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Everything posted by ozzieowl

  1. No sights silencer bag fill adapter keeping bipod it's off my daystate
  2. You shouldn't have to get it sorted it should be right in the first place everyone to there own crap
  3. Cost me more and a lot of people have the same gun for a lot more than 450 come on be daft and buy yourself a load of crap lol
  4. Superb gun small compact accurate and the Poe We're to go with it 400 no offers
  5. Great accurate gun comes with silencer scope fill adapter 2 magazines great condition £400 no offers
  6. In 22 no marks needs regulator sorting ok at 180 bar offers over £450 comes with scope bag fill adapter and bag pick up yorkshire
  7. And by the way it's for sale best offer over £450
  8. Someone on here must have an idea I've taken the regulator off its not that complicated it's knowing what's wrong that's hard it carnt be that much have bsa offered money back on these as its a major fault in lots of there guns I'm not a bsa fan but was told this was a decent gun ,well I would rather have a daystate or air arms anyday of the week it's ok at 180 bar but above that its crap lot of money for a crap gun never mind you live and learn.
  9. If john bowkett can do it why carnt BSA because there shit and just take your money knowing full well this is happening when you buy a car they recal them if there's a known fault at no expense bsa need to treat there customers with a bit of respect as it them that keep them in business
  10. I have 22 bsar10 if you fill to 200 bar it fires at about 6 ft lb but when it gets to 180 bar it's fine is it a hard job to do how much and who does it it would be a great help I'm in south yorkshire
  11. Carnt find the pics mate also message me your number
  12. nice to meet you too good rifle needed to be used glad your happy with it cheers john
  13. Mk1 hw80 in great condition just serviced very smooth 22 comes with Simmons whitetail classic scope silencer and bag great rabbit gun very accurate pick up only Barnsley £200 no offers
  14. Left handed daystate ten shot harrier x for sale 2 x10 shot magazines scope silencer bag and fill adapter very accurate hunting rifle in vgc pick up only Barnsley south yorkshire
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