I think selling it is the best thing to do don't like it at all,shoots ok now so all you bsa fans out there you can have mine cheap £475 takes it be glad to get shut
Everyone likes different types off gun if its accurate and feels nice too shoot well that's the gun you like daystate are well in front of most guns the hw 100 is not too bad but I've had a few guns which are half the price and better the air arms take some beating in my opinion but I was very surprised with the logun mk 1 nice little gun the bsa have never been top rated look how many ultras are for sale they are badly made and constantly having problems that's my opinion if you like them well good but I don't there crap
Well after about 6 hours of cleaning the regulator and altering a few little bits I've finally done it its now 100percent at 200 bar,I know you can put more in but I think at that that's the sweet spot and I still think there crap