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About spitandspade

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  1. There seems to be a few opinions here, on when the judge for Harewood was arranged. I heard from the man himself, that Danny rang AN on the Friday night and asked him to judge the show as the original judges dog had came down with something and he thought it best not to go until he found out what is was. Was the judge asked at the ringside Danny or are you calling A.N a liar? I have more on you but I'll leave it to your on your way to stir a bit more pps Tom u still havent told us of any shows you have judged, there are many good terrier men about, what makes you so qualified to judge t
  2. Just for the record the first judge at Harewood couldn't make it, he had family commiments. Up until the last moment no one knew who was judging, it's a rule WE follow, as is none of us entering our dogs into shows with close friends judging!!! I heard the organisor of the event mention that she needed a judge & I appraoched the "Scottish Judge" & asked him if he'd be willing to help out. The organisor of the event didn't know until I told her that he would be willing to do it. Despite travelling all that way to enter their dogs into the show ALL of those boys withdrew their dogs (BOT
  3. You never answered the question, Foxgun Tom, what other shows have you judged? One would expect that a show which potentially has the ability to turn into a prestigious annual event, only experienced judges should judge the show. I'm glad to see Dogman71 raised the issue of Danny Sykes relationships with judges, this is'nt the first time an eyebrow has been raised. It was only two years ago he drove a judge to the Cheshire gameshow and dropped him at the gate to walk in. Danny not surprisingly picked up the trophy and drove the man back home again. The judge was stupid enough to tell pe
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