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Everything posted by bullgreyhoundxrotty

  1. hahaha what sort of idiot stands about for half an hour while their dog is dying????? end of the day if a dog runs behind a horses back leg its getting kicked, i wouldnt say sorry if any of my horses kicked a dog, dogs should know better i have 2, 5 and 6 month old pups if you want to replace yours, both used to horses stock broken. 5 m onth old is saluki/deerhound/greyhound and the 6 month is collie/greyhound x bull/greyhound.
  2. horses kick dogs, one of them things.
  3. just got online after months. will you be taking that bitch to the show at kineton?? her 2 sisters are going and maybe the 2 brothers. the brothers are 28 tts and the bitches about 25tts, one of the bitches looks real nice.
  4. sounds like you should get back withy her
  5. its ok saying that, i wouldnt sell mine either but i thought into future with mine and dont part with dogs here an there like its f**k all people need to think more before they take a dog on
  6. i had a litter of bullgreyhound x rotty and they are all looking like alaunts, who gives a s hit if these dogs do nothing or if they do, the guy is just selling his dogs whats the problem
  7. shes looking good mate , havent had internet for weeks so couldnt look at it. be good to see what she looks like when shes fully grown , the 2 big bitches are looking like alaunts, a guy about a mile from you had 2 sisters , both looking good, i will get some videos of them and photos to put up.
  8. A fair price if the dog is genuine, people are charging similar for 8 wk old balls of fluff. Folk on here are far too quick with the shit. cheers Grockle someone puts a post up and someones always ready to make a negative comment (like they are an expert on dogs they have never seen). its always the same people , i come on here every so often and its allways the same names on different posts. think some people need to spend more time out with their dogs and less time sat on their computers. good luck selling your dog
  9. i know siomeone with a husky x whippet if thats any good to you
  10. arse licker... lol nooo i hate people who bred for the money and not the work if people were going to breed for money they would not breed lurchers , they would breed french mastiffs, bulldogs , coton de tulear, bolognese, pugs, french bulldogs samoys ect ect surely people arent that simple that they would try and make money out of lurchers when there are other dogs that are alot more profitable and alot easier to sell , why dont you just put a post up with a price list of the most expensive dog breeds so the simple puppy peddlers understand and maybe go kc sites. and on tha
  11. im selling pups and now down to the last 2 and some woman has just said she doesnt want one now (after been really intrested) because the pup hasnt had its injections and she has 2 old dogs. have i got it wrong or is the injections to protect the pup and would not effect the older dogs if they were vaccinated?
  12. so what did this cross turn out like any photos???????????????????????
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