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Everything posted by ozzieowl

  1. Our saluki x grey 20 wks old is the same. Screams like he is bein murdered at the littlest thing. Scares everyone to death!!!
  2. this is what i can get on at the moment http://www.youtube.com/user/ozzieowl9962#p/u/3/umRmejkhsIc
  3. hes 12 mths old mate still only a pup im in yorkshire hes a great dog loves hunting up pheasants great retriever but still needs work same as ive said hes a pup
  4. full kc registered vaccinated very obedient retrieves flushes needs some more work kenneled outside but ok in house must be permenent working home £250 to right person.look in my threads for pictures carnt download as im in glasgow at the moment,no reception
  5. hes got to be the easiest dog to train ive ever had from being a pup, never had a problem,hes my first gwp and everyone said they are hard dogs to train well i must have dropped on,great dogs.
  6. linseed oil in there food every other day keeps the coat shiny and keeps them on top of things always used it keeps them in condition.
  7. great dogs mines just 12months old just right for trainig he does most things markup retrieve ok with ferrets and hawks.
  8. this gun is now SOLD SOLD SOLD
  9. keep an eye on your dog mate,the weight loss could be do to something else intestine infection,it might not be but if this persists take the dog to a vet,my pup was the same would eat but wouldnt put weight on and had the propper runs,took im to the vets gave im a antibiotic injection cost £30 hes now sound as a pound,its not always to do with food change,but stick to one diet dont keep changing,it doesnt help is digestive system best of luck with your dog hope all is ok john.
  10. cheers mate have you been out yet with the gun its a good tool for rabbits,cheers john.
  11. no its another one this that was a hw100 you shot,thats going nowhere,cheers john.
  12. should have come to me ive got 5 dogs do at least 7 miles a day carnt wait for my pup to be ready for next year, our oldest terrier is still alive at 19 years old,some people just dont care.
  13. what about air arms s200 10 shot pics on for sale thread

  14. my hw 100 just had new side lever fitted,and new bottle so got one spare for when out hunting,cheers john.
  15. hello and welcome not far from me was in your neck of the woods the other night should have had a few but only got onemy mate shot 14 last night,cheers john.
  16. This gun is like new. Its an Air Arms S200 converted to the 10 shot. Comes with 2 magazines, silencer, Simmons 4-12x40 A/O 8-Point fully coated Telescopic sights. Also fill adapter and bag. Offers over £330. Ideal Christmas Present!
  17. cracking pup mate good cross for taking most quarry lovely looking dog.
  18. sold to rookie hunter nice fella cheers mate have some fun.
  19. does anyone know how to remove the side lever as ive just got a new one and havent a clue,cheers john.
  20. carnt you get someone to drive half way mate 1 will give you £460

  21. 250 mate im after a rapid 7 mk1 and need the money
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