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Everything posted by DeerhoundLurcherMan

  1. The cps like to put the pressure on early and get a guilty plea, it saves time and money. They often lie about evidence which they don't have to scare you to plead guilty. Until you have seen all of the evidence against you plead not guilty. And if they do have enough evidence for a conviction then you can change your plea at the last minuite... Oh and get a solicitor
  2. What about if your certificate says this.....
  3. Some right tight f**kers on here Some people spend thousands on fishing gear some spend thousands on their motors, others do it on shotguns and rifles, if lamping is your thing £200 for a battery and £100 on a lamp that will last you a good few seasons is a bargain....
  4. There should be a stolen dog thread, not just lurchers. One post per dog, as much details as possible and a couple of pics....Lock the thread, pin it, and approved posts should be forwarded to save pages of "hope you get it back mate"...... Any info should be PM'd to the poster... If anyone gets offered a dog they could refer back to the thread to see if its been chored.... Cant believe its not already been done to be honest....
  5. Yea I think hes got another inch to go....Bit of filling out, be spot on for me...
  6. real nice pup, doesn't look 26 thow, did u measure him to the top of his head lol DEEP chest throws the eye
  7. Chief 8 months old now 26inches
  8. F**king hell, makes me sick! The more people that hear this the better!! The more the RSPCA get exposed to what the really are the better!! Its not just hunting folk who oppose them either... They are a money making machine and put on a big front like they give a sh*t about what's best for animals... Sorry to hear about your situation, keep us posted as to what happens, as been said get this in the papers...
  9. I would personally hand myself in....
  10. Cheers , Is that formerly Marley? Funny how names evolve, Chief, Chiefy, Cheepy, Cheap, Sheep, LOL
  11. My deerhound blooded dog ran one to a standstill when he was 12 months or so, the fox must have sussed the dog was not going to "take him" so it squatted down and snarled like a possessed demon. It then got up and hit a hedge hard and got away to live another day. I thought, well that's that! The next one he bumped into he was 18 months, straight lined it for 50 yards, took it from the side at full tilt and broke charlies neck as he rolled it... Never refused one after that...
  12. I know this is about first cross collie greyhounds, but I think along the same lines talt, I would rather a proven coursing dog over a proven cur type bitch..Thats just me.. What do you gain by going back to a dog which is bred to run flat out on sand for a short distance and a dog that is bred to work closely with man and heard sheep... Why not use a proven collie lurcher x proven collie lurcher...? With roughly 50% on each side if that's what you want? Genuine question, as I have never understood why lads go back to first Xs?
  13. Believe it or not but I have actually lamped a field mouse with my lurcher. And he caught it. Pre ban ofcourse...
  14. Sounds like it eh lol Also heard a noise in a field next to me which sounded like a big trailer bouncing around, but couldn't work out what the f*ck it was till I saw a truck pull out the gate and tear off up the road, didn't think to much of it until I was in the yard next to the field a few days later when I mentioned it they said "oh yea we had our diesel tank drained again!"
  15. Seen a transit tipper set on fire then a 4x4 tore off, Probably the local pikeys... Seen a few hundred hay bales go up in flames. Probably insurance job?... Seen a tractor burn out in a field while pulling a bailer, same farmer Big riding school go up in flames as well, probably upset the wrong fella... Rescued a sheep from drowning back in December when we had the floods, poor bugger had its head stuck in a wire fence, by the time I got my cutters the water had come right up to its knees...
  16. Whats wrong with it morton? Why is that more of an accident waiting rather than a 1 inch collar at the same tightness?
  17. I originally bought a 2 inch for the big dog and 1,1/2 for the pup, but they were to big. So the big dog has the 1,1/2 and I bought a 1 inch for the pup. The 1,1/2 is good for big lurchers like bull xs or deerhound xs ect but look silly on smaller racy types, thats where the 1 inch ones come in, there not weedy little things like I thought they might be. The pup in the pic is a saluki lurcher 25 inches tall... The 2 inch 5 ply collar looked to big on my 27 inch 33kg dog. They are for mastiff size dogs IMO...
  18. I personally didn't like my tapered lurcher one, as on my dog the wide part sat lop sided..... So I bought a 1,1/2 inch 5 ply brown one with steel fittings and its perfect..... And I got a 1 inch matching one for the pup.... I wouldn't use anything else...
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