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Everything posted by hargreavesheber

  1. do you use that vet all the time mate had his dogs dewclaws off and a few stiches on a cut £135 big difference to £260 i think the point is, if whoever bred that litter had taken the trouble to remove them. then there would have been no cost at all got to agree but as we know some vets just rip the piss No fella. Don't use them all the time . Was more than I was thinking of thats for sure. To be fair I rang round and all the vets were around that price. ... no more hassle from the dam nails thats 4 sure... . Anesthetic was £117. Dog only weighs 11.8kg..christ knows what it'd have been
  2. My bitch had em on and I had no end of hassle with her either splitting the nail next to the nail bed or twisting them clean off. Enough was enough the vet removed them last Thursday. All be it my bank balance is £260 lighter but the bitch will be better off without them in the long run. If I had a litter they would be coming off for sure.. Atb
  3. Smart looking animal that fella....
  4. My Whippet x Beddy colliegrey My Bull Grey x Saluki grey................................
  5. Sorry to hear that fella. She looked in good condition.
  6. Cheers folks, i'm happy with her so far..... keep wondering if i should slip her on a easy bunny or 2. But i can't help thinking i'm best leaving her for a while yet... What are you're thoughts on the matter? Atb
  7. Took the hounds on a good long walk today, some good scenery. Thought id share a couple of pics... the pups coming on grand. Almost 10 months now. Deffo changed a lot since I got her....
  8. Good pics there fella....... that dark brindle saluki x of yours is a belter.... ATb
  9. Evening folks, was thinking of having a look tomorrow. Just wondered if its any good? Cheers
  10. My Mrs works at a kennel manufacturers. Google, Mitton Hall Kennel systems. Deliver all over country and it seems to be good stuff, both bar and mesh. Think there's full price list on website. They can make any sizes you require. www.mittonhallkennelsystems. Atb
  11. My whippet x beddy x collie grey 19tts 2 and half years old. My saluki grey x bull grey pup 8 months 22tts Atb
  12. Cheers sandymere. I think she's gonna be a solid dog when she's filled out. Although like you said not much more height to come. Only time will tell though. ATb
  13. Cheers, I hope she turns out to be a good un too. Things are just starting to click with her now. Saw some rabbits and 2 Roe deer this morning and she was interested, having a good look... on leash of course. .. Atb
  14. As long as it does the job I'm not too bothered about height. Cheers fella
  15. Cheers moocher, I was kind of hoping for maybe 23-24tts. Measure her from shoulder blades pal using stick and tape measure.
  16. No fella. Thats no relation of her. She's 1/2 whippet 1/4 beddy 1/8 collie 1/8 grey. Good little bitch for rabbits/rats and good at catching tree rats.. Atb
  17. Cheers gents. I was hoping for a bit taller than what she is. As long as she does the job, that's all I'm bothered about..... Atb
  18. Just a few pics from this morning, took the dogs and my little fella for a Potter on the village park. Pup will be 8 months on the 10th. She's about 21.5tts. And ideas how tall she'll be full grown?!? She's never seemed to have a lot of knuckle Dam was 21-22tts sire 26tts. Any comments welcome. Cheers. Cheers for looking
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