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daffy duck

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Everything posted by daffy duck

  1. I like the hw .20 but still think the rapid .20 is best
  2. I don't like the way your saying all you need is a finger ha We should arrange a night out and ill show you, all you need is your finger yes thats right your finger i may go out to night ill take some photos if i get some thing and put them up for you atvbmac :thumbs:
  3. Here is some more of just a few we have got recently !!!
  4. im afraid daffy (graeme) pulls his joker when it cums to gutting them his best one is I forgot me rubber gloves so its left to muggings to do but he does put them in a nice line for foto lol we dont skin them they get sold with jackts on Pav You no I'm better at supervising than actually getting my hands dirty/stinking Haha
  5. Cheers lads They have caused a lot of damage but that's just the a small amount of them !! Lots more to go at Thanks
  6. Furthest we probs hit them is 60yards down to 20 yards the nearest one
  7. Yeah there's a lot of them but had to wait till farmer cut his hay then hit them
  8. Hi lads Here is a pic of a good nights shooting on fresh cut grass just me and my mate pav, not a bad bag if I say so myself. All shot with hw100kt .20 using Yukon photon 6.5x50. Retrieved 42 in total
  9. Hi all If anyone has a one for sale drop me a pm please Cash waiting ? Atb Daffy
  10. Hi bigmac Luckily we seem to have some good perms that consistently give us good numbers but even I was surprised to see so many rabbits that were so big and fat ha Atb Graeme
  11. It's the only cal we shoot with !! Got a rapid 7 in the same cal and can't/wouldn't shoot any other ! Atb Graeme
  12. Hi alun Didn't skin or gut them as we gave them to a guy with hawks so he had the joy of doing that job ;-) The pellets we use are h&n field n trouphy Graeme
  13. Went out last night to one of our estates in North Yorkshire, got there about 8pm just after dark with thick cloud which meant no moon :-) after a quick zero me and my mate (PAV) heading off. Didn't expect to do to much even tho the owner told us there is a load of rabbits about. Well that was a understatement ha, only went into 4 fields but they were heaving with rabbits so luckily not far to walk which was just aswell !! We managed to retreave 39 rabbits in total but lost a few in the semi long grass but all of them were big strong healthy bunnies !! And very bloody heaving to carry back to
  14. Well I'm not happy with hull !!! I have just received my hw100kt .20 after they have had another go to repair a leak ! They rang me last Monday saying they have replace all seals and tweaked it for me for all the trouble I have had with them and to tell me it's not leaked for the 3 days since they filled it so sent it back to me with a goody bag (ha) I picked the parcel up on Wednesday and checked the preasure which was sitting at 200 bar so was happy until I went to go shooting on Sunday and it had dropped to 190 bar ! Thought I would give them a chance and went out shooting Sunday evenin
  15. Yep like my shooting pal (PAV) said my HW100kt .20 has just been picked up today by courier to go back to hull for the second time to get "fixed", it came back to me after the first attempt made the leak worse than it originally was ! So after a call to hull and spoke to 3 different people, the last being the second in command (Robert everret) I have been assured it will be given the VIP treatment and returned to me fully fixed and tested, if they can't fix it then a replacement will be sent back or a refund, all this after they had my gun a month last time for it to come back with a bigger le
  16. Hi all For sale as I don't need them anymore Accushot 3-12x44 in very good condition, very clear glass with side focus and milldot ret Scope only for £70 Atb Daffy
  17. All I do is select photos you want to upload then email them to yourself and the option will ask you to select a size then email them and save it to your phone ;-) then your ok to upload Daffy
  18. Hi mate They are 205--16 if that's any good to you ? Cheers
  19. No takers for a good set of offroaders !!! Season is nearly here lads
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