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Everything posted by ozzieowl

  1. we also have another one in the house,the one on the picture as got a big cyst on the top of her leg but the vet said she was too old to have it removed even though it doesnt bother her
  2. hes ok very obedient and very interested.
  3. hes ok very obedient and very interested.
  4. nothing worse then waiting for the season to start what you doing to pass time ie making nets,going to shows,im going to refurb the kennels and makea new ferret hutch
  5. his father was a greyhound/collie. he took everything very good on the lamp and a good ferreting dog. The bitch was a small greyhound which people thought was a greyhoundxwhippet but she was a track dog tattooed in the ears, she was also used on the lamp and did really well on it. I had been looking for this cross for quite a while now and I have looked at loads which just werent the right dogs.....until i saw this one and I knew he was the one for me.
  6. this is not an hancock dog,hes 11 mths old 26 to the shoulder and very obedient,hope you like im.
  7. its not a buzzard, partridge is about right.
  8. could be a buzzard i will post a picture
  9. no its not a lapwing ive just looked it up it looks too big for a skylark im stumped.
  10. this is 12 months old 23inch to shoulder should make a cracker.
  11. gun as now gone,cheers lads.
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