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Everything posted by bubba_gump

  1. can anyone remember a film were a alsation get stolen and brought to alaska and sold to a sled team????

    1. johnny boy68

      johnny boy68

      Was it call of the wild?

    2. just jack

      just jack

      they put pads on the alsatian's paws if i rememder right, then fooked off wi the wolves at the end?

    3. bubba_gump


      thats the one jackoleeds its a brilliant film

  2. does this guy not live in canada?
  3. http://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/Bill-to-ban-hunting-with.6662371.jp
  4. http://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/Bill-to-ban-hunting-with.6662371.jp read this
  5. the green party tried to get the bill past on the quiet thats why you didn't hear anything about it, it didn't even get brought to a vote so it got through out lol
  6. get yourself down to the nearest farmer and tell him you will take his fallen stock i'm sure you would get it for free, skin it gutt it free it raw
  7. i think i heard somewere that cause it didn't even get to a vote and got dismisted oraly, that they can only try it again in 3-4 years, and by then hopefully the green party will have pissed off lol
  8. Great news. The anti hunting bill was defeated yesterday, there was plenty of support for hunting in the assembly A GREEN Party bill which called for an end to hunting with dogs was opposed by almost every other political party in Stormont yesterday
  9. Great news. The anti hunting bill was defeated yesterday, there was plenty of support for hunting in the assembly A GREEN Party bill which called for an end to hunting with dogs was opposed by almost every other political party in Stormont yesterday
  10. Great news. The anti hunting bill was defeated yesterday, there was plenty of support for hunting in the assembly A GREEN Party bill which called for an end to hunting with dogs was opposed by almost every other political party in Stormont yesterday
  11. had a brace yesterday one of them dug with my young dog very happy

  12. alright mate, i'm from belfast aswell if i were you, and i'm not so take from this what you want, i'd get a three quarter greyhound quarter bull. simply because there easy to enter and will work best on or ground over here.
  13. anyone else having really bad scent

  14. thinks some people should have a coke and a smile

  15. it has to be proven that beyond reasonable doubt that you went out to hunt hare, otherwise it was a accident and tell the fuzz that if it come to it, if that fails thell them you want a lawyer with hunting act knowledge
  16. had a fcuked up dig at the weekend, hounds put one under concrete took five hours to dig 0.7 need to get myself a heavy bar

  17. first blank morning out with the hunt

  18. stiff as hell after yesterdays dig with hunt, any ideas how make life easier cutting through roots the size of your leg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tiny 7

      Tiny 7

      Yip thats the one....

    3. bubba_gump


      had all the soil cleared round the roots it was like digging in a stick pile and then i hit the roots lol it was only 1.4 on the box and it took me 2 and ahalf hours lmao

    4. albert64


      as said mate chainsaw chain or a folding saw them ones the gardeners use

  19. to go lamping or not go lamping that is the question

    1. boots


      go getem mate

    2. buckley in cork

      buckley in cork

      im wondering the same thing!still a feckin full moon though.cant wait for short evenings and dark nights!

  20. backs sore after digging yesterday

  21. just back from being out with local hunt dug one

  22. is looking a new lamping battery, anyone want to part with one for a few quid

    1. davehunter1


      wer r u mate i know a man who sells 18ah 4 30 quid brand new year garentee and ther lucus so ther exalant value for money i get 22ah as there the same size

    2. bubba_gump


      i'm in northern ireland belfast

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