect.com/section....c=7&xPage=3
  11. well you certainly didn't miss much waste of time effert and money,what a load of shite. not very many there at all quite a lot of the traders never turned up clay shoot a waste of time
  12. we have one of each there is no great noticable difference in either as far as the sound goes, but the predator can be stripped for cleaning
  13. i just got the sportsmatch mounts for mine
  14. you could try thornton breakers in bradford,I smashed a front fog light and my local mistisubishi dealer wanted £126 got it from thornton £40 inc delivery.
  15. is it safe to use federal 210 primers with the lee auto prime 11
  16. so what about the hornady 58gr v-max they come moly coated, my son and i have just zeroed both our rifles (.243)with them one heavy barrell the other light both great groups then tried hornady 95gr not much difference in zero
  17. varget should do both have a look here http://data.hodgdon.com
  18. look into the barrel from the muzzle end if it as any you'll see them, if not it will show marks on the side of the choke
  19. Its not the length of the choke that dictates the pattern its the thickness of the choke, their should be little marks on the end of the choke ie; 1 notch = full choke (tight pattern) and they go to about 5/6 notches which is improved cylinder or skeet which is a more a open pattern. ie 1/4&1/2 choke for game, use more open chokes for clays such as skeet or Tighter chokes for Down The Line = dtl,for sporting again 1/4-1/2 or what ever you prefer or are comfortable with
  20. To be honest i don't think theirs alot of difference between that and my T8 reflex apart from the wildcat being stripable to clean imo
  21. Nice shooting what mod is that it's a wildcat predator
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