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Work them hard

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Everything posted by Work them hard

  1. People who do that have crap in there kennels or dont have a clue, those are the only reasons as to why you would double up or more!
  2. Both parents are good solid workers dam is a nuttal bitch sire is a well bred fell from a good line of workers
  3. true mate he shouldnt do but i took him to an earth behind a farm that no one new the other day and the day after some one had dug it a left it open, i dont have proof if it was him but im gong to give him and his dog a chance, i told him weill start from scratch in shallow earths building the dogs confidence up and hopefully make the grade for the lad Nice one mate, Its how it should be done!
  4. It has happened to me, I was on my way to work a couple of years ago it was boxing day morning around 5.00am i was going round a corner and a car was coming towards me on my side of the road, As i swerved and corrected myself my car just lost grip on ice spun and then rolled! i was knocked out briefly when i got out several cars drove straight past my car on its side i was flashing my light waving and nobody stopped, So i was stood by the side of the road with a lump on my head ( On the passenger side i had a set of heavy old binoculars which hit me! ) I was trying to look for my dogs e
  5. If he is that keen and wants to learn he shoulnt do because he should respect the fact you are doing him a favour, Its hard to trust people in this game as there are so many knobs about, but its nice to give people a chance.
  6. Aye their strong alright, The black un is only a pup 7 month old bred by my mate Digga123 he is showing alot of interest, obviously just observing and listening until next season.
  7. Had a nice stroll this morning with the dogs just before i went for a look out , Drew a blank today though theirs always next time!
  8. Maybe the lad just needs a bit of guidance, When i was first starting i didnt have much of a clue what to look for in a terrier and all the other things to go with it until i met a fella local to me who took me out to places to try my dog after we found out it was no good he still took me out and does to this day. Its nice to have a bit of guidance from an experienced terrierman, It may not be the lads fault the terrier doesnt work.
  9. Looking forward to getting out, Now shooting has finished i can get around a lot more ground.
  10. As above excellent condition £15 posted Or maybe swap for fox nets W.H.Y? (Stuff for or to do with terrierwork)
  11. Just realised mate i have lowered it now, Shes a good bus!
  12. They wont stop, Its in prison that they are able to get more people to join them. As if they are going to come out of prison with completly new beliefs we need to get a grip. If you plan acts of terrorism you should be PTS! END OF! This wont happen as we have too many muslims with a say in things, its all part of there plan!
  13. I do dont class them as British, There are enough of them in every city of the UK now, Its very easy for them! Fecking terrorists!
  14. Riding round on his mobility scooter, Sounds a bit like hot fuzz!
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VBr1pSfKPU
  16. Dave http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnmHeoapBU4&feature=related
  17. Ha ha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYBd7999qqo
  18. Also the episodes with damien http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QewtNe5IdiY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU6whD6gCV8&feature=related
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