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Everything posted by landrover

  1. buy a 12v battery it would be a bit lighter than the two together,not very dear about £15 and like millet says standard charger will be fine
  2. co2 pistol wold not be poweful enough as you say yourself not very accurate at close range, so would be even worse at a distance,also not many pistol throw out 6ftlbs most sporting gun user would not use a pistol to shoot live quarry
  3. farmer will probebly use a lump of lead if he catches it, hope you can stop it best of luck
  4. to be honest you should'nt be shooting at any live quarry with a pistol they are just not powerful enough
  5. were the same no go till feb,as john says you need a few of shooters scattered about to keep them on the move flying back and forth
  6. why not go for .243 it's a decent all rounder you can also use it for roe,and larger deer if you so wished
  7. :welcomeani: some of the lads and lassies are a font of knowlege i'm sure they will help you
  8. if they are aiming too rip someone off it won't matter whether it's one post or a thousand it'll still happen,or they answer every post with yeah good idea, wecome, nice or with smilies, but yes i think something should be done. all the best for the coming year
  9. i must agree with macnas a blockage at some time, there must have been some back pressure to cause the bulge, also as ratman says do'nt use it till he gets it sorted
  10. as dich says we try to use gates/fence posts ,we also carry a puppy dummy for resting on walls
  11. elther a diver's bottle or hand pump (stirrup) will do diver's bottle will need a hose and gauge hope this helps
  12. nice to be able to help, we also put a piece of plywood in front to pin the target to easyer than the nails ,all the best for 2008
  13. we use a round hay bale(stood end up) for our backstop more than enough for rimfire even at close range 25yds
  14. Does any of you know any thing about this place or have been their http://www.totalfield.com/stalking.htm looking at going at the back end of next year, Opinions please. THANKS
  16. hi merry christmas try hydrographics near york, might not have the name correct could be hyrogliphics try google hope this helps
  17. mag should hold three ,if you have one in the breech then two in the mag , not three in mag and one in the breech,hope this helps
  18. as snapshot says wd40 or i use napier gun cleaner&lube before spraying just tap in the palm of your hand
  19. landrover


    How about Vortex vultures 8.5x50, I have a pair and really do rate them highly, about £200
  20. landrover

    Logun Lamp

    the logan lamp is designed for the airrifle (close range ) thats why it's not much use, put a ordinary house fuse in (5amp)or 13amp
  21. hello and welcome you following me about
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