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Everything posted by DeerhoundLurcherMan

  1. So keeping the line going is more to guarantee exceptional dogs, rather than risk new blood....?
  2. Did you see that jump start!!!!!!!! WTF was that all about.....I think the pressure of needing a win got to him... Then mark had a big moment on the last turn, brief lapse in concentration, probably tasting the champagne already lol.... But honestly, mark could break both legs in a crash, its nowhere near over...
  3. Genuine question... Why line breed? Is it to put a desired trait back into a good line? If so why not just source an unrelated dog which has the desired traits? I have a line bred pup on, and would like to understand more about why its done and the benefits ect... Also, maybe I'm wrong but it seems more daytime dogs are line bred? The odd fox dog aswell, but you don't hear of line bred ferreting dogs.... Cheers..
  4. Yea so when I hear my misses in the bathroom at night I can give her a few rounds through the door I mean burglar
  5. Marquez is something special I agree, but not unbeatable, not when Jorge is on form... I wished Stoner had stayed on for one more season... I don't really like Marquez to be honest, I saw him run Luthi off the track in moto2 2 or 3 years back and it was a dirty move, and when he bounced off Lorenzo on the last turn in one race last season, another dirty move because he couldn't beat him straight up...
  6. I picked a few horses and didn't go E/W on any of them so I'm effectively betting against myself? So it would make sense to go e/w if you've picked a few? Especially if there are paying for 5 places...... But it is the national. F**k it I'm going for the win!
  7. If you want to run the dog, get a deerhound lurcher.. If you want a guard dog, get a guard dog..
  8. I started on a cagiva planet 125....then in this order Bandit 600 TL1000r GSXR 600 RSV mille TL1000s ZX7r KTM 625smc GSXR 750 RSV mille
  9. I had 2 milles, this one had a renegade carbon airbox, powercomander 3 and a gp pipe and was remapped....Good fun for not a lot of money...
  10. Nice, Is it the factory? My old man had one, best, most comfortable fun I've had on a bike, wheelie machine!
  11. No one said anything about judging a dog on a single night......But you don't need to see someone else's dog run for a whole season to know if it's a goodun or not...
  12. Neither do i when i know the long range weatherman could well be wrong.. I can't believe you've actually put into words that you need to see a dog work for a whole season to know it's shite. Some of you veterans treat us young lads like the dog game is rocket science and we shouldn't even be slipping a dog until we've spent 10 seasons watching and learning. Let alone have an opinion on a dog. Ignore me and everyone one and learn the hard way like most folk did well beforee the internet appeared .. crack on mate and all the best for the new season,. He aint going to learn much
  13. Looking well... Looks the same colouring as the Belle from the pics...
  14. Neither do i when i know the long range weatherman could well be wrong.. I can't believe you've actually put into words that you need to see a dog work for a whole season to know it's shite. Some of you veterans treat us young lads like the dog game is rocket science and we shouldn't even be slipping a dog until we've spent 10 seasons watching and learning. Let alone have an opinion on a dog. You have turned me on.... Thats a weird thing to say...
  15. . The hare is not protected the act of coursing is illigall. The hunting act is by far the most utter load of nomsence ever. Put in the statute book Go out with a lurcher and a shot gun put the hare up with the lurcher and take a shot you are not cousing or hunting you are flushingSo if you miss with the shotgun and the dog picks up the hare all is well with the law?yep dut dont turn up with 40 beaters and six couple of greyhounds. And a fellow on a horse waving a red or wight flag , and one fellow stood facing the wrong way with a 410. They just might smell a rat Ill make sure hes facing t
  16. . The hare is not protected the act of coursing is illigall. The hunting act is by far the most utter load of nomsence ever. Put in the statute book Go out with a lurcher and a shot gun put the hare up with the lurcher and take a shot you are not cousing or hunting you are flushing So if you miss with the shotgun and the dog picks up the hare all is well with the law?
  17. Regarding what max and born have said..... Why is it legal to shoot a rabbit and a hare, and its ok for a dog to kill a rabbit but not a hare....? What's the reasoning behind this?
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