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Work them hard

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Everything posted by Work them hard

  1. 4 6ft double peg fox nets never used With bag £45 posted Bellman and flint couples with collars perfect condition £15 po sted For pictures send me your email address and I can send some as I can upload any
  2. Due to not being able to do my terrier work anymore as my joints won't cope. I'm looking to get back into ferreting as I need something to do. So I'm really after everything is would need like locator, nets, hutch, and a couple of ferrets. So if you have any of the above for sale just drop me a message. Thansk
  3. You and me both, You've judged me too easily and to be honest I can see why when I look at it, but I'm no peddler. But you have your opinion and you are entitled to it.
  4. Damn straight! A regular day sherlock Holmes you are mate, I'm impressed! Anyway I've really enjoyed this exchange we've had goat when the lad has tried the bitch I will get him to confirm for you also I may have sold a few dogs mainly for other people I might add on here but have you seen any backlash against me by the people who've bought them? I can't dig anymore due to a joint condition I have recently been diagnosed with, now don't go calling me a peddling c**t when my one passion in life is my terrier work and I can't even do it anymore.
  5. Keeps me in the zone to make such amazing triangle solo's...
  6. Goat your awfully angry all the time, I'm going have a guess that your rather short and angry at the world due to this problem or possibly something elsemail lacking ... Now the dog in question has been collected and the new owner is happy and if not I'm sure he will post on here. Now goat please stop with all the anger you truly are like an angry old goat, just breathe and think what would jesus do... BTW I don't need all this agro as I'm currently practicing for what's going to be my most emotional triangle solo yet! Which is this evening so I'm in the zone right now......
  7. Goat your obviously sitting behind your keyboard/phone getting yourself somewhat wound up, what I would do is go get a beer sit yourself down and chill the f**k out. Your opinion is your right I know this, but for god sake will you just shut up your boring. I don't have to justify myself to you in any way. If you wanted the dog you should have got her and then seen her work that way you would know. Instead your just being another hunting life hero/ keyboard warrior. Worse that a sewing circle this place.
  8. Ok bud, another hunting life hero! If I were here to peddue I wouldn't have been a member for so long and I've also contributed to this site with posts. It's not like I joined yesterday and sold a dog the next.
  9. Ok bud, you obviously know so much about me. Anyway pal if you have any problems please pm me rather than plastering this site with arguments this site is noted for such things which stops people wanting to join. In all, calm down petal stop getting worked up other something you don't know about. As said feel free to pm me, there's enough stupid posts on this site without another one.
  10. Yeah sure would be if they were my own. Now you don't know me or what I do so keep ya snout out. Thank you
  11. Yeah sure would be if they were my own. Now you don't know me or what I do so keep ya snout out. Thank you
  12. As above 3 yr old Pm for details world below ground. This dog won't go to just anyone so no idiots please. Same circumstance as other ad Pms please
  13. 6 month old worker to worker bred, both parents work below ground. Only for sale as my cousin hasn't the time anymore since a new job. Pm for other info £200
  14. White dog in my avatar, digging work, fox only.. Pms please no messers and there's no rat here mate!
  15. Seasoned worker possibly for sale! Serious enquiries only, via pm No messers this is hard enough already!
  16. bought for me to use but I now have no use for it, pm for details real good quality unit made by patura never out the box
  17. http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/321374360163?nav=SEARCH
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