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Everything posted by PoppyB

  1. Thanks Patstaff, was waiting to this evening to make sure he couldn't get another field.
  2. I knew I'd miss one out, there will ofcourse be a rough over 23” class
  3. Thanks, Margaret. The forecast gives it to stay dry on Saturday so should be a great day out
  4. Classes will be, though not necessarily this order, Child handling (drinks and crisps for all) Ladies handling Gentleman handling Whippet bitch pup Whippet dog pup Whippet bitch Whippet dog Working whippet Whippet pairs Veteran whippet Lurcher bitch pup Lurcher dog pup Smooth under 23“ bitch Smooth under 23" dog Rough under 23“ Smooth over 23“ bitch Smooth over 23“dog Rough over 23” Collie cross Bull cross Rabbiting class Lamping class Fox class Lurcher pairs Veteran lurcher Terrier bitch pup Terrier dog pup Russels Lakelands Borders Patterdale
  5. Could anyone with a perpetual trophy please bring it with you on Saturday or send it down with someone else if your not attending. Thanks
  6. This years field will be located beside last years but is a bigger field for a longer racing\ simulated coursing run. The winning dogs of each race class will then compete on a shorter 150 yd run for the Master Magrath qualifier. It has also been suggested to split the smooth under and over show classes into dog and bitch classes. Not sure if the class sizes warrant the under and over rough dog/ bitch classes to be separated. Anybody any opinions?
  7. Hey Poppy just wondering is the show a qualifier for any of the English championships this year again? Sorry Fiona, no English qualifiers this year. There is though qualifiers for the Five Nations Lurcher Championship and the Master Magrath Lurcher Race. I will try to remind him early next year to sort out a few other qualifiers
  8. Sorry Tuck, due to the dwindling numbers in strong dog classes in recent years, Dessie has decided not to have these classes this year.
  9. Its no secret Dessie has been hounded by the USPCA recently and is awaiting charges like a few others, some of whom are acquaintances of his. Deduce what you like from that. Myself, I choose like many others I'm sure to support our terrier men in there hour of need.
  10. When the post was originally put up he thought it might be easier to just have the above racing classes but in hindsight there will be the usual whippet race for ped whippets
  11. Thanks for adding Dessie's show Margaret. His show on the 12th May is a qualifier for both the Master McGrath and Five Nations, we'll have more details up soon
  12. Rather than deciding on a particular breed, maybe concentrate on looking a dog of good working stock. Whippets are great wee rabitting dogs but more recently seem to come with inflated price tags. Most whippet cross lurchers will be small enough in size for you and will do the same job. IMO whippets can be quite stubborn, so maybe not ideal for a first dog if your not getting great advice. Good luck in whatever you decide to get
  13. The post code for anyone looking for directions is bt63 6dj. Dessie has asked me to put up his number if anyone has any enquiries 07714951414 or 07599629880 Hope to see you all there
  14. Dessie had said on the other thread that he would have classes for strong dogs as there was a bit of interest. Just wondering if many people are planning to enter a strong dog on the day. The classes are never very big in the summer and it would be nice to get a bit of a turnout of them, most people knows somebody with a staff, maybe spread the xmiss cheer and encourage them to come along.
  15. Is there any chance the 5 nations would be repeated for the terriers again? Maybe on alternite years with the lurchers
  16. I was brought up on the old school idea that it was unsporting to lamp a hare, Flashellie. Do what you want with them in the day but by braging about it on an open forum your asking for the police at your door.
  17. What sort of twat 1stly lamps a hare and 2ndy admits it on a site like this
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