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daffy duck

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Everything posted by daffy duck

  1. i personaly prefer my rapid 7 .20 i have had the 22's but .20 is best in my opinion
  2. shoot on their land,are you kidding do you know how hard it is, i am helping keeper most wk ends for nowt to get shooting,i think you should be offering your help first then work your way in from there,shooting is hard to get now and no one is going to give you their permission.best advice is get out and ask. Not to mention this was his first post on the forum Permission for three people at once, yeah right! why you so negative ? you only joined yourself in january and tell me if i am wrong but you got invited out with festa on his permisson ! give the lads a break man !!!!!
  3. shoot on their land,are you kidding do you know how hard it is, i am helping keeper most wk ends for nowt to get shooting,i think you should be offering your help first then work your way in from there,shooting is hard to get now and no one is going to give you their permission.best advice is get out and ask. Not to mention this was his first post on the forum Permission for three people at once, yeah right! why you so negative ? you only joined yourself in january and tell me if i am wrong but you got invited out with festa on his permisson ! give the lads a break man !!!!!
  4. shoot on their land,are you kidding do you know how hard it is, i am helping keeper most wk ends for nowt to get shooting,i think you should be offering your help first then work your way in from there,shooting is hard to get now and no one is going to give you their permission.best advice is get out and ask. Not to mention this was his first post on the forum Permission for three people at once, yeah right! why you so negative ? you only joined yourself in january and tell me if i am wrong but you got invited out with festa on his permisson ! give the lads a break man !!!!!
  5. AA S100 .22 As above says, this is for a friend of mine who has moved to a apartment and hasn't got the internet in so has asked me to put this gun on here for sale.(WAS THE "RABBITONATOR" ON HERE) I dont no much about this gun apart from its quite and old type of pcp, its in working order but only shooting at 4.8ft so might be ok for someone who wants a project as it needs a bit work doing to it, stock is a bit tatty bit metal work looks rust free but may need some blueing done,all attachment are there to charge up gun from dive bottle which i have done just to check.. the lad is open to of
  6. Well said lads and thanks (ian b and ecostorm) We have to go shoot them as my permission is on horse stables and have quite a lot of expensive horses on them, wouldn't like to think that just because its summer and some people like the rabbits to breed so there is more to shoot in winter and one of these expensive horses ends up with a broken leg, the land owner would not be very happy with me or the job of pest control i was doing. just wish some people would remember that RABBITS are pest and need to be kept on top of (not just through the winter) now if you dont like what i put on her
  7. We both use a digi mono with a home made DSA
  8. Well me and my pal PAV went out again last night with the NV, as you's will no this time of year we struggle to get 2 hours of darkness but last night we had a good thick cloud cover which made last night worth going. Good size rabbits and no mixi on any
  9. freezer over flowing at the min tony
  10. i always think i can do better but maybe just being harsh on myself
  11. cheers pal but i always think we could of done better ha
  12. Went out last night with p-ting (personal joke) for a couple hours and ended up with 16 rabbits,not to bad as thought it was going to be a bit on the light side but luckily the cloud cover came over so a decent night was had
  13. cheers for the offer lads and will bare you's in mind
  14. I seen your pics mate, good haul Its good to see people getting good numbers for a change keep it up Atb Graeme
  15. Gary mixi seems to be popping up everywhere at the min. Trying to get as many as we can with it !!
  16. Hi I we use a rapid 7 20 cal. With a 5x50 digital bresser fitted with a 2x24 lens and a home made DSA to attatch together. Yukon exelon 3x50 for a spotter, you can't get better for the money. Atb Graeme
  17. Hi lads Well decided to go down to catterick tonight for a change and not hexham (give It a rest) out for 3hrs and shot 42 rabbits in total but 12 had mixi so left them for charlie.
  18. Get your coat, Bill. ........ok haha.......cheers lads
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