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Gray's Feist

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About Gray's Feist

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  • Birthday 26/02/1984

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    Anything outdoors! Especially hunting/working with my dogs (Mountain Feist & Jack Russell Terrier)

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  1. I'd buy him if I could figure out how to get him across the pond....
  2. strange fella keeps patts + BADGERS in the house. strange fella keeps patts + BADGERS in the house. French!!!! This is funny but my feist dogs actually can learn the difference between game and pets...My JRT has a little more trouble. Too much SPAZ bred into her, I reckon.
  3. Folks: Just wanted to share a couple pics of my female Jack Russell Terrier, Cricket. Here in the USA, we have a variety of quarry to persue with dogs. My terrier is worked on rats, mice, groundhog, squirrel, possum, fox, coon and more. I hunt her along with my Mountain Feist dogs so they catch game above ground or in logs or under brush piles in addition to what y'all consider true terrier work...GOING TO GROUND. Many people here use their dogs in old buildings also. Hope y'all enjoy the pics of Cricket! -Marc
  4. Hello Everyone: My name is Marcus Gray...I go by Marc most of the time. Anyway, I am new to the site and hail from Virginia. As far as the USA goes, we have a LONG history of hunting with dogs here and I was glad to find your site. I used to be a member of a forum called "Terrier Central" that had quite a few terriermen from Britain and Australia on it in addition to many from the US. It was shut down for whatever reason and I was left without a place to discuss working terriers. I own one female Jack Russell Terrier out of working stock and four Mountain Feist...a breed originating i
  5. Excited about my 4th generation of Mountain Feist!

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