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Everything posted by DeerhoundLurcherMan

  1. The type of offence you have been accused of committing will dictate what court you are to be tried in, and can determine the type of sentence you might expect to receive from the court if convicted of the offence. A “Summary Only” offence can only be dealt with in the Magistrates Court. An “Either Way” offence can either be dealt with in the Magistrates Court or the Crown Court, depending upon the particular circumstances of the case. If you are charged with an “either way” offence, you can “elect” to be tried before a Judge and Jury at the Crown Cour An “Indictable Only” offence can
  2. This is a quote from the CPS website... There must be some form of evidence adduced to prove that there was an actual pursuit of a wild mammal. This may be obtained and supported by eye-witness accounts of the activity, video evidence or evidence of preparatory activity such as earth stopping; that is the practice of blocking fox, rabbit, badger holes to prevent a fox going to ground So by what it says in the quote, for a conviction there has to be eye witnesses or video evidence.... I think this is a summary only offence (section 1), so you would look silly asking for it to be
  3. I'm in the same boat,the worst part for me is having to basically take away their innocence. they wave at and want to talk to strangers,but I've got to try to convince them to stay away from them and that some of them are very bad people. The worst part of it is that if a nonce wanted to take a kid, they would just say something like "hello, your mum asked me to pick you up today" and smile. Its that betrayal of trust and their intentions alone that should see them hang. Let alone if they did actually harm the kid. I think there is more out there than most people would like to thi
  4. This is a quote from the CPS website... There must be some form of evidence adduced to prove that there was an actual pursuit of a wild mammal. This may be obtained and supported by eye-witness accounts of the activity, video evidence or evidence of preparatory activity such as earth stopping; that is the practice of blocking fox, rabbit, badger holes to prevent a fox going to ground So by what it says in the quote, for a conviction there has to be eye witnesses or video evidence.... I think this is a summary only offence (section 1), so you would look silly asking for it to be
  5. This is a quote from the CPS website... There must be some form of evidence adduced to prove that there was an actual pursuit of a wild mammal. This may be obtained and supported by eye-witness accounts of the activity, video evidence or evidence of preparatory activity such as earth stopping; that is the practice of blocking fox, rabbit, badger holes to prevent a fox going to ground So by what it says in the quote, for a conviction there has to be eye witnesses or video evidence.... I think this is a summary only offence (section 1), so you would look silly asking for it to be
  6. elect to be tried by jury next time yer up.they wont go ahead..then claim for damages. I would guess that its a summary offence rather than "either way" or "indictable" so that's not an option..... you can go for jury for any criminal offence.they dont like you running the bill up.lol Might be different in Ireland but in England you only get the choice of a jury trial if you are charged with an "either way" offence such as ABH, Indictable offences are only dealt with at crown such as GBH, Summary offences are only dealt with at magistrates such as driving offences or petty crime
  7. elect to be tried by jury next time yer up.they wont go ahead..then claim for damages. I would guess that its a summary offence rather than "either way" or "indictable" so that's not an option.....
  8. Socks is bang on, if you seriously thought a kid was lost the first thing you would do is ask the child if he/she is lost, not grab his/her hand and speed off... I have a 4 year old daughter which has been learning about strangers! I just showed her this clip about 5 times and told her that man is a stranger! The hardest thing to teach them is that nasty strangers look just like normal people.
  9. should been thrown out if they have nothing your solictor must be a dickhead A solicitor can only request the magistrates consider "no case to awnser" but quite often they don't bother as they know it will get thrown out anyway and the solicitor gets another day in court.= more money for them...
  10. If they ain't got none now for a case like this it's doubtful they will come up with anything else...
  11. Thats a bit harsh, it might be a kid with his first pup. If you haven't got any advice why not just shut up? We all had to start somewhere including you.......
  12. Near the top of the Lurcher and sight-hound discussion threads there is a pinned thread by skycat, click on it and scroll down to: EXERCISE REQUIRMENTS FOR DOGS UNDER 12 MONTHS OF AGE UNDER 6 MONTHS I'm sure you will find it very helpful...
  13. Fair dos, to be honest I thought you might have been on the wind up . I'm far from the most knowledgeable on here but heres an opinion if it helps. Forget the pup is a lurcher for 6 months, imagine its a Labrador and get it out and used to its surroundings but in a safe way,whether it be on the lead or away from other dogs if they are tearing about and likely do the pup damage, keep on at the recall and stock breaking and get it meeting other dogs. So forget chasing rabbits or anything else for that matter. If you start running an immature puppy at things it will not catch, the pup wi
  14. Its only just been born mate.....
  15. I agree but only if they are found guilty of lying beyond all reasonable doubt, thats a whole new case, you cant just say the defendant has been found not guilty so the witness was lying lol
  16. born in what year pal i dont understand Born in '97 have some dead head moments but no was born in 83 You can say that again!
  17. Never mentioned lying to a court of law mate. We were talking about lying to us. To prompt a confession. People including yourself have said the police aren't allowed to lie. Suggesting that they don't. But they do Actually, no Go back and read what I've written properly Police officers are as capable and willing to lie as anyone else. The thing is, if they get caught out, they are in proportionally more trouble than anyone else . Ever heard the term 'breech of trust'? The fact that a police officer may lie (indirectly, or directly) 'off the record' in order to c
  18. They can. And they do.They told me I was free to go. No charges. Only taken in "to assist with enquiries". Then when I said right I'm going they threatened to arrest me and keep us in for the night at another station miles away. Then they lied about having video evidence. Then they lied about having witnesses. They will and do lie through their teeth. they can lie about witnesses but not video evidence or dna as said yor briefs must have been shite What's the brief got to do with it? You sound like you haven't got a clue mate. I've been sat in an interview with plod IMPLYING that they
  19. Shit solicitor, good solicitor, no solicitor, makes no difference. The police lie about evidence during interviews. Agreed a good solicitor will pull them apart if they try it on. But it doesn't stop the old bill lying in the first place... Got that T-shirt Next time run faster lol
  20. There will be duty solicitor in the magistrates mate, when you first go in there you report to the desk and they will ask you if you want the duty solicitor...You could phone first to make sure one will be there. But be warned they will be busy, they will look over your case, ask you what happened and advise you which way to plea.... Or you could get your own solicitor, preferably one who knows the crack with these type of cases. If you kept your dogs and motor and was caught in the act, I'd be tempted to go and talk to the duty on the day and expect a fine....However if you had your d
  21. Doesn't sound like an interview to me mate, and have you actually been charged with any offence?
  22. Thats the idea mate, they lie about evidence in interviews to scare you into pleading guilty because they have f**k all on you.....Then it gets thrown out of court...
  23. Mate, I don't need to phone anyone to ask if the police have lied through there teeth to me in an interview, the type of lies that should see police officers sacked. Never again will I trust a police officer
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